Agriculture is now a motorized food-industry — in essence...

>Agriculture is now a motorized food-industry — in essence, the same as the manufacturing of corpses in gas chambers and extermination camps, the same as the blockading and starving of nations, the same as the manufacture of hydrogen bombs.

...what did he friggin' mean by this?

Isn't this the guy who raised another mans kid? dropped

He meant that he wasn't so great at making distinctions between things he disliked.

TEcHnOlOgY ? ! !!

STEM is slave to the most primal needs of the masses. Without serious consideration beforehand, the situation gets out of hand!

Fuck you, Heidegger, you anti-STEM piece of shit.

>Agriculture is now a motorized food-industry — in essence, the same as the manufacturing of corpses in gas chambers and extermination camps
It means he likes modern agriculture

>>Veeky Forums

>STEM is slave to the most primal needs of the masses.

It's the exact opposite. STEM is a relentless, mechanizing, ruthless entity that de-humanizes and acidifies everything.

What does it mean to dehumanise something?

the reduction to pure utility through Gestell, which in itself is not technological

What is lost in this reduction?

>autism speaks

You are the brainless pleb to my euphoric Socrates.


And is it a bad thing that it dehumanizes everything? You can be free to be a human and communicate with others and evolve your skills exactly because of this inhuman entity. The alternative to it is full of war, disease and inequality, as it should be obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of pre-industrial history.

If anything, science is uniquely human. The more automated and "motorized" it is, the more "human". The further we move from a natural state into our own autism, the more human. All hail the coming AI computergod.

>This is what redditors actually believe
Propagandizing douchelord

Nice argument you got there, ideologized faggot.

No, you're the ideologized faggot

>war, disease, inequality
>Implying we don't have those in heaps today
>Implying war wasn't made 1000 times worse and more dangerous through mass industrialization and invention of nuclear weapons
>Implying that the government isnt manufacturing extremely lethal viruses to destroy their enemies if things get out of hand
>Implying modern day society is equal in any capacity
>Using Reddit meme "le dark ages were so terrible!!"
>Not realizing that the invention of agricultural technology led to the shitty agrarian society
>Not realizing that primitive man was egalitarian, free of disease, healthy, and relatively peaceful
>Not realizing that technology is the bane and ultimate corrupter of humanity
>Not realizing that your shitty science worship is going to lead to the end of human existence through nuclear weapons, ecological catastrophe, or invention of a godlike superintelligence that will see humanity as the shit encrusted cancer it has become and excise the tumor

Derrida fags get out this is a Heidegger thread not a deconstruction thread #knowyourknowledges