Books on Depression

Is there any decent literature that deals with depression as a central theme?

Maybe counts

Nope, there's never been any literature written about that. Kinda strange once you think about it.

Ecclisiastes from the Old Testament helped me out. Not big into biblical stuff either... "There is nothing new under the sun"

>Chad feels sad: the book
Yeah sure buddy. You gonna recommend Gatsby too?

No because I never read it. I included it because the narrator's depression and the themes that arise because of it are major themes.
Try posting something clever next time instead, okay?

Notes from the undergound
Barely Human

How is he a Chad?
He dropped out of school more than once and makes girls cry.

Over a thousand pages on what is basically depression, what causes it, how it manifests, how it might be handled. Very erudite and it would help a lot if you knew a fair bit of ancient history, but worth reading regardless. Made me cry quite a few times because you can tell it's empathetically written by someone who understands the quiet nuances of depression.

>If there is a hell on earth, it is to be found in the heart of a melancholy man.

There's no reason to be depressed in the summer (assuming it's summer where you live).

Thank you all, I will read those which I haven't read before.


Infinite jest, duh

Michel Houellebecq. His first two books crushed me (Whatever and Atomised). Proceed with Platform and Possibilty of an Island.

its 100 degrees and no girls I follow have posted bikini pics on instagram lately

Kek I wish

Boy howdy OP, I really scratched the ol' noggin there and nope, I can't think of ANY literature, ever, which has had depression as a central theme. Maybe you should write a book featuring a depressed moody protagonist alienated from the world, it'll surely be a bestseller with such a groundbreaking premise!

My book desu

No longer human


He may be autistic, but he could get pussy literally whenever.

You're right, the omnipresent forces of hell grasping my psyche and forcing me into the underworld coupled with the looming noose currently being tied around my neck don't exist because it's annoyingly hot outside, fuck off.

How about books on clinical depression? So far, I've only come across the "My life sucks and everything is pointless" sort. Even in acclaimed literature, it often feels like the author's just getting himself off on the idea that he's special.

Sylvia Plath's poetry is great.

I also recently read The Penguin Book of Chinese Verse, which was 90% about melancholy and loneliness, so that might suit you too.

Another great novel I read recently was To the Islands by Randolph Stow, which is about a priest who loses his faith, becomes depressed, nearly kills someone in a fight, and then flees into the desert to commit suicide, having countless existential episodes along the way. I've probably made it sound really lame by that description, but it is seriously a 10/10


>Is there any decent literature that deals with depression as a central theme?
Unfortunately not.


>Veeky Forums

How can you be this butthurt AND delusional?


I'm neither, tho.

Good Old Neon

This is horrible

How about elaborating in an attempt to perhaps convince us or make us smarter instead of sharing your shitty opinion nobody cares about?

A robot cries over girls.
A chad makes girls cry.

>lonely so he tries to have a conversation with a prostitute instead of fucking her
>does not fuck her, gets robbed and beat up by the pimp instead

Honestly best book being depressing, having depressed characted and focusing on describing depression is Journey to the End of the Night. Especially the Hollywood part.

summer is literally the most depressing season


Regions of Passion. Smashwords. Yes, I wrote it, but you asked,


not to meme peterson more, but you should watch some of his lectures. he is a meme political polemecist but generally an excellent model of a clinician

This is the best suggestion.

No Arvo Part? Disappointing (as if I needed another reason)...

does anyone else here have a hard time reading when they're depressed?

Awful slow-core crap

Pink Moon is good though but only depressing contextually


Welcome to the NHK
>inb4 light novel


Journey to the End of the Night.

my nigger