Does anyone here eat two dinners? For first dinner I had some roast beef, mashed potato, and string beans...

Does anyone here eat two dinners? For first dinner I had some roast beef, mashed potato, and string beans. Now before bed I'm cooking some sausages to eat with the leftover mash.

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No fattie.

pre-dinner snack
post-dinner snack

So entree, first course, second course, dessert. That's classier than most of Veeky Forums, desu.

im a member of the al/ck/ threads, but i can see we are on the same level of degeneracy

its not your fault.

corn dog at home
extra value meal, eat it in the car
single serving pizza back at home
ice cream sandwich

>its not your fault.
No, it very much is.
Until you accept that you are the root cause of your problems, you will never get better.

Usually I'll skip breakfast, sometimes lunch. then once dinner time comes around I'll eat twice 4 hours apart. so yes I do eat two dinners.

I do that sometimes. 290 lb weakling here.

By definition, dinner is the largest meal of the day (whenever it's eaten). So it's structurally impossible to have two dinners. What you're actually having is dinner, then a large supper shortly after (supper is typically a smaller meal, often just a snack, consumed late in the day / evening, while dinner is in most places equivalent to what an American might call a late lunch.)

>no breakfast
>First dinner at work 12pm
>Get home second dinner at 7pm

210lbs fatty

Where do you get your definition from? I know some define it as a midday meal and some define it as a night meal, but I've never heard it defined as the biggest meal.

second breakfast

The absolute state of Americans

I eat whatever the fuck I fucking want in whatever the fuck fucking quantity I fucking want whenever the fuck I fucking feel like

Yeah? Don't ever talk to a doctor. Your freedom will be robbed from you.

I cram pork fat into my rectum greased by ranch dressing.

Yeah but I'm like 140 lbs

I don't eat dinner. I eat when I'm hungry.

Second dinner is probably my absolute worst habit. If I go to bed with a caloric deficit it's very hard for me to get to sleep which was no big deal the first time I got Veeky Forums ten years ago but now that I'm married with kids and responsibilities I can't just stay up smoking weed and working out until I crash. I've been seriously considering using sleeping pills as a diet method because I know for an absolute fact this is my number 1 obstacle.

q.v. "dining"

You're the punchline to a soulbrothanumbuh3 vid

>tfw stopped eating garbage
>started lifting
>went from 210lbs->170lbs and got actual muscle mass now

How does it feel to be obese OP?

Breakfast - 7am.
Second breakfast - 9 am.
Elevenses - 11 am.
Lunch - 1 pm.
Afternoon tea - 3pm.
Dinner - 6 pm.
Supper - 9 pm

Seems like you already know right?

I'm not sure where I first learned that. The Wikipedia page for Dinner confirms it, and it's in the oxford dictionary (the largest or main meal of the day, regardless of timing, but generally an evening meal in much of the US, unlike in most parts of the world where the early afternoon meal is largest.)

You can also look at the US phrase "Sunday Dinner" which happens around 3 or 4, or accounts from the Victorian period where it was said that "a poor man's supper is a civilized man's dinner hour" reflecting the fact that the upperclass at the time made a habit of keeping extremely late hours for parties and such.

"Dinner" comes from old French "Disner" meaning essentially "to dine" while "Sup" reflects a common practice especially on farms or in poorer households, to cook a soup through the day with the remains of the first, larger meal and to "sup" or to drink the soup before retiring to bed.

Interesting stuff in this thread about regional variances (especially between the American South and North-East) in how the terms are casually used.

For a perfect example of this in practice, look at Comida in Mexico. That's a "dinner" in the conventional sense.

No, fat hobbit.

Ate a frozen dinner last night because I work late. It wasn't very filling so ended up having a sandwich too.

How do you have this much time? Why wouldn't you just cook it all at once? Genuinely curious do you spend every evening in the kitchen/eating for 3-4 hours?

I only eat when I'm hungry so no

are you ok??

I eat once a day, fatass.

>sitting at home one day
>make a ton of pasta with pesto and eat it all
>mom comes home like 10 mins later and says her friend invited us to go to dinner and a movie
>eat another dinner + movie popcorn
Shit was so cash

So, what did your mom's bf, Tyrone, order for dinner?

I dink a bottle of chai Soylent for breakfast, and a bottle of nectar Soylent for lunch, then for dinner I drink a bottle of original and a bottle of nectar Soylent mixed in a big glass. I snack on edamame, cacao Soylent, chicken nuggets dipped in 'cha or 'vark sauce, and ramen cooked in Soylent original before bed.

Post tits


His organs aren’t

I have 5-6 meals a day but then again i'm an autistic lifter.

No brunch or midnight snacks?

Fucking fatties make me sick. I eat only once per day, usually after I get home from work, so at 22:00 or so. Some days I might be too tired to bother cooking / washing so I just go to sleep early and then eat the next day a bit earlier.

I try to control my portion sizes but sometimes I eat too much and I feel a bit guilty. My goal is to go for less than 1200 calories day.

I weight 50 kgs.

>I weight 50 kgs.


You are tired because you eat too little.
Also you are seriously underweight, unless you are a woman/manlet.

Americans don't say mash idiot.

>pre-dinner snack

your post made me think of pic related, which I had to read in elementary school