What oddly specific food things do you do? I chop up pizza into slivers to prolong the enjoyment...

What oddly specific food things do you do? I chop up pizza into slivers to prolong the enjoyment. It is also arguably a nicer form factor

Still fat lazy and stupid

you know that box has been in a factory, delivery truck, and storage room, right?

eating an entire digorno pizza is like 2000 calories

That's not a bad idea. I will try this the next time I eat a pizza.

I regularly eat entire pizzas in one sitting. I am 5'9 and hover around 120lbs.

I know, I only had like 400 calories of cheese and crackers at lunch today. My maintenance is ~2800 calories, I'm drinking also.

I eat the outside ring of hamburgers first because the center usually has the perfect ratio of condiments lined up. Can be a little messy sometimes depending on what is on it.

Wouldn't it go cold sooner like that?

that's partially a benefit, as pizzas come out of the oven extremely hot and require cool-down time typically

>extremely hot
you're a cool guy

also, using a cold plate helps with that.

I do this also. God damnit, now I want pizza. Might have to get some tomorrow.

I do this with all sandwiches. It's the best way.

If I posted dick pics would you want dick?

Yes. Very much so.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bby dont stop

c'mon. i'm embarrassed enough as it is. we're both better than this.

Hahaha, this is true. Have a great night user!

When I eat sandwiches, I eat it so it ends up looking like a really tiny sandwich that I can eat in one bite

I can't eat sitting down

Me too. Pizza places always cut the slices too large

why not just take smaller bites?

I peel thin strips of bread from the top of sandwiches, roll them into little balls and eat them.

When I'm eating a dish, I make sure every single bite comes with a bit of everything in the plate, as opposed to eating one thing first then the other one
I try to calculate it so that I'm not left with one single thing by the time I'm almost done