What if I put my BBQ chicken thighs on top, and my broccoli on bottom to collect the savory delicious juices?

What if I put my BBQ chicken thighs on top, and my broccoli on bottom to collect the savory delicious juices?

Dry chicken and mushy, greasy veggies


Broccoli cooks way fucking faster than chicken.

What if you cooked the chicken in that pan, collected the juices, then made a sauce from it by adding flour and butter and cooking it on the stove for a minute?
Becuase that's a better idea than yours OP

Double retard

eat pizza instead

If you say so.. Triple retard.

The chicken will breathe in the broccoli fumes and taste bad.

I just made something similar.

I cooked my marinated chicken thighs on the grill outside and cooked some brown rice in the rice cooker, I steamed some broccoli in the steamer basket above the rice.

Wa la

cmon keep this going , i want to see the quad retard insult come out from one of you guys

I have one of these exact pans and it warps spectacularly under the broiler. What's the point of a broiler pan that can't withstand broiler temps?

Maybe it's a Celsius pan, while your oven is imperial.

I had not thought of that user, you may be right. I would expect a pan sold on Amazon in 'murica to be calibrated for Fahrenheit but it is possible I ended up with a Europan.

Chicken thighs don't have alveoli

>tfw you realize you're using European pans in an American oven this whole time

Don't encourage them, you dodecaretard


Im so drunk and so confused. What about the broccoli cooking faster than the chicken? If you add some kale and youve got a fine mush my friend.

Sounds good, but add the broccoli midway

>when you put a dutch oven in a german oven