It doesn't really exist. You're either too afraid or too lazy to write. Possibly both.

Start a new hobby

by being a writer

Put a gun to your head and tell yourself to either think of something or you'll pull.

Seriously though, if you were randomly given a topic to write an essay on, and complete in 1 hour. Then you become stumped, how do you defeat writer's block?


write an entirely different, really bad story. It's okay that its bad, you'll make it better later. Think of a primary moment: "a person calls your protagonist at 2am" and then ask yourself eight successive "and then what?s"
Write your answer.

have something to say

Oh yeah, you can't use internet or any other sources, as it's an exam.

you write something you think is terrible, when it actually may be good.

I could do this easily. The hard part is writing when everything you write ends up breaking logical chains, and because you suck at computational complexity you resort to DP memoizing decision tree caches, so the plot works, but it looks like a fucking pretzel because there are certain parts where everything has to come together in some way.

Find something you want to write. Work on something different. Eat a cracker with mustard on it and see what it brings to mind other than slingblade and an effective method of treating heartburn. Turnips.

you write something terrible then fix it

>if you were randomly given a topic to write an essay on, and complete in 1 hour.
That's be way easier than novel writing actually, at least for me. A very clear goal, a limit deciding the size and depth of it. In that case you'd just have to outline a bit starting with a mind map or just writing down key ideas, get to research (if necessary), write it down (and maybe rewrite). The lack of freedom forces a very linear approach and the amount of time alone should stop you from overthinking.

Figure out what exactly stops you from writing. Go deeper than "muh writing block" meme.

Personally I'd find that a lot harder that a purely random topic due the emotional connection and knowledge over how pointless that'd feel.

writers block isn't real.

write write write

this this this

it's like the anti-muse, a poeticization and externalization of your worst traits, not humbling, but shirking the responsibility. makes me sick to think about. it simply does not exist. write write write

Writing prompts

DMAE helps get the noggin joggin

Free writing works a fuckin charm. Start writing right now and don't stop for 10 minutes. Stream of consciousness style.
>don't edit it
>don't delete anything
>don't worry about spelling

just barf it on the page. Write about how you hate writers block. Write about how your balls itch right now. just rant and ramble.

Almost always puts a crack in the dam that you can exploit. Follow your thoughts.

This always works for me.

The guy you replied to got it right. In this case, you're afraid. You don't want to write anything down because you're doubting everything you could think of to write.

Just fucking write. Just do it. Stop thinking, let your fingers move on their own and let words just pour out onto the screen. Step away for a few minutes and look at it, realize how fucking retarded it is, and then start tweaking it. Repeat this several times until you finally have something that you think might actually be good.

Then submit it, and embrace criticism.


Correct. When you start writing. Themes, and callbacks, and inside jokes will naturally flow as you go. Only mega weirdo plebs like Brandon Sanderson write from an in-depth outline.

So many good albums make in the process tens of songs that couldnt fit in.


it's easy, take amphetamines and they make ur small braine become the bigge and motivated braine
pic unrelated

Came here to post this.

I came here to make this very same thread. I'm frustrated and close to breaking my head open.

Thanks user. I feel a little better, I'll take 1 minute off my procrastination timer.

>Being this much of an autistic STEMlord

fistfight your dad

You think that's bad? I've had writers block since I was born

Listen to Music. it tends to give me ideas for writing.

that is some shit hot writing

essays are just BME
introductory statement, clever and engaging
summary: tell what you are going to tell
middle: make your case
conclusion: clever summary

Literally this. It follows basic principles. You grab attention, lay out an argument, develop your argument, and bring it back around to a conclusion. Listen to a Bach fugue and do that with words.

Go out and get experience in life

weed desu


force yourself t o write
lower the bar
anything goes, fix it in post