TORONTO – Controversial U of T psychology professor Jordan Peterson once again ignited a public furor last night...

TORONTO – Controversial U of T psychology professor Jordan Peterson once again ignited a public furor last night, refusing to refer to a popular Stephen King-based horror film by the gender-neutral pronoun “IT”, on the grounds that the titular character, Pennywise the clown, is obviously a “HIM.”

According to eyewitnesses, Peterson spent 12 minutes holding up the box office line at Toronto’s Varsity Cinema while he repeatedly requested VIP room tickets for “HIM”, to the confusion of numerous employees.

“I was called over to the box office because this guy wouldn’t stop going like, ‘I’m here for HIM, I want to see HIM,’” recalled assistant manager Toby Duncan. “When I eventually clued in and asked if he meant ‘IT’, he said he most certainly did NOT mean ‘IT’ and called me a radical postmodernist ideologue trying to punish him for not using the clown’s ‘compelled pronoun.’ “

Having gained international attention last year for his outspoken refusal to call students and faculty by gender-neutral pronouns, Peterson made it clear that Pennywise – a demonic embodiment of children’s fears – would also receive no quarter.

“The objective biological reality is, Pennywise is a male monster, who is mostly a clown and sometimes a bug, but always a boy,” he explained to fellow moviegoers in the lobby. “I cannot be coerced into respecting his place in this ever-expanding community of the marginalized by calling the film ‘IT’. I will not use that clown-bug’s words.”

“And if I’m taken to jail for that, which I can only assume I’m about to be, then so be it,” he boldly declared, though by all accounts he was free to go.

In response to the persecution he’s faced at the hands of the movie theatre, Peterson has launched a crowdfunding campaign with a goal of $15,000, in order to buy a copy of the film when it comes out on Blu-ray.

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Fuck off, this has nothing to do with literature.

I get the joke

Not Veeky Forums

>inb4 anyone takes this unfunny shit seriously

Nice free advertising campaign for peterson. Yet another no effort win for him, he's played this so right.

ITT: triggered Petersonians with no sense of humour.

ah yes, the Canadian version of the Onion


unironically loled

it's based ona book so it's literature LLOL

this, memersons don't actually understand structuralism/poststructuralism

"Mommy, there are mean people using satire to belittle my infallible father archetype."

"Awww. It's okay, sweetie. Ignore them. Clutch your bible and rest your head on my lap, snuggle-muffin, and try to extricate the Logos from the primal warmth of mommy's maternal womb again."

Peterson watching IT: "It's like, NO, you're delusional if you presuppose a strong likelihood of escaping this sewer alive. And it is by no means obvious that you will be able to do so. You have to sort yourself out first or you'll be even tastier to the clown. No bloody joke, man"

I actually like Peterson for the most part but this is still funny.

ITT we make fun of people who don't exist outside our imaginations

What thread are you guys reading?

Yeah pretty much everyone who read it realized it was a joke and found it at least vaguely amusing

Some people on Veeky Forums are really mad that a guy who shits on Derrida is popular

Harold BLoom tried to save the canon from the "school of resentment", but this guy wants to go a step further and save the Logos. We should appreciate him.

Also he has a talk with Camille Paglia that'll drop within the next week so get ready

The creature that use the Clown as a character and "he" is a "she". Basically is a Transexual.
King is reallly into LGBTP.

Not gonna ask what the P stands for.

I like Peterson but this is pretty funny.

I hate Peterson but the joke is lame.

that'll be a weird dynamic but fuck dude I'm ready. Although they both don't know when to shut the fuck up sometimes.



That's why I didn't ask.

>I like Peterson but this is pretty funny.

>I hate Peterson but the joke is lame.

Thanks for admitting that Americans are superior.

Brilliant! Good! I mean, it's just bloody amazing! Most people will not do this but if you can stop to really look at that post and it will TAKE YOUR BREATH away. I mean it's SPOT on. Just bloody amazing.

I haven't heard of Derrida since my university years, friend. That being said, he already has a much bigger impact on academia (for better or worse) than Peterson will ever have. In the age of information superhighways, people like him are the equivalent of "flavour of the month" games on /v/.

Sadly this is true, but Peterson is still making a decent amount of money that I'm confident he'll put to good use.

Derrida was a singular destructive force, while Peterson is one piece in an ever-expanding reconstructive puzzle.

*reactionary, and it's hardly a "puzzle".

On the contrary, Derrida was as reactionary as they come, while Peterson is simply interested in restoring ancient wisdom, a perfectly generative process, and he and similar figures indeed offer something like a puzzle, though a very amorphous one.

His Patreon was at something like 62k a month last I checked. Lucky bastard.

Although from his body language I kind of suspect he has depression, which I don't suppose you can fix with money.

Peterson does indeed suffer from depression:


they literally have the same face

Pretty unfortunate for her

I would bang his daughter. This vid looks about 15 years old tho, so she's prolly lost that slight attractiveness.

And that's terrifying, why is mystic psychologist getting such a wide audience? I mean it's bloody impossible to have a dialogue about post-modernism without someone shutting you down by shouting about Jungian archetypes. That's not a path you want to go down, as an individual or as a society, just look at what's happening with people carrying Paypay signs and screaming memes in real life, it's leading down a very dark road, and the scary thing is that's what they want! Sort yourself oot.

>this guy who has been teaching at top universities for decades and has over a hundred published papers is a flavour of the month


But these memes, what people are getting so carried away with, I mean they don't REALIZE these things run deep! I mean BLOODY deep! There's a REASON why these internet memes are spreading so quickly, and it's because we're taking the esoteric content of these stories, which are embedded not only in our culture but in our BIOLOGY, I mean they're in our BLOOD, and we're making them explicit! I mean it's unprecedented, it's no WONDER it's getting people's attention. It's INCREDIBLE!

It's Derrida, innit.

Are you referring to the poor leftards Heidegger who they had to conjure up since they could not suck the teutonic genius' cock?