How does one properly pan-fry Bacon...

How does one properly pan-fry Bacon? I've attempted it several times with no success and it ends up simultaneously overcooked and undercooked.

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put the bacon inside ur asshole first u fucking faggot

Cut the strips in half and cook over medium heat flipping frequently with a fork. Your pic is obviously oven fried bacon

Cook in the oven on a rack

Put the bacon in a cold pan, then turn on the burner to medium heat. Starting in a cold pan prevents sticking and a lower heat lets you have a longer window to assess doneness.

My favourite thing to do recently is to put it on low and then forget about it while watching TV.
If the house doesn't burn down my fat is all melted buttery while the meat is stiff but not crunchy.

The trick is in the waves. You need this so that parts of it will be crispy and parts of it will be chewy. That's what makes great bacon. And none of that thick bullshit, what a waste of meat.

Low and slow

this, also don't buy crappy bacon

Stupid bacon! Bacon is stupid! Stupid shrinky bacon! Phewy!

The person who made this comic probably throws away the fat like a cooklet.

>eating bacon fat

Just how fat are you? Sausage-fingers fat or Double-seat fat?

I like to make bacon and grits for breakfast. I pour the fat from the bacon over the grits.

Lower the heat, have patience, interact with it more by pressing down problem spots.

or just throw that bitch in the oven on a tinfoil covered cookie sheet and get perfect bacon by doing absolutely nothing for 15-20 minutes, i seriously have not pan-fried bacon in years

What temperature? I might try it.

eh i just make my "medium RAW" as my father calls it. It's cooked nicely and isn't burnt to shit like when I cook it for any amount of time longer.

thicccut is the only bacon

That doesnt make you less fat

375-400F depending how thicc the bacon is

Here is a tip I learned in cooking school, wash it off in the sink before hand and then air dry it for a couple minutes .

literally this was a game changer for me when it came to perfectly cooked bacon .

Pic unrelated .

good quality bacon barely shrinks

>he thinks fat makes you fat

wow, are you retarded? you really can’t pan fry bacon?

what happens if you just cook bacon in a deep fryer?

i works really well

I do mine at 375F but 350F might be better the first time. I don't even bother preheating to be honest. Just give it about 15 minutes and then check on it every 5 minutes. If you remember how long it takes for it to get the way you like it, you can just time it accordingly every time you want to do it again.

No dipshit, drinking bacon grease is why you are fucking fat.

mustard gas

>he thinks fat makes you fat

22 BMI, muscular, excellent cardiovascular health. Fat doesn't make you fat, dingus. Rendered bacon fat is one of the best-tasting cooking fats. Throwing it away is completely retarded.

>muh bmi
Fatty detected

This is the way.
The only easier way is to use a deep fryer, which is kind of a waste on the fryer oil because it taints it with bacon flavor. People really hate bacon flavored french fries.
But really, in the industry, oven bake. Remove pieces on the edges of the pan that cook faster as they are done. I flip the bacon halfway through just because I'm nit picky. The quicker way is to use a deep fryer. The slowest and most prone to burning is to use a flat top, or worse a sauté pan.
If you're using a pan, cast iron, cast aluminum, SS or whatever, it's best to start with a cold pan. The fat renders out a bit more before the curl starts so it gets more even heating throughout.
Even heating is the best (oven, deep fryer) as opposed to direct heat (like in a sauté pan or flat top grill).

Oil pan when cold.
Dredge bacon through cold oil on pan.
Place bacon in pan, turn to lowest possible heat.
Slowly render bacon fats out into pan oils and drive off moisture.
Once bacon shows signs of dehydrating (crinkling and slight browning) turn to moderate heat and turn.
Check for golden brown colour on cooked surface, then flip for 30-45 seconds.
Remove from heat and drain briefly on paper. serve immediately or return to grill to reheat.

The fat isn't going to your gut, it's going in your arteries, ya ding dong.

cook the bacon in water

You mean boil it?

ie: anything that's not made from belly waste

Meaning anything from Costco or Walmart.

just dont crowd the pan and keep it flat. just like putting crispy skin on fish. like, really? if you can't cook fucking bacon you have no business on Veeky Forums

Oven is honestly the best, but cook it in parchment paper if you want the best results. When I cook it on foil, comes out kinda "meh" tasting, but on parchment paper it comes out tasting like I pan fried it. It's especially crucial if you have a special type of bacon like maple or apple cinnamon.