I fucking suck at chess. What books will make me a better player quickly?

I fucking suck at chess. What books will make me a better player quickly?

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game of thrones

you asked

chess.com subscription

the art of chess by general tso

chess youtube channels
watching professional matches
have a high iq

a lot of competitive video games have a much larger amount of variables to manipulate than chess, play those instead if you want to actually challenge your IQ and ability to learn, I'd recommend Dota 2

>chess youtube channels
Which ones?
>watching professional matches
>have a high iq

Don't listen to this guy, OP. I've been playing chess competitively for years (since age 6 or 7) and I've never found chess to be particularly mentally stimulating.
>Wow, you play chess, user? You must be so intellectual.
I hate this meme. Creativity in chess is only possible in either amateur games where neither player is familiar with many opening strategies, or at an exceptionally high level of play: Grandmasters (2600 ELO and above), pick obscure openings to catch their opponents off guard because they may be more familiar with those lines than others. It's purely memorisation, don't fall for the "being smart makes you a good chess player" meme.

Simple chess

Go there lichess.org/ and lose. Then copy what your opponents did, until you start losing against better ones. Repeat.

Learn GO instead. Chess is baby town.


Nimzowitsch, etc.

No, chess is a more interesting game. Go's so-called "depth" only comes from the dark corner cases where the rules are ambiguous. Once you clean up the rule inconsistencies in Go (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dots_(game)) it's painfully obvious that it's a shallow game of nothing but boring tactical computation.

That said, both games have toxic metagames, where the optimal way to play them is also the most soul-suckingly boring one. IMO this means both games are only good as casual family games.

The world needs to move on to better modern games for tournament play.

My system , nynzowitch

Honestly the best way is learning the basics (like 2-3 Openings for each color, protecting your pieces, Simple Mating Pattern, how to avoid blundering, etc.) which you can do by just watching some Youtube Videos and then just register on some online site (I personally prefer lichess but chess.com or ICC are also fine) and just play. Try to play longer games (15min+) and analyse your mistakes afterwards.
And always remember that it is just a game which is supposed to be fun.
Good luck!

This is the literature board, not the intellectual pursuits board. Delete it, faggot.

Bobby Fischer teaches chess

Look up MatoJelic on youtube and watch his videos.

Learn King Indian attack
All books by
Aleksander kotow
Jakow Damski
Aleksander alechin
Bobby Fischer
Mark dworecki
Artur Jusupow
Mihails Tals
Adrian mikhalchishin
Vladimir vukovic

play poker instead

>general tso


Chess for Children (not joking)

chess is super pseud

What about Tal? He had an even record with Fischer.

i guess like with every sport it is at some point reduced to muscle memory.

You did say creativity is only possible at higher levels, although Bobby Fischer had very strong memorization whereas Tal possessed creative genius. They had an even record. I only play around 1500 on chess.com but I've had thrilling mental puzzles of games. When I play people my own skill level, it's not exactly like they have the whole book up there.
