Veeky Forums, can you read yourself stupid? Can reading too much leave you dumber than you were before?

Veeky Forums, can you read yourself stupid? Can reading too much leave you dumber than you were before?

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yes, just look at /pol/ and their infographs

I'll never forget one that claimed that promiscuity leads to more women being born because seed of men the pregnant woman slept with was stored in her spinal fluid or something. That comes from a board that claims that supposedly knows what x and y chromosomes are.

>what x and y chromosomes are.
Those things that are 100% responsible for a person's biological sex and the only sexual dimorphic feature humans have?

What if even you read exclusively time-worthy, intelligent books, all kinds of them, would the fact that you're not specialising in some area or niche or topic backfire?

There's a stage people need to push past where they finally have a bit of knowledge and think they're the best person in the world, and have the right answer to everything.
>a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing
If people can get past this and continue to develop their commitment to learning then they realise that
>to proclaim yourself enlightened only demonstrates the inability to imagine the extend of what you do not know
And they generally become cool again.

It's like an arrogance barrier.


>would the fact that you're not specialising in some area or niche or topic backfire?
On the contrary, specializing without venturing outside of your field will turn you into an autist, as Nietzsche has famously written. As long as you read exclusively top shit and read it well then it will make your thought only richer if you don't fixate on one single topic or author.

>read it well
herein lies the problem of how do i know am ir or not

Not that other user, but for me reading it well means approaching it as though it knows what you do not, approach it with respect and really try to see the perspective being laid down by the author. After finishing, reflect on the content and come to your own opinion about it.

That is, read with open mind, reflect with critical mind.

If you read garbage. If you read great literature you won't get 'dumber', but you'll probably talk less.

Unironically this.

according to this website everything is garbage

That movie though

what kind of stupid questions are these? it depends on the quality of what you read, you donkey. I don't know how you couldn't realise that for yourself if you had spent at least 10 seconds thinking about it. Good grief.

Maybe because you only spent up to 10 seconds thinking about it you didn't manage to actually grasp the question OP asked. Although for most people 10 seconds would be enough.

Jesus, that looks exactly like me.

You need to exercise and trim your beard, user.

Yup, it's called going to university.

"reading too much leave you dumber than you were before?" this isn't rocket science. of course reading certain types of materials may leave you dumber but the act of reading in general will likely not decrease your intelligence. this took 5 seconds to think of so congratulations to me I guess. Moreover, it depends what we mean by "dumber". OP's question is so fking vague that it can be open to so many interpretations.