There are 2 kinds of writers

There are 2 kinds of writers.

Those don't like writing but like having written. They like possessing stuff. If they were rich they would quit being writers and commission people instead.

And those who like to write. They don't care much about the work itself, but rather use it as a tool to communicate with people and socialize. Improving is not about being good at it, but about relation to people.

This is absolute and there are no in-betweens. If you don't completely enjoy writing at all times, you're not really a writer.

>There are 2 kinds

>I can't accept dichotomies when they're staring him in the face

¡Vete con viento fresco!

You slipped a little there, user. I think we all know why

I don't like writing, but I absolutely would never commission ghost writers. Writing is far too personal for me.

Well, hope you enjoyed the last sentence of the OP then

What I I hate writing, but it's the only way I know to express myself?

>psued churns out complete shit
>at least I'm a real writer because I'm enjoying myself!

Kys desu

He may not be a great writer, but he's a truer writer than one that actually has to "force" themselves to sit down and write.

Those people make me sick and honestly bring shame to the profession.

>This is absolute and there are no in-betweens. If you don't completely enjoy writing at all times, you're not really a writer.

You literally just defined that person as a type of writer

I don't have to force myself to do it but i still don't due it often
I really enjoy the act but the thought of it makes me anxious
Anxious about writing awful work

So i usually just get drunk and then write for hours and then edit sober. tis fun.

There are 2 kinds of garbage men.

Those who don't like collecting garbage but like having collected it. They like possessing stuff. If they were rich they would quit being garbage men and commission people instead.

And those who like to collect garbage. They don't care much about the work itself, but rather use it as a tool to communicate with people and socialize. Improving is not about being good at it, but about relation to people.

This is absolute and there are no in-betweens. If you don't completely enjoy collecting garbage at all times, you're not really a garbage man.

No you thick donkey. What about writers that write for self-reflection? What about philosophers and historians? Do they not enjoy their writing but only, as you say, use it to communicate and socialize?

What about writers that like writing but are experiencing writers block? Are they not really writers because they don't enjoy writers block?

Really really black and white thinking donkey.

So basically, it's those who enjoy creating vs those who enjoy having created. The question I have to ask is; why can't you be both?


>I know people's motivations
What are you huh, some kinda brain mesheen?

This is what people say. They're are people out there right now who say "Writing is hard and I don't enjoy it all" but still consider themselves writers.

I like to write at night and feed them to the shredder in the morning.

If you are not tortured by the process of your work at least some of the time, you are not an artist.

You might be a writer, though, in the same way that a blogger is a writer.

I want to fuck 2b's ass
