I would love to read some of Veeky Forumss OC poetry. I don't exactly have an outlet for people to read any of mine...

i would love to read some of Veeky Forumss OC poetry. I don't exactly have an outlet for people to read any of mine, im going to post one that is close to me, let me know what you think and please post some of your own

Don't know why I was so dumb
I don't know why I was so numb
Baby I needed you to feel
Maybe I just need time to heal
I have stayed awake for days
Alone and with my mine a haze
There doesn't seem to be a reason
I hope it passes with the season
Falling away and out of touch
My own way of life, a crutch
If I could only see the light
I'm sure i'd make it through the night
It is a hand i need to hold
So close to make the world less bold
I cannot continue on my own
I see no emotion in the stone
To long since i have seen my smile
It has been replaced with fear and guile
Do not pity or cry for me
This is how its supposed to be
My story will always turn and bend
I only wonder how it will end.

I once wrote a poem titled "who needs love when I have autism?" I don't have it now but it was probably a good poem

His husky quaver filled the flute, and wells,
adorned with twiddling kindlecrowned kinglets,
rising through liplicked cant, rapraddled bells
and echoed out in fugacious ringlets.
Swill-plodding bootbeats of dewdamp brogues fouled
the air; spitspiced the lucent melody,
as one deep-bellied belch of thundercloud
discharged, cleaving the sky in revelry.

A leaden rain careened through the lunettes,
riling moultgrains of free and frescoed lime
that filled the rimose grout of auld rosettes
and pooled, bestirred with each cathedral chime.
The stormpeeled doors collapsed inwards, welled scorn
flowed forth, engulfing hearth and rood-rolled thorn.

>I see no emotion in the stone
I really like that line, user. It makes the whole poem. Do more of this.

Look at you go, just a rat on a wheel.
And always searching for your next meal.
You run in place for your whole life.
Maybe it will end with your own knife.
Look at you go, just a rat on a wheel.
And always stuck under someone's heal.
Don't think to hard, don't ask that question.
The answer will only bring depression.
Look at you go, just a rat on a wheel.
And always looking for a reason to feel.
All alone up in your room.
Silence surely spells your doom.
Look at you go, just a rat in a wheel.
And always afraid of what is unreal.
Don't shed a tear, there's no use in crying.
Nothing will stop your light from dying.


Dead Dog

To earth I know I shall return
the life I know will trouble me no more
dark again are the stars
still again is the shore.

My brothers—
playing on the dewy grass of half-forgotten days
—I’ll see them soon
and we’ll speak of all the ways
to chase the foxes in the fields
to sleep beneath the changeless summer sky
to race the doe into the dark until she yields-
but all is lost
the world has passed me by.

From where I go, I’ve come,
the river runs two ways.
Away, away from the sun!
unto the end of days

I will wear a stuck-on smile.
When I meet Agnes, I will wish for angels
When I meet Cindy, I will wish for cinders

I will meet them all with stuck on smiles, with flabby gestures and cheap falsehoods, all the while

I will meet them running and I will squeeze cha-grin like lemonade

And I will pant and play the fool. I will be ridiculous. All those old women will be polite and interesting; new and exciting. They will be full of joy at their new venture. But we will all be wearing stuck on smiles, all be polite and despairing of homecoming. A coffeeshop is home enough for everyone.

Tomorrow, I will feign a worn-on smile,
All the while,

And commit to night
This poem that Bitter Pain's
black hand on mine
bade me indite.

No ketchup
Just sauce
Only sauce

And the ting goes
Skipy dip pap pap pap
Diskipa da pah pah boom
Doom boom boom boom

Salute! To the slipstreamed reeds
toasting the pearlescent mire.
Stars engrave the hickory veins,
writhing, eclipsing the salty air that lulls the sun out to shore.
Staggering in pools of light I drift along the smoky bank.
Illuminated petals wreathe the sky,
Crowning the moon in a violet stream;
Cresting Solunam Marsh.

>Diskipa da pah pah boom

that cradle's best to remain empty
rather than to put a kid in the world only to contempt me
feel me in your womb and keep me alive until your tomb
or leave that womb hollow I know it can be a hard pill to swallow

because you;

expect to be the leader while I choose to follow
when Im a canvas you're a painter and your marks are growing fainter
because I got a brush too
and I will stroke more than you
until my arms are wearing thin and I have little will within
then I'll have painted a masterpiece
with strokes of paint taking years to correct
with subminal symbolism taking years to inspect
i'll be called a mind thats needed to correct
you'll run out of paint and your vision wont be there
everything you wanted for me was something I'd impair
so pull at your hair and waste the air in you chest
your crest means nothing and words mean little
i see you now only as a figure to belittle;

so tell me to grow up, that I need to be wiser
as I'm leaving off molasses painted red at the riser

Do you have anything you'd like to share?

I genuinely never expected to find a poem this good in a Veeky Forums sharethread. Gentle user, go get this published, or get some of your other work published. The world needs more beastly poets with this level of metric sense.

Incredible, kind of reminds me of Ginsberg or Shelley or even van dyke parks. Who are you inspired by? Have any more?

His crush-and-crackling soles upon the sand;
the seasweep shuttered to a bluegold band
by beaten grist and beads of broken rush,
reek of ruddy rockweed amongst the gush.
Oak twig tiptapping pushpits through the shoal -
a stilted sinusoidal stumble-stroll -
absently gentrifying crab chalets;
crimped crests of chartreuse champing on gilt graze.

The trackless mire meets his heel and burps,
releasing brackish breaths of sundried scum,
as caked-on crud unfolds into the earth
beneath his furrowed tread. Stiff rhythmic slurps
toned by streamspeech and mouths of wineburnt plum;
his wife-and-mother plunged in childless birth.

Good rhythm

She was the colour of a hurricane,
And I, stupid and young and lusting for love, got caught in her rain,
She soaked me to the bone and pulled me under her great lashing waves,
And threw me up for gasps of air, yet before I could be saved,
Struck me hard against the shore, with masts and splintered wood,
Foolishly, stranded there, I thought I had withstood,
That being bruised and worse for wear, and on untrodden ground,
That I was breathing freedom’s air, come now fearful thought and sound,
Her gaze once more, like lightning, struck me hard across the heart,
And through long years, and worlds apart,
She still owned me.

-K H. B

I came back for a reprieve,
What a con, there is no more goodness in my own soil,
And it all looks like ash at half past four,
You can trace patterns with cigarette smoke on the night sky,
O watch from your high perch, as potential friends and lovers and enemies pass by,
But it all costs a second,
A minute,
An hour,
A life.

-K H. B

We could never be my love, our closeness wont suffice,
For I am frozen fire, and you are burning ice,
Your outside world is raging, a lashing summer storm,
But the inner heart your caging, can barely see the dawn,
The soul's true smile has faded, the hidden sea lies still,
Your spirit it is faded from the hopes you've had to kill,
All whirlwinds on the outside, but not a breeze within,
A halo of inferno, but frost behind your grin,
And while its true I'm often prone to solemn icy stares,
Inside me theres a burning forge to temper all my cares,
Until they ring like softened steel, white hot with desire,
I laugh and cry and think and feel, all within my fire,
And though sometimes my gaze casts gloomy, bitter clouds of rain,
Within my heart theres thunder, and its booming out your name,
So we could never be my love, my passion and your ire,
For you are burning ice, but I am frozen fire.

-K H. B

I killed a spider tonight,
One of the friendly ones,
All long legs and no sudden scuttling,
The kind to perch in the corner and are content to exist, would that I were,
It had positioned itself on the ceiling, just above where my head would not find sleep, I'm running out of wine,
No amount of prodding made it go about it's business elsewhere, and I am no saint,
I sprayed it with cologne and it writhed in pain,
But it took too long to die,
And every spray brought more flailing,
And by the second minute it was folding it's body and bits of it's spasming legs fell like tortured spinning leaves onto the bed,
Still it would not die,
I swatted it into my empty glass and tried to tip it outside,
But it's body had stuck to the bottom with the remnants of wine,
So I sat the whole glass outside and sat with it for a while,
It died,
If I had treated a butterfly this way, people would think me cruel,
But nobody mourns a spider,
Not even the friendly ones,
I wont drink any more tonight,
Besides, my glass is occupied,
A crystal mausoleum,
A friendly spider's tomb.

-K H. B


To sing the words within my soul,
Day to day to those I love,
Would I too fly with wings
As the feathered birds above?

The sun will set behind the clouds,
Rain will fall the stars to ground.
At night I'll speak of all that's dying
While the waxwings sing of flying.

So should I sing instead thereof
Speaking of my fettered dreams?
In tones so pure and full of light
The ground would never fill my sight?

Could this then be, what I'd say,
A similarity between
The flight of wren, in light of day,
To nearest I can soar on wing?

My life I've dreamt to sing and fly,
Yet all my life I've walked and talked.
Now before my daughter's choir--
hearing bird-song long admired--
I glide in flight on wings above;
My heart in song with endless love!


Beautiful imagery.

>write a peom
>its awful

feelsbadman. but honestly if i wrote something good idk why i would post it here.

Because it's a share thread, get off your petestal, stop being a cunt, post some OC, or gtfo kiddo

Deep meaningfull user oc-s are always tryhard cringefests. Keep it light and simple.

Cringefest. This thread is full of virgins whose knowledge of poetry amounts to ill digested impressions of Blake and Keats.

gee I wonder if these two posts were written by the same person


The blazing sun emerges red
Within ourselves a tidal wave
Beyond real
Beyond safe
Can you hear the nightingale?

We imprint our thought unto the pavement
It was ours all along
Finally here, finally free
The red sun in our hearts, Mao Zedong

I didn't intend to include the last line but it made me laugh

Music stops,
And, like the Legion,
Hostile spirits enter into these uncultured swine,
Radiating outward from the center,
Then returning to, as if elastic bands connected optic cables
Through some spiritual dimension
To my own,
Ebbing as the tide to distant climes,
Pulling with it all the jetsam of the drifts that crowd the shore with noise and brine,
Then throwing up the waste upon the same tired beachhead, mass redoubled,
In a perfect wave of water and of salt and of sand and of refuse,
Twisting as a claw-tipped limb at every heartstring,
From the very depths of Hell,
Disgust moves throughout the crowd
As they turn to regard me.

Baleful demons peer at me
From behind the eyes of my peers;
This cabal will not stand their order disrupted,
Unity demands itself from those who fraternize with acolytes as I do,
Cannot hold a thing unlike close to,
Lest it be chang-ed, and aberrated by so close a friendship
Into mire and ruin,
And all this I now see, one fraction of one blink after the point of no return.

Does some theatric Byzantine now tug
At strings and capers in the margins where I live,
Listening for the gloria of Melpomene, Helen of Troy,
Straining every atom of his soul
To hear the cricket, the frogs and the catepillars,
softly chewing through the milkbuds til they blossom, bud and butterfly alike,
But not the Siren or the Geist,
Nor any ancient ancestral wyrm
Attends his shrine, and still he writes a tear stained line?
And does he shed that tear for me?

Swftly doth the river of my intellect
Course through its track, in search of some outlet
Into which it can pour its autochthonous loathing,
Or else redirect a larger, greater river by its weight,
A pebble on the track
Projecting the freight car of stigmata into the gorge,
Never to arrive at station
And come pouring down upon my head.

Let this be a lesson to you, think I,
To never ask about the odor
Of your womanish acquaintances' feet
"Haha, just ironically, though,
Asking for a friend."

What is this, some Whitman knockoff?