Is the a book where the author tackles the question of why we exist beyond "cuz biology bro"?

Is the a book where the author tackles the question of why we exist beyond "cuz biology bro"?

The Bible

you're retarded

What's so unsatisfying about biology? Biology isn't even about "why", just "how".

besides that

I know this question might not have an answer but I'm still interested to know what people think and why

I have nothing against it, but biology doesn't really explain why just how

OP I am being 10000% fucking serious when I tell you.




Life exists to minimize free energy ala Bayesian inference and sign logic, giving contextual meaning to information in order to maintain a steady state far from thermodynamic equilibrium

Your question is not right. You are asking a question which is by default answered by either faith or biology.

You ought to ask if there is some sort of meaning to our existence.

And it's pure chance. We weren't created intentionally. Searching for meaning in something meaningless is crazy.

Believe what you want, you give the meaning to what you desire.

You also may read more before asking such a question.


don't know what that means, where can I read more about it?

tell me what to read

We exist only to bring about a technological singularity, then we will die

Whatever you feel like.
I shouldn't have said read more, i should have said think more.

free energy principle + biosemiotics and throw in some cybernetics


Yeah, the Eridu Genesis

We exist because some Mesopotamian deities needed an animal to perform hard labor for them, but then we got too noisy, and they tried to exterminate us. They failed and we've continued to exist to the present day.

Most philosophy?

Perhaps start with Plato and Aristotle?

A self replicating series of proteins, forming a single cell within the surface level of a body of water, are altered by the sun's radiation in a way which causes the chemical process to become aware of itself. This would have felt as flash of blinding light before the alteration was accepted and the cell became 'itself' again.

You are energy. You are an excitement born of, and within, a moment without equilibrium. A moment of light in dark. A voice of self overpowering an indistinguishable sursurrus of voices.

So get a job, pay taxes, get married, have missionary sex solely for procreation, invest in big business, spoil your children, and hand them down a fortune to waste in drug-induced clueless decadence granted by the companies you invested in.

Or fight the power, grow your own crops and livestock, invest in local and community driven businesses, go off-grid, donate to 0% profit charities, willingly become celibate, devote your life to the betterment of man to hand down a legacy for future generations to study, grow and learn from.

Who really knows?


nigga who's "we", only you exist

Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe

Read that.

But according the Bible, you exist to praise the orchestrator of the Bible. An evidently cruel orchestrator, given He made the the dullest book in the history of literature. Seriously, each episode following the fickle God and his chosen people as they fight assorted unbelievers has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the book's only consistency is its lack of excitement and ineffective use of prophecies, all to make miracles unmiraculous, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when God vetoed the idea of Satan directing the book; He made sure the book would never be mistaken for a work that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross promotion for His ideology. The Bible might be pro-Gnostic (or not), but it's certainly the most anti-Greek pantheon in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the prose was good though


The writing is dreadful, the book was terrible.
As I read, I noticed that every time a character had a child, the author wrote instead that the character "begat". I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times.

I was incredulous. God's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that He has no other style of writing. Later, I read a loving, lavish review of the Bible by Joseph Smith. He wrote something to the effect of "if these kids are reading the Bible at 11 or 12, then when they got older they will go on to read golden plates". And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read the Bible, you are, in fact, trained to read Joseph Smith.

>A self replicating series of proteins, forming a single cell within the surface level of a body of water, are altered by the sun's radiation in a way which causes the chemical process to become aware of itself. This would have felt as flash of blinding light before the alteration was accepted and the cell became 'itself' again.

Well, lets ignore the absurd notion that rocks plus slime plus time could eventually turn themselves into Mozart and notice that OP is asking a more fundamental question, he's asking "why", how is such a thing even possible? Why is there something rather than nothing, why does he himself even exist, what determined it? You have to go to final, fundamental causes, it can't be an appeal to "his parents had sex" because his parents had no clue who he was or how to make him, and if nature is just blind chance and unconscious then it doesn't know how to make him either and has no reason to make him.

this is excellent

Read Wittgenstein to understand that you're asking the wrong question.
Read Foucault to understand that every answer science can give you is temporary
Read Popper to understand that science can't give answers

Why would you want to read such a book? No one has the answer to that.

if you want to be a fuckwit skeptic why read anything at all?

Your post said literally the same thing as the post you're bashing and quoting, except that post actually had a point and said something. If you deny evolution, that's your own fault. But natural selection is real, and entropy is the driving force of the universe. For logic to be it must arise from chance.
There is no 'why' outside whatever you decide it to be.

Possible science explanation: there is an infinite amount of universes, all of them different from each other, and we happen to be in a particularly rare and interesting one. In such a rare and interesting universe, the inhabitants would of course even themselves be astonished at their luck.

Religion explanation: the universe isn't created randomly from the bottom up, but meaningfully from the top up (that is, meaning and consciousness (in the form of God) is first, and then creates the universe purposefully to manifest other consciousnesses within it).

Not too hard.

I'm not a skeptic. I believe science can explain what's going on, but can't really into causes of what's happening. Also I believe science can determinate the (conventional, Humobviously) rules of the game, but the rules are built around our standards of logic, so it's a tool like another. We can use science to explore the deep universe for what we think it is now or to improve our life quality. This doesn't mean that what we think is correct now will be correct tomorrow


How is that notion absurd?

its a very beautiful thing when you understand it. The purpose of life in general is to interpret meaning. This compliments the way it has been poetically put by anyone who thinks about their own particular life hard enough.
>the meaning of life is the meaning you give to it.
i dont think that a character as supposedly logical as Spock would make the syntactical errors i made. I meant to say
"Life exists to minimize free energy by giving contextual meaning to information ala Bayesian inference and sign logic, in order to maintain a steady state far from thermodynamic equilibrium. It also doesn't communicate what i want to say, even if the reader was hip to the jargon, they still would not get that biosemiotic is a virtual entity with a triadic structure (sensu pierce) that emerges from the inference of meaning from the dynamic analysis of a sequence of data and thus, biosemiosis cybernetically governs the way life interprets this freshly signified meaning in the future.
even that is a very bad communication, im simply not good enough to transcribe it into a reader friendly form.

The same goes for capitalism and artificial intelligence

bad pasta

highly advanced pasta fusion

not really, the only things implicit to capitalism is the legal construct of privatized property in a market type economy(capital), its the living agents within a capitalist economy that do the interpreting, an ecological process((an incredibly fucked up and backwards one(were all devo)
>artificial intelligence
does not have semiotics as of now.

I disagree

Is this really a question or am I interpreting it wrong? There's a fuck ton of philosophy on this subject, just look it up desu

Next time I read the Old Testament I'm taking this lens where Yahweh isn't all powerful and simply wants to be rid of us but can't, and what's recorded in the Bible is theology later developed by humans after God left rationalizing his cruelties and hatred as love.

comforting post desu

Love these posts.

That is terrifying.