Are stick figure crayon drawings with square+triangle house and circle+rays sun some kind of jungian archetype of the...

Are stick figure crayon drawings with square+triangle house and circle+rays sun some kind of jungian archetype of the collective unconcious

Mommy and Daddy certainly are. Home probably is too.

The sun gives energy to life, which I think everything in the biosphere can appreciate.

The tree is because we still have that monkey-wiring

No you profane and vulgar cimean!

The tree is first in line before the father, then the mother, then the child.

The tree is a symbol of life, nurture, growth.

also my only exposure to Jung has been via Peterson

is the tree the symbol of nurture because we nurture them, or because they nurture us?

Also, what's your take on the sun?

The tree is a phallic symbol.
So is the house.

it is said in occult writings that the human body is an inverted tree, with the brain as the seed and the nervous circulatory respiratory systems are like their branches or their roots

yes the sun is a libido symbol encompassed by the rays which are of course phallic in nature. The house is a devouring mother symbol and in this particular picture the tree is also a mother symbol, protected by the parents which are representative of the incest prohibition of the son (like the snake). The son psychologically desires the mother symbol of the tree but is prohibited by the incest prohibition. The bars on the windows of the house also represent this prohibition and the door is an archetypal depiction of the mothers womb which the hero must re-enter in order to attain immortality

What a bunch of horseshit

What about the grass? Or the doors and windows?

The not so interesting answer is they're probably just drawing things that are simple enough for kids to draw

lol this is the answer, however
On a billion fridges around the world you will see this kind of drawing

It makes me wonder if there is something naively profound about it

The grass is just a bunch of tiny dicks.


*takes a hit*...

...everything is a penis...

the grass is a symbol for the phallus (Osiris's phallus) unatainable for the sun god (osiris) which only through the help of the son (horus) can the father be reborn as nephthys

Trees nurture themselves.

I can not explain it. I would only recommend "The Hermetic Tradition" by Julius Evola to truly understand symbolism and its meanings. Kings symbols are the psyche projection of the symbols Evola writes about.

Akin to what this guy is saying.
Symbolism is not singular in meaning. But has an underlining principal to it.

Fraud Jew pervert psychology.


Jew (noun):
Someone smarter than me who I don't like

You are using Freud psychologynot Jungian metaphysical truth.

>t. Jewish pervert.

Thats exactely how jung viewed the metaphysical substrata, please actually read him before trying to say something isnt Jungian. If i remember correctly Jung believed the mother was an archaic rebirth symbol and his conceptualisation of the libido isnt specifically freudian, he didnt view either as strictly sexual


What the fuck is all this symbolic nonsense. We draw the Sun as a circle with rays because that's what it looks like. We draw a house as a square with a triangle because that's what it looks like.
Jung was wrong about everything

>We draw the Sun as a circle with rays because that's what it looks like.
Not really. When did you look at the sun and see a yellow sphere emanating yellow lines?