Not eating your sides first

>Not eating your sides first
>Eating everything all together

Protein first

>get sandwich
>take the buns off and eat them first

>eating sides
This is why you're fat.

>mfw I eat the burger first before I even touch my fries and drink

>not saving a small bit of every part of the meal to eat in one go at the end

If you haven't tried this, do it. It's called a pudding piece and it's mindblowing

>not deconstructing your whole meal on your plate and eating the individual components

>Not Drinking Your Meal

I try a bit of everything first, and then proceed accordingly, leaving a bite of the best part for last to finish the meal.

>not asking the waiter the correct order to eat your meal in

>not rectally inserting your food

>eating more than one rice grain at once
do you even savor your food you fat pig

Unironically do this with delivery pizza

>eating food

>not realizing the main dish is actually the side dish to your side dishes


>not using your culinary injector to directly deliver food to your bloodstream

>implying thats used on the veins and not as a sounding device that also gives you nutrients

>Eating your mum.

i dont know if your memeing but my friend eats all his pizza with a fork, starting from topping to cheese to tomatoe bread

Eat shit

>Not blending your meal into a fine paste

That's how I eat too

>he doesn't filter feed food particles in the air

You monster

This ×∞

>bite burger
>immediately stuff fry in mouth
>sip from coke to wash it all down
>sip from milkshake to cleanse taste pallet and restart

>go to arbys
>get 3 beef and chedders, few potato cakes
>mop up dripped sauce with one potato cake
>sprinkle dropped beef bits on another cake
>make another sandwich from potato cake

a vicious cycle