Waaaah life sucks so much there's no meaning to anything waaaah

>waaaah life sucks so much there's no meaning to anything waaaah
Is this the power of continental philosophy?

>Is this the power of continental philosophy?

Pretty much. The only thing of note that continental philosophy has produced is the cult of Nietzsche, and that is only noteworthy because of the remarkable damage they has done in such a remarkably short time.

>waaah harsh truths give me oofies and ouchies in my feelies waaah

Is this the power of brainletposting?

Everyone must destroy their life. According to the way they do it, they're either triumphants or failures.

Any time a pessimistic philosopher isn't actively suicidal I just can't take them seriously, especially if they offer considerations against suicide or give some poetic justification like 'what does it matter if you live/die?'

I understand that pessimism and suicidal tendencies are distinct, but there's just something phony about Schopenhauer and Cioran. They like the idea of being unable to take life and not belonging in the world, but they want to LIVE as such outsiders, and want to be part of the world as a recluse philosopher. If they're not struggling with killing themselves, maybe even if they don't actually kill themselves, it's just noise.

Fuck books full of gloomy aphorisms. I feel like you should put the pedal to the metal. Fucking do it.

why would you post the deak to accompany such a bleak message? anco is the antithesis to pessimism

Sounds like you're under a retarded vision of power progression in pessimism, as if Schopenhauer or Cioran need to somehow progress in their pessimism. ape mindset.

No, it's not about having the coolest philosophy (or in their case, the coolest hair and stare for photos). It's about actually not feeling at home in the world, instead of just writing that you don't. No suicide, no dice. It's fake.

This. Please produce a valid counterargument to nihilism.


It's completely natural, even for an extreme pessimist, to be scared of suicide. It's basic human extinct. Actually it's the most basic instinct of all life because without that instinct life wouldn't exist.

Cioran's not a philosopher, he's a belletrist.

Noah was on antidepresants for some time and he does have kind of pessimistic thoughts, watch some interviews of him. Makes me sad, he is a great drummer he doesn't deserve bad feels tbqh

At least Cioran has a sense of humor.


Leave this board

Left side is literally going to be the end of us, fuck off.

a serious pessimist that doesn't off himself is just a fraudster

Lol, the left side exists only to perpetuate itself in an effort of mankind to stroke its own ego. It's forever dissatisfied and is building towards nothing

analytic philosophy is literally just autistic people using soft math to explain the world to other autistic people who can't understand emotions or words. It is literally the ultimate brainlet autist field

No, he's not even a philosopher. Look it up.

pessimism/nihilism is nothing more than romanticism for people who are even less satisfied with their lives. It's a subjectivist, aestheticist standpoint--all you need to do is consider the position 'meaninglessness' takes in their discourse: it's the exact same ineffable, brute fact of the sublime that's always been the foundation of irrationalist thought.

Imagine typing out your opinion and posting it as if it really mattered. Imagine doing that.

babbies first tractus

>Continental Philosophy
>the only thing from the continent in there is Deconstruction Man
Anglos, minna-san.

You do realize suicide will never "end" the suffering in Schopenhauer 's World view right?

Come back when you've actually read him

The thumbnail makes that pic from the left side look like a black kid eating cum off of a black dick. Sounds about right.

Should be a nu-male instead of a black kid

>left side: technically and functionally nothing
>right side: some things

Sounds about right.

>he's to dumb to get Rick and Morty

Feels good being high IQ

you haven't read schopenhauer nor cioran

Interesting "observation", user.


Everyone I don't like, that is correct

Philipp Mainländer is who you want. Published his pessimistic philosophy and then used the books as a platform to hang himself

At least it's a legit academic field that require some effort. continental is a waste of life time.

that's a really singular worldview bro
fuck functionality amirite?

The full picture.

*teleologically suspends the ethical behind you*

As measured by?
>function is good becuz plebbit sed it

I doing things is good why do I hate my life

>says science is forever dissatisfied
>while trying to defend pessimism and nihilism
I honestly didn't think I'd live to see the day.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Blaming continental philosophers for nihilism and pessmism is like blaming doctors for cancer

I would argue that they had a larger role than merely diagnosing the misery of the world.
Intentionally or not, they've certainly promoted the ideas.

Ideas of nihilism and pessimism have existed and were promoted for all of history, if they've caught on now its not because of the work of intellectuals forcing them on people but from the depressing schizophrenic shitshow that the world has been for the last century of change

Not an argument.

>le argument
