Who loves italian food?


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Speak the language of the free, faggot.

I'm Italian, do I count?
I also love thai, to name one.

Italians, probably.

>I'm Italian, do I count?
count in what way?

love it! i make bolognese sauce every week to feed myself on a budget in college
$10 wine; $3 on onion, garlic, carrot, and celery; $1 on tomato paste; $1 on noodles; $15 total(plus small amounts of olive oil, dry basil, and salt)
feeds me for 3-4 days


Wht noodles and ragu alla bolognese?? Nooooooo

shut up faggot they serve bolognese with ragu in bologna. tagliatelle. what the fuck ur problem,?

bitch noodles are different from Tagliatelle. In italy we don’t even have noodles. We have fetuccine, spaghetti, tagliatelle, pappardelle e via dicendo

You must misunderstanding my question to reply with that definition. What category are you asking if you count towards? Loving Italian food? If so, no that's not answering the question.

you're confusing 'noodle' with 'spaghetti'. noodle just means egg and flour mixed and folded into shapes. it could be any shape

Italian food is so fucking good. Speaking of, I've got a nice chianti, what should I cook to go with it?
I was thinking some kind of mackerel ravioli with spicy tomato sauce? But I'm open to whatever.

I ask forgiveness from all italians. So sorry

I reccomend beef stew with potatoes (spezzatino di manzo). It’s better drink chianti with meat

Classic sperg. Yeah of course I was asking if I count for the question "who loves italian food", and yeah I was ironic.

Most chianti are red. Pair with meat, dude.

literally everyone

Davvero! Italians do it better


wop food is best food imho desu senpai, up there with US bbq and cajun/seafood.

Italian is the best food then japanese

what you name bolognese is not realy italian, like pizza with anana, try this :

>half italian
>allergic to tomatoes
>but love dairy
evens out i guess

chinese is better

They’re american, unfortunately they do not understand our language and our taste

it's italian. it's what they serve in bologna. i've been to Bologna and Ravenna and been served beef ragu like how I described. you are another elitist italian who thinks he knows americans. you probably confused "bolognese sauce" with "american meat sauce", which is just tomato sauce and beef.

Not a bolognese without a meat friendo. You've got a Marinara sauce

yeah I forgot about the beef and pork in my haste to make the cost low. it comes out to more like $22 CAD

Marinara sauce ahahahaha. No pls. Doesnt exist marinara sauce in italy. Only The pizza marinara

You're not Italian if you don't make a Sunday gravy.

Its ok. Then Dont call it bolognese

it is bolognese, obviously i put beef and pork in. i'm saying I forgot to include it on the quickly written Veeky Forums ingredient list. do you think im eating onion and celery sauce?

If you make a sunday gravy you probably are not italian. You are italoamerican, so you are not italian. Dont piss me off

American can eat anything, so yes

anyone can eat anything. i think your grandparents realized that when they starved in war-torn Italy, the last time the country was relevant.

Spaghetti is garbage pasta. Linguine and fettuccine are the superior noodle pasta; gemelli and penned are the best non-noodle pasta.

Look at this giamook, doesn't even have a Sunday gravy. Listen pal, you might live in Italy but you can't call yourself an Italian.

Go ahead and do yourself a favor. Go give your mother and father a slap for raising you like a no-good chooch

You’re kinda touchy

I agree, angel hair and cavatappi are definitely better

LMAO I get that reference dude!!!!

I disagree with angel hair, it's pretty much bottom of the barrel for me and I'd rather have spaghetti. But I've never heard of cavatappi, looks good.

That doesn't look like Italian food.
It looks like shit faggotry from the lower west side of Manhattan or San Francisco.
They both get a lot of tourists and that's about making money.

Dude. Italians u have to understand that there’s a difference between italians from italy and italians from America.

We all like good food. If it tastes good, fuck it.

Angel hair is good with lighter sauces and seafood

gravy is not a thing in Italy

discord , gg /zkQt7KC

>Italians from America

Those are Americans.

Americans who wish to be italians

>durr Italians don't it
>therefore it can't be done
Grow up. Pasta is like bread. You can eat it however you want.

I got the feeling, staying in a rural part of Italy for a week, that they only eat twice a day, at around 12 and 20. This might be the reason why the only things those greasy fucks eat is carbs and olyoil. The real traditional food they have is pretty lackluster, and nothing you'll find in Rome won't be traditional

What are you saying? I live in Milano (Italy) and I eat pasta every day. The dish you eat in rome are traditional rome dishes. Every city in Italy have its traditional dish. For example in Milano we eat Cotoletta alla Milanese and Risotto.

Fuck off, cucina povera is based as fuck. The more traditional the better usually.

As long as it's not prepared by Italians, those lazy buggers can't do anything properly

Also in Milano you eat shit faggot.

>Using high quality wine for cooking
>Or alternatively dumping an entire bottle in your bolognese
Stop that

Why do you type like you just had a stroke?

No such thing.

your fucking father motherfucker

Does anyone have the source of the Italian lady "chef" that fried an onion in oil and used a couple cans of Constentina Tomato Sauce? I thought her name was Marie.

If her name was Marie she wasn't italian at all.

>Who loves italian food?
I must
My bitch says I have a fetish for it