Just chill, be yourself and leave people be bro

>just chill, be yourself and leave people be bro

this is the millenial philosophy. what do we call it?

>harassing anyone who doesn't share your extremist beliefs and getting people fired for saying mildly inappropriate things
>leaving people alone

well christianity was supposed to be about love

Naive compassion. It's acceptance of anything and everything without truly discerning what's fruitful or not.

Expect conservative values to come back full swing in a few years.

Hey there mods, I get banned for stuff way more related to literature than this, what gives?



Does anyone here actually know any millenials? Because I am one, and while this is their internet present philosophy, in real life they are probably some of the most cold hearted and selfish humans to have ever graced the planet.

>just chill, be yourself and leave people be bro
>this is the millenial philosophy. what do we call it?

This isnt millenial philosophy AT ALL.
It's more like

>If you dont accept every tiny thing that the moral zeitgeist mandates to believe your dangerous and should lose your job your family and everything else.

Am millennial and yes you're right. Most don't even know they're being cold hearted and selfish and destructive. It's all a gross mucky haze where any sensible distinction is nullified in the name of "live and let live" - an approach, while noble, can easily be an excuse to accept all kinds of cultural degradations.

Unfortunately the wannabe Hitler youth have now joined the fray, so it's becoming even more stupid.

negativistic mundane relativism

I'm having trouble understanding how far back the birthdate of a millennial actually goes. I initially thought a millennial was someone born on or after January 1, 2000. It appears that it isn't, and therefore the term millennial itself is just an inappropriate term for anyone who was born in [vague as fuck range of the 80s and 90s]. Or, I could have been correct in the first place. Help.


Millenials are the kids of boomers and gen X'ers, so anyone born in super-late 80s and all 90s.

baby boomers > gen x > millenials
most people on Veeky Forums are millenials

According to some threads I've seen on Veeky Forums where people were posting their ages and current books, this place is ~96% millennials. And I'm not going to believe that non-millennials just don't choose to voice themselves in those threads.

yeah being intolerant of crime and wanting people to stop general dickheadedness sure is a bad thing i tell you what.

Oldfags are around, but they're slowly moving on. Those guys are starting families and shit.

i hear you. i'm a pretty conservative millennial and modern politics makes me mentally ill.

>you called me a bitch online, so I will screenshot it and send copies to your employers and family
>this is not revenge tho, we're just working for a more egalitarian society; stop being a dickhead :)

>tfw the Veeky Forums days will be a nostalgic period in your life
>tfw you'll miss the innocence and youthful exuberance of this terrible place

was it?

I mean you should probably just stop being a dickhead. Or at the very least don't leave a paper trail when you talk shit

You were already mentally ill to begin with


it's just a term made by older people so to try to understand and/or mock younger people

are you late-boomer, millennial, or gen-x? is the new emo, metalhead, etc

>Or at the very least don't leave a paper trail when you talk shit
This. Everything you say can and will be used against you on social media. That's why you have one professional account and one for shitposting.

The twitter vultures are real

if you look back at the time you spent here with anything but disgust then you should be gassed.

how does that justify online witch hunts? it doesn't
a women merely accusing you of abuse can ruin your life if she has enough social media presence. i've seen it happen many times

It dosent justify shit, but that's the rules of the game. If you want to talk shit then wear a helmet, or really abandon social media altogether, its only good for news.

Well, it's good to see that you acknowledge that you yourself are a dickhead.

>I can change my biological sex just by whim

That's pretty extreme

There are far worse philosophies, I'd rather talk to a chill bro than a /pol/fag

you're restricting yourself to that single example I've provided. in this ethos of weaponized identity politics and online slacktivism, you don't even need to say anything bad in order to become a pariah
Imagine a girl you used to date makes a public post to her facebook wall telling a story about how you were an abusive boyfriend. She doesn't even need to boil it down to specifics; something very unclear like "he psychologically abused" would be enough to gather the support of people. How do you defend against that? By the time you would be able to call the authorities and take it down (which is very difficult, btw), your social life would be already down the drain. This could all happen without you having any online presence at all

It's similar to the "turn on, tune in, drop out" ethos of the 60s in which a large number of younger people swung leftward. Except it lacks the turn on and tune in parts and is all drop out.

Millennials like to fancy a problem doesn't exist if you ignore it. They also think their decisions don't matter, largely because of political disenfranchisement (they know their votes don't matter) and partly because of a belief that technology will "handle everything."

I dont date girls who are crazy enough to do shit like that. Social media is just a medium, in the end it still comes down to who you choose to associate with.

>waaah my life sucks
Just kys, failed normie.

Classical liberalism.

collective utopian jerk off idk

>and partly because of a belief that technology will "handle everything."
Oh, but it will.. it certainly will..

The mods aren't neutral observers, they have been incentivized to allow shitposting

If your social life would be destroyed by some slag calling you a meanie you're doing it wrong.

also see this

I'm a month short of 30.

>like to fancy a problem doesn't exist if you ignore it
The problem exists, it's just that the problem is a problem for others and not for me. Meanwhile, others don't care about my problems, so I in turn choose not to care about theirs. It becomes passive-aggression laced with ignorance justified by not having enough time to care about needs.

>They also think their decisions don't matter, largely because of political disenfranchisement (they know their votes don't matter)
Correct. Being childless because you're left out in the cold by every nubile bachelorette will lead you to think that it doesn't matter who gets elected to influence the future of your non-existent children. But if I were married and with children, then no, I would work my way out of the country I'm in.

>and partly because of a belief that technology will "handle everything."
I don't believe technology will handle everything, and that anyone who believes tech will handle everything is spoonfed and led to contribute to the demise of enlightenment and progression of a godless future.

Tech will handle everything, including die menschenfrage

If you keep saying a lie, it will eventually look like truth. I see you've caught onto this. Technology will handle everything when all that is sane and humane gets converted into lifelessness, suicide and autism.

I'm saying tech will take care of the human problem, not that tech will serve meatcucks.

>do your own thing
>dont bother strangers
sounds like common sense but autistic fucks only know how to be contrarian about everything

progressive liberalism only seems like common sense because you're surrounded by it

here be water

Ah geez


Blame the jews threads should be deleted, this however, is ridiculous.

1. This has nothing to do with literature
2. It's called being lazy and not wanting to think about morality and others. They are essentially saying they don't want to have any forethought. So when the time comes for them to face what they truly found offensive all along, they act impulsively and follow the masses.

how much of an autistic loser do you have to be to politicize that?

Common sense. Built on the golden rule, so not exactly new either.

>everything I don't like is (insert institutionalised mental deviation)

>it's the people who report crimes who are the real criminals!

>because of a belief that technology will "handle everything."
It's a fact for a while now. The entire economy and hence pretty much everything depends on couple algorithms.

You don't have to 'politicize' the preaching of core liberal values user, they are in themselves political.

You honestly don't see it, I guess. "Do your own thing and don't bother strangers" isn't some universal human motto.

Common sense is just whatever people happen to believe at a given time ie. you didn't describe millenial philosophy at all

>social media is a tribunal and people on it are the jury, judges and executioners: there's literally nothing wrong with that!

How do you deal with the world if you don't find anything offensive?

not really it makes perfect sense that someone who can't function socially and has a shit life would latch on to the recent interest in politics as a way to feel they belong and politicize everything because they have nothing else. but guess what you're still a loser.



so doing what everyone else is doing and bothering strangers is conservative? are you retarded?

There isn't any universal human motto but the golden rule exist at least since ancient Egypt and the core of most value systems.

>social media is a tribunal and people on it are the jury, judges and executioners: there's literally nothing wrong with that!
How did social media get into this? The post was bitching about disgusting (or call it socially unacceptable) behavior having consequences, which is nothing new, only our means to document it improved but that's down to tech, not social media.

Chill bros have nothing to say. They are dunces./pol/fags at least aren't retarded, they just have a different political stance than you.

To clarify, I mean things in your everyday life. Obviously concentrating on the internet or media would give you about a billion things to be outraged about. Sounds like an emotional nightmare so I try to avoid it as best as I can.

>not retarded
Mhmm, no.

>not really it makes perfect sense that someone who can't function socially and has a shit life would latch on to the recent interest in politics as a way to feel they belong and politicize everything because they have nothing else.

This could equally apply to the vast majority of the "alt left."

philosophy is de facto Veeky Forums. shut the fuck up, hide the thread and move on

doing what everyone else is doing doesn't make it apolitical, you fucking retarded. common sense values are also fruit of some distinct ideology

social media is technology. and the nature of whatever it is that is happening changed completely with the means we have nowadays

maybe but you're definitely a loser

t. Jew

>/pol/fags at least aren't retarded

Are you brain-dead?

I don't know why you don't have a girlfriend, I doubt it's the Jews though.

>alt left
Holy kek.
Also why does the whale have a sense to wear black but not the sense to find more fitting shoes?

>social media is technology
Great observation there just not really relevant. If you'd send a SMS to you coworker, calling her a whore, it'd be the same consequences way before social media.

Shut you're fat nose Steinberg

I think no matter how much you disagree with /pol/ you can acknowledge that they are probably more well read than your average stoner "Chill bro". That doesn't make them any less extremist in their ideology nor does it make them any less repulsive to some. But they are still smarter than your average Burgerland resident.

What is conservative depends on the values of the society in question. Most anglo conservatives are also liberals.

>it'd be the same consequences way before social media.
jesus...the means to broadcast said accusations are completely different; the dynamics involved are completely different; the social climate is completely different. stop being so awfully reductionistic

>they are probably more well read
Yeah, in badly sourced infographics

You aren't on /pol/

Well, as long as I'm a winner according to my own standards, that's all that matters!

I still struggle to think how they're not ultimately wasting their own time and energy. Genuinely smart people at least try to create - often as wasteful but at least it doesn't make you hate the world.

The golden rule doesn't necessarily lead to liberalism.

For example, if you're a devout Muslim and you believe infidels will go to hell unless converted, you would want people to threaten you to convert if you were in the place of the infidel. Conversation at all cost since it is more important than anything else and the stakes are tremendously high.

You can be a golden rule jihadi no problem.

it's ironic, you accuse them o the exact same blind hatred that you exhibit towards them!


It depends how you look at it, user. They see a problem with the status quo and have sought out an ideology to fix said problem. That doesn't appear to be a waste of time to me. What I think you mean is that you disagree with their solution, or perhaps even the diagnosis of the problem. And I'm sure there are plenty of things that bother you about the world too, which in your circles and spheres of influence you are likely vocal about.

>the means to broadcast said accusations
>showing your phone to your boss is notably different from sending him/her a screenshot
>having a picture of your on a nazi rally in a newspaper is totally different from having it displayed on some website

"accept that there are as many genders as there are letters in the alphabet" !!

it's called mental illness

the golden rule is fucking retarded and totally not applicable here. people don't hold the same values and are offended by wildly differing things. saying that a millenial expecting you not to use the word "niggardly" because it's racist amounts to basic human decency is pure demagogy

>The golden rule doesn't necessarily lead to liberalism.
That's kinda the point, hence it makes no point in talking about dem libruls when they simply follow something so basic, that almost every human does.

What's ironic about it? I've browsed the board long enough to know how retarded the userbase is and how little they read

>people don't hold the same values and are offended by wildly differing things
Hence a decent person would avoid saying something that could be perceived as offensive, how is the idea so complicated? Of course their understanding would be limited by their own values but it doesn't take a genius to consider that someone would perhaps possibly maybe not like being insulted.

you realize that there's a time to join in the crowd and a time to do your own thing? you clearly have some spectrum disorder and need politics as some pseudo-religion to help you function. it's funny because all of you losers are exactly the same.
k loser
we're obviously talking about the american context either way politicizing that is fucking retarded

You're missing my point. 'Leave people be' is not necessarily part of the golden rule. 'Intervent at all costs and force them' can be an expression of the golden rule as well.

>we're obviously talking about the american context
no we aren't, don't be so americentric

Sure just "leave people be" is the most common interpretation across most political and religious spectrums, it's how right libertarians or conservatives justify their shit too. Most religiousfags don't try to convert others either, at least in the first world.

>Sure just "leave people be" is the most common interpretation across most political and religious spectrums
It isn't at all. Do you honestly think most of the world are progressive liberal democrats?

people could attribute offensiveness to the most outlandish statements or attitudes possible, thus walking around someone's triggers could mean an infringement on individual freedom. this is the era we live in and why “do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is simply too problematic

>holding values different from mine means you have a pathology
>my values are neutral and universal, yours are political and extremist

I accept that and value anybody who genuinely feels as if they're working to a solution to a problem. I've only spent a little time on /pol/ but I'm not sure what exactly they're doing other than attempting to persuade others of their viewpoints through brute force (similar to the far left who also concern me).

nobody actually lives this way though

>Do you honestly think most of the world are progressive liberal democrats?
Do you honestly think most of the world actually follows the golden rule? Just because most people interpret it in a similar way, doesn't mean they actually act upon it.

Last guy I heard say this got drunk at work and explained to the women there how he would rape them if he could. Stop oppressing him!!