And also zero net carbs?

Am I missing something or is this indeed correct?

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kek. it is indigestible.

>bad thing
I don't think you understand what fiber does, friend.

no one sad it was bad, only indigestible, friend

That's kind of the point of fiber.
>Dietary fiber, also known as roughage or bulk, includes the parts of plant foods your body can't digest or absorb. Unlike other food components, such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates — which your body breaks down and absorbs — fiber isn't digested by your body.

now fuck, you're not impressing anybody

>mentions that it is indigestible, as if that's a negative
>mad when someone explains that fiber is by definition indigestible
You're European, aren't you?

Yeah funny friend. Its what its used for idiot

>literally retarded

Indigestible? Huh? I just mixed some with egg and cheese for a pizza crust and ate 3 slices. It was filling as fuck.

Pic attached.

You aren't retarded, just misguided. :)

>mentions that it is indigestible, as if that's a negative
except you just imagined the negativity part

Yeah its zero cals, you can't digest fiber, it passes through you without your body gaining any energy from it. In dietry terms all 'fibers' are like this.

Ummm, no I didn't? He said "kek". So he was saying it was a bad thing.

Note: I don't understand fiber either, so I mistook that guy's post for saying oat fiber is indigestible as a negative thing. Hence the "huh?"... I only bought it because it's zero calories and net carbs.

if its less than 1, it can be said as 0.

some retarded food law, look at calories on skim milk, fat = 0 but really its like 0.6 grams fat per cup but thy're leagally allowed to call it zero. if you add up the calories in a cup of milk its missing a
chunk and thats where the 0.6 x 9 cals takes us.

True, but in this case fiber is literally devoid of accessible energy to the human digestive system.

kek. it is retarded.

Yep. You can literally starve to death by eating nothing but fiber.

However, if you feed the fiber to a cow and then eat the cow...

you can feed the fibre to a rabbit and eat the rabbit and still starve

how have you evaded your social workers?

or he was laughing at the stupidity of op asking why something indigestible has net zero carbs

>laughing at the stupidity
holy shit i think you got it right.

I thought there digestible and indigestible fibers? I mean there is some fiber that has calories

You are correct. There's digestible fiber and indigestible fiber, IE Soluble vs Insoluble. You actually want both. Insoluble is what pushes all that shit out of your body. Soluble is what softens that giant ball of shit to make it malleable enough to pass through your tract.

Too much soluble makes your shits slimy and mushy. Too much insoluble means you're shitting rocks, or constipating yourself.

Yeah too much soluble makes your shit hard to push out, and kinda like soft-serve that's hard to wipe. Too much insoluble means shitting rocks or extra-wide turds that are only fun unless you're into that.

I generally find gravity and lifting my legs serves to get most out. Gotta get that squatty potty. Disgusting though. Eat fiber kids

When all else fails drink a fuckton of water and some ducolax.

But yeah, yeah eat your roughage.

how the hell would it have any calories if you cant even digest it you retard

>responding to an ummm post

Well damn, thanks... hopefully those look as good as they taste. I'll probably try them out.

It's indigestible, not indestructible. Your digestive enzymes tore apart the egg and cheese binding the slices together into fuel absorbed in the gut and you shat out the now-unshaped fiber without turning any of it into usable energy.

It still takes up volume in your stomach, so it fills you up, same as how drinking enough water will make you feel full.