If you dont use these while eating out, you are a slob

If you dont use these while eating out, you are a slob.

I had ribs at a Korean restaurant recently and they gave me a disposable glove. It ws very handy.

soyboy in training

You know that you can wash your hands, right? That's a possibility.

i like to take photos of my food after every bight, tho.

Do you visit bights between bites


looks like what now?

Someone tell me where I can get these. I have no self respect left and these honestly seem genius.

I remember seeing these on Shark Tank. The guy said he missed an important phone call bc his hands were covered in rib sauce, and he spent a couple years perfecting the design to make them easy to use. Im glad to see theyre taking off.

Does pizza taste "better" for you if you eat it with cutlery?

It doesn't matter whether you use them, you're still just a slob eating a slop.

i'm really starting to like this meem.

slob of shid XDD

I think you'd have better dexterity using sewing thimbles. Or a glove.

Majority of pizza parlours make shitty crust.

is this the reason why black females have such long nails?

just get finger cots. That's right little condoms for your fingers


Why spend a premium on one of the worst parts of the chicken?

>current year
>not eating everything with your hands

Hahaha ya, that’s why I buy them, for my fingers hahahahaha

This isn't a thread about chicken breast.

If you eat that stuff, you're a slob. No matter which tool you use.

If you don't have a ziplock on your hand while cutting peppers you're a fascist slob.