Recommend me some Veeky Forums related reads

Recommend me some Veeky Forums related reads.

I already asked Veeky Forums and didn't get a response.

please respond

Start with the Jews. Who's the cute girl?

american psycho

Start with the Jews

if you want to understand business you need to understand international jewry. I'd suggest 'the interational jew' by Henry Ford, 'culture of critique' (this will give you some perspective into the psychology of jews and why they don't want whites to have our own ethnostate. it's also one of Veeky Forums's big 4 must read books) and 'on the jews and their lies' by luther for some insight into the history of jewish activity

you want a serious answer?
this is the book you need

ignore all the books like "rich dad poor dad" or whatever. they are just homespun wisdom and made-up anecdotes wrapped up in a veneer of businessy language.

i think it's out of print now (and may be a bit dated) but the motley fool investment guide is a good read too

you sound like a loony

Unironically? The Art of the Deal

Damn, I wanted to say that one.

lol at discouraging someone from buying pop homespun pseudoscience while recommending a guide from the financial times



Intelligent Investor by Graham
or just index funds and forget about it idk

>when you are too stupid to into dynamic systems, statistical analysis, game theory and graph theory so you end up just reading a bunch of bullshit instead.
The problem with business is people who are intelligent enough to do it right find it disgusting.


Came here to post this.

Business is mathematics by retards (unless you do quant stuff)

good list

The list literally contains books who will tell you do exact opposite things

All are hosted on soulseek right now

catch-22 has a couple of hilarious Veeky Forums chapters


always important to read what Young Krug's thought are on the world of today so that you know what he's going to be correcting himself on in a few years.

most of those books have zero practical value