Saw a dude jump onto the subway tracks and an hero this morning. any books for that feel...

saw a dude jump onto the subway tracks and an hero this morning. any books for that feel. everything seems so fake now its weird. mfw he jump. I couldn't believe my eyes.

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mfw they clean him up and tell everyone there's a delay

So? What are you like, traumatized now or something? That's really played out dude.

Have a little more humanity. user probably just witnessed his first death.

NYC by chance?

I dont think so. just heard someone run and i looked up because why would you run and he just jumped down and vroom train went right into him. and of course i was the only person there at the time to see this. i just got up and left and walked to work. seeing all the rekt threads really doesnt prepare you for seeing it first hand.yeah i looked on the ttc twitter they call it a personal injury at track level.

Did anyone lol?

toronto. i go after to get a coffee and some lady is all pissy because theres a line. like lady shut the fuck up and chill out someone just died jesus christ you will get your coffee and be okay.

no you nigger, my end i was the only person there. its a really dead station.

Once I was waiting for the subway and I heard the annoucemnt for a delay. Someone next to me said "most likely a suicide this early in the morning", I responded "lucky bastard" was the first thing that occured to me to say.

I realized then that I might be depressed.

New york city trains recently started not lying about it. Even though everyone knows when it happens it's more humanizing to hear it announced.

what i want to know is whether or not he paid his fare. because at my entrance its only presto turnstiles that you can easily hop over.

That's funny, I've seen a few incidents of murder and a few dead bodies in my travels but they didn't seem to affect me. Death seems pretty natural tbqh

I'm always more happy than sad for people who commit suicide. Their pain is over. Sucks for family and whatnot but they wouldn't have gone through with it if there was hope.

unironically the irrelevant chris fogle novella/soliloquy.

im not too bad. im fine. but just that fucking picture of him jumping down and the goddamn pitter patter of running feet that made me look up really pisses me off. i will not forget this. how inconsiderate.

>being this much of an edgy tryhard

fuckin wew


You dumbass. There is always hope. Just because you read le sad books about dying doesn't mean that suicide deserves any kind of pity.

>not poetically trying to contextualize those events in your life

So many robots on this board lol

I'm talking about perception and feeling you emotional degenerate

My great great uncle just died of natural causes a few days ago, one week after a failed suicide attempt in his nursing home, and I got weird looks when I said I was happy for him. The nursing attendants even said that he didn't really seem depressed at all. The guy was just ready to go, and I'm glad he got to sign off his final chapter.

Yeah. I mean no one chooses to live but you CAN choose to die which is pretty fucking rad if you think about it. It's the best gift you can ever give yourself. I hope I live long enough to decide that being old is boring and go out on my terms.

One time a nigger was smoking in the L, and some bitch told him to stop. But he didn't stop, so the bitch and I just walked to a different car, because I don't want to smell like cancer and neither did she.

>its a really dead station

I'll say

I hope he blew smoke in your face

Lol you got straight CHAD'd let a nigga jus be

This is why smokers are alpha.
So what, he'll leave this miserable planet 5 years before you. What are you going to do with those 5 extra years on him?
Oh that's right, you'll be a dumb faggot.

I was riding the subway with a girl once and the train announced that their would be a delay due to a "personal injury at track level" and I had to explain to her that someone killed themselves.

All jokes aside I'm sorry you went through that user, that's some horrible shit to see. Feel bad for these conductors too. Hope you're alright.

TTC has way too many jumpers man. sorry you had to see that.


Damn Toronto sounds like my kinda town

>just got up and walked to work
>not calling your boss and getting an extra day off because you just saw someone get pasted by a train
Good job

>they wouldn't have gone through with it if there was hope
That's wrong user. Speaking from personal experience just because you can't find a way to get better doesn't mean there isn't one.

I am my boss.


This happened at my university twice in one year. One girl jumped to her death from the top of the library and another student who sat next to me was apparently struck dead by a drunk driver as he was leaving a party. Very depressing.

My uncle with who I had lived in same room for the last 2 years killed himself two days after I called him worthless lazy piece of shit who is always running away from responsibilities and making up excuses.

You sound pretty guilty and torn up about it. It's not your fault.

read the pale king

>i just got up and left and walked to work.

strong empathy bro


Guy should have tried to beat the bloor street viaduct suicide prevention fence. Jumping in front of trains is just mean to the conductor and people in the station.

In terms of books for that feel, I guess Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus would be topical. I couldn't name a novel for an hero feels.

Anna Karenina not feels wise but content wise

How are you supposed to empathise with a dead person

Doesn't sound edgy at all

>being proud of being a robot but with your actions controlled disproportionately by base emotions

>who is always running away from responsibilities

We'll... You're not wrong




Kai remember how A Series of Unfortunate Events ripped this gag off. Really jogs the nogg

Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby.

No one jumps in front of a train, but the feel fits.

Cancer isn't something that you're fine and then suddenly you die. It's slow.

This came to mind yes

It can be faster if you don't take any treatment for it.

Did you witness the death?
I've seen stray dogs chew up a dead body while I was eating in northern India. Didn't bother me. Watching someone die of unnatural causes most likely would

Its not edgy to be edgy anymore. We're post post modern now.

I am sorry you had to witness that, user. Hope you're doing okay.

David Means has a story called "Railroad Incident August 1995." It's basically about the relationship between a bunch of people who are involved in an accident (sort of) similar to what you witnessed. I don't want to spoil anything though. It's one of the best short stories I've ever read. Very mindfucky and just stunning. His whole collection "Assorted Fire Events" is great. Not sure it's exactly what you need, seeing as you just went through it, but read it when you can.


oh yeah guess he should have got down on the tracks and given him mouth to mouth you fucking retard

how you want to do it

Not OP but thanks for that.

Why does the world still seem "fake"? I thought this effect of seeing the an hero would fade away by now. It's hard to explain the feeling. Almost like I am Truman from the Truman show and everyone else is an actor. It's similar to a feeling I got from magic mushrooms when I was a teen. Almost like they secretly know what o saw and are acting a part. Shit is weird.