I stopped drinking; so should you

>how many lives will we save today edition --

last thread 404'd - keep up the good work gentlemen.

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Wow so you're on your high horse because you don't drink. Maybe just let people do what they want to do

Haha wow the irony.

most people don't end up having a problem with drinking, user

>quit drinking on NFL Conference Championship Sunday

get bent, you teetotaling nerd.

getting toasted while watching scantily-clad big burly men wrastle over an olong ball.

cheers user, u go big chief.

Sobriety is for people who would rather quit than exercise their willpower. Aka lazy fatasses.

>scantily clad

Never watched football, huh?

>be me
>drink a little
>graduate college
>can't get a job
>spiral out of control from boredom
>drinking 2-3 fifths of bottom-shelf vodka every week while sending out job apps
>upgrade to 1.75ml handles of bottom-shelf whiskey

>lost 20lbs and my hairline(seriously, I lost a lot of fucking hair)

>2018 hits
>decide to stop drinking for health reasons

>hair magically starts returning
>mood improves

>still jobless tho lolololol

I quit coke and smoking. That's enough for one lifetime.
Also, you're a faggot.


It's called moderation :D




nothing like boredom to kill a person

>only a handle a week
>somehow lost weight

Sounds like you actually had your drinking under control.

This is a daily reminder to everyone that alcohol is for cucks and pussies too afraid to confornt their problems head on. Instead they just use alcohol to calm their babby selves. If you drink alcohol then you're a useless burden on society. sober up or kys.

I quit quitting drinking. Is what close enough Ran Ran Bo Bandy?

Think I hit my limit over the weekend when I mixed rum and bourbon (do not recommend). Got all kinds of fucked up. Gonna have a beer or something every now and again, no more alcohol in my house unless its a special occasion. I just get too greedy and consume way more than I should when its that easily accessible. Here's hoping.

Please tell me you drank one after the other, not that you literally mixed the two spirits together.

How do I enjoy being sober?

Wish I could say I did.

Go back in time and become a child again.

Lord. Maybe it's a good idea you stick to beer then.

If I can help it, I'll cut it all out all together and get back in shape.

One of the joys of childhood was distracting my dad for a second only to suck the foam off his beer.

Good times.

>to suck the foam off his beer.
is that what he called it? lol

>things everyone says after binging but do it again in a week or two.

You know this to be true.

The reason why I practically stopped drinking (I drink socially but I'm a fucking hermit so there's that) is because of how much it affects protein synthesis. If I'm going to try hard I think that I should do everything which I can outside of the gym to maximize the progress which I make.
It's embarrassing how many of the positive changes which I've made in my life are motivated solely by my desire to grow larger and stronger.
Relevant studies:

How's that ironic

I discovered that weed is much better because you can masturbate on it and no hangover. I don't abstain completely tho, scotch and good beer is pretty comfy every once in a while.

I have heard of the hairloss thing with some fellow alcoholics but it has never affected me.

What liberal arts degree did you do if you can't find a job?

Hitler was a teetotaller

alcohol tastes disgusting, don't know how people do it

Depends what you're drinking

You'll develop your palate when you're a little older.

I'm about to be 22

I've tried all hard liquours, some beers, several different types of wines, it just leaves awful aftertastes and tastes bitter and like concentrated soap.

Like I have tried a pina colada with alcohol and a pina colada without; the alcohol just added this weird taste that stopped the full enjoyment of the drink. You might as well not drink it.

Schnapps, taste like a fucking jolly rancher.

Just be careful, you don't know how drunk you're getting, until it's too late.

Though I recommend you just not drink to be honest, but if you want something that a 3 year old could handle, schnapps taste good.

I probably won't ever drink, even if it tastes like candy. Just seems pointless when I can just drink water and save my calories for food, or have a milkshake. I love strawberry milk too. Mmmmmmmmmmm

>about to be 22

You're almost out of childhood, but some people develop faster than others. Don't let it get you down.

You might be allergic to alcohol then

>Be 24
>Never had alcohol ever
>Literally no interest in ever trying it

Everyone that knows me thinks its weird that I hold such a view, I just think that they're all degenerates.

You don't have any friends because you actually use the word "degenerates", not because you don't drink.

I never said I didn't have any friends, but some of them are indeed objectively degenerate.

thats not what control looks like

>I never said I didn't have any friends

You didn't have to.

all those anons in the alck generals are far from moderation.
if you dont think this thread isnt for you then just hide it but dont pretend like this isnt necessary on this board

you just told OP what he should do

true that

I'm in my mid 20s and after starting early and hard with alcohol (I raged when I was younger; 14-19), I've really lost my desire to get drunk. I'll still drink a beer with a meal from time to time, or during a board game night get into some bourbon, but I'm well past the crescendo of desire to drink with any regularity.

This is nice too because it helps save money, and all the alcohol I drink is upper shelf. Which as a poorfag I wouldn't be able to food if I drank regularly.

Not that guy, but normative moral relativism is a crock of shit and you know it

>Haven't been able to taste beer so haven't drunk for four months due to rhinitus out of nowhere.
>People can taste fine but choose to not drink beer not because they don't like it but self-righteous moralfaggotry

Kill yourselves.

gonna read now

>looking forward to the day my limbs look like condoms filled with walnuts