What's Veeky Forums opinion on this?

What's Veeky Forums opinion on this?

Sheer, red hot, burning HATE.

memefood for girls

They ran out of ideas a long time ago so now they just come up with the most outrageous and overindulgent shit they can think of

cheese, bacon and chives / 10

>premade dough
>bury it in cheese

Pasta, cream and cheese/10

meme-tier """""cooking"""""
they just add cheese and bacon to everything

this guy knows what's up

And literally reusing content from older videos.

This. A lot of repetition.

it's like how to basic for girls

its like they've simplified the format of a cooking video down so much they may as well just... write it out.... like a normal recipe...

this wouldn't work either though because then it would be easy to see that all of their food is just something rolled around stick of cheese and deep fried

all of the above points are true, the re-using old videos is especially bad. they'll upload "4 pork recipes" and gey a million views without ever making a new video, because they just took 4 old individual videos.

that said, i still love their vids. simple, fast, and clear. between Veeky Forums and tasty as self-teaching material, i've become a way better cook
(also copycat channels)

Makes me want a Fruitopia

>Grab pasta, cheese and chicken/beef
>Throw it into a cooking vessel


Fucking Veeky Forums and this fucking wa la meme.

>ma la
Chinese sichuan pepper and chili oil

French for "fuck you faggot I made a masterpiece"

Learn the difference; it could save your life.

I don't think anyone ever means it in the chink form bro

Fuck Tasty. I cringe watching those videos.

Add 1 lb Mozzarella
Add 1 lb Parmesan
Add 1 lb Bacon

Bake 350
30 minutes

Add 1 lb Mozzarella
Broil 5 minutes


Easy recipes for people who don't really cook using everyday foodstuff they'd probably have lying around or common pantry items as ingredients

Cheese pull pandering.

What's with Tasty's obsession with cheese though? Almost all variation of their recipes had one. Is this an Amerifat thing?

It's voilà, you mong.

>Oh, yes!


so the majority of Veeky Forums must like it then?

How would you know?

Pretty simple for a cooking channel but a good portion of their recipes are great to use as a base for better versions

Because I am a canadian frog.

Hate them. They make cool looking videos that dont explain anything. I know several people that attempt to make the shit they see in this videos and they always end up undercooking the shit because the videos only show the shit cooking for like 2 seconds.

that's a weird way to spell traitor

Are Quebecois the "muh heritage" of Canada

>hurr durr majority of ck is female
fuck off with that shit

is this a rhetorical question?

i mean, they're literally canadians who pretend they are still french.

The ones I've met (it seems a lot of Quebecois tour the US in RV's) when I spent a year touring the US in a travel trailer were fun folk. They'd always be drinking by 10AM and continued throughout the day. Always gave me a great excuse to start earlier than normal.

Tasty or one of those copycat channels made some kind of blueberry dessert in a cast iron skillet. The end of the video shows them digging in with a metal spoon and i swear they scrape the seasoning off the arse or the pan. I blocked them after that.

They don't season food properly and thus decide to add way too much cheese to every recipe.

>What's Veeky Forums opinion on this?
tasty, says it right there


We are the true Canadians, you are loyalist that fled USA thus making you the traitors. We were called Canadians before Canada existed.
We don't pretend we are French, we bants with them like burgers and bong are.
We are Québécois, the only place that has not an Anglo culture in whole north America.