Stop pretending to like dark chocolate

Stop pretending to like dark chocolate

done. go ahead and delete shit thread.

stop pretending to hate white chocolate.

60%-80% dark chocolate is good; anything above that tastes like shit, and anything above 70% tastes a lot better with nuts or fruit.

I like dark chocolate and hate white chocolate, fuck you

We just disagree but you sound like a queer , strike three faganon you are OUTTA HERE.

wtf i love dark chocolate now

Diabetic. Dark chocolate is godly and i'm so glad I kicked milk chocolate to the curb because of it.

dark chocolate and baking chocolate aren't the same thing at all

I like dark chocolate

I like white chocolate best when its paired with regular milk chocolate

almost as much as you like reddit

Processing is for cucks and children. The patrician form of chocolate is the cacao nib.

I have never even been to reddit

White chocolate needs to check its privilege.

A lot of dark chocolate has more sugar than a lot of milk chocolate due to manufacturers compensating for the lack of milk.

It's for baking with OP. You're not suppose to eat 100% straight from the package like that.

>supposed to
What, are you going to report us to the culinary police? There's only one rule: if it tastes good and it's not going to kill you, you can eat it.

It doesn't taste good though.

It does. It doesn't if you've eaten anything else in the past hour or so, but with a clean palate it is a truly beautiful experience. There is nothing quite like it.

Nice alongside whiskey, too.

because when you're use to eating super sweet milky chocolate - you have the preposition all chocolate tastes like that or similar, causing rejection when the taste of chocolate by itself is nothing like what you're brain wired it to taste like.

Chocolate actually has a roasted smoky berry earthy aroma with a slight bitter finish thats really distinct once you get used to it

It's extremely bitter and chalky. I'm sure you can lie and kid yourself into thinking it tastes good, but there's a reason you wouldn't eat loads of it.

Again, it's not for eating, it's for baking and cooking.

If you really like bitter chocolate, eat 80% or less.

Again, you're wrong. You just are. You can jump up and down and shout that other people don't like it all you want, but you're wrong.

No, you're wrong. Does it taste extremely bitter? Yes. Does it taste chalky? Yes. Again, facts don't lie. You can pretend to yourself all you want. You can rant and rave all you want, but you're still wrong.

Again, it's for baking and cooking. It even says so on the package. It's also commonly referred to as 'baking chocolate' for a reason.

I forced myself to eat it for a while, and when I tried to go back to normal milk chocolate it tasted like shit.

Bitter? Yes. Extremely? Not so much. Nowhere near as bitter as bitter melon, for instance. Chalky? Uh, no. Not at all. That only comes out if you've got sweet flavours already bouncing around in your mouth drowning out the full range of flavour in the chocolate itself. I think I've already covered this, but I'm not sure how good your reading ability is so maybe you didn't notice.

White chocolate was only invented so niggers could stain their hands too

I like bitter you little limp waisted, glass boned, weak jawed cuckold faggot. Choke on a dIcK.

White chocolate makes me nauseous after just two bites for some reason.

Above 80% is meme tier for direct consumption.

what kind of wilted asshole even cares about this? Lets discuss shapes of buttons on your shirt next. what a puckered fuck weasel.

What do you mean? They're circles, obviously. Any other shape would be impractical.

White condensed milk chocolate


Especially those turtle neck rappers that get upset when this whitey goes into effect.

makes sense

This but unironically

Can you stop pretending to like chocolate? Admit you just like flavored sugar.

The 100% unsweetened stuff is great paired with crackers that have a really strong cheese, slice of hot pepper and slice of red onion on them.

no it was intvented so they dont bite their fingers

if its 70% chocolate it cant contain much more sugar a 40% milk aka 60%sugar chocolate has

Chocolate is probably the most overrated thing on the planet, period