What do you think my attempt at ‘boiled dinner’, Veeky Forums

What do you think my attempt at ‘boiled dinner’, Veeky Forums.
Apparently it’s popular in New England.

New Hampshire reporting in
The only acceptable leaf in boiled dinner is cabbage, also more potatoes and maybe another vegetable


7/10 would eat
Never heard of a "boiled dinner" in Bongland.. what does it involve?

New Hampshire fag here again

Usually ham hock or some sort of pot roast, cabbage, vegetables vary but you also NEED potatoes

ma poster
most people just eat fast food

Throw it in the bin. Or at least serve the meal appropriate.

Is this some poor imitation of irish stew?

never heard of boiled dinner but I'd count corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots as a top tier "boiled dinner"

Would eat with 2 beers on a cold night.

That looks half decent OP. I'd eat that without second thoughts.

Boiled must be a regional dialect or something because those potatoes are clearly fried

The north eastern US has some strange food nicknames. For example, they call hamburgers "steamed hams" in upstate New York.


delightfully devilish

I'm living in Utica and I never hear people say "steamed hams".

2 beers? That's kinda scary Sweet Pea. Everything ok?

IIRC, it is more of an Albany thing.

It's pronounced "croissant"

Im from PEI (east coast canada), boiled dinners here are potatoes, carrots and cod boiled in the same pot.

4/10 for the attempt

xD I also watch The Simpsons

What is a boiled dinner and do you use the same pot to cook everything?

Looks nice user. Did you make the gravy from scratch?

It is a tough cut of meat with root vegetables boiled or braised together in the same pot. Almost every country probably has some variation on that same thing.