Webm Thread


inb4 jack

inb4 inb4

Happy Birthday! I made you a dessert inside a burnt balloon?

How did cat turds get inside the dome?

jesus christ favreau


God that pizza looks terrible.


In after jack

absolutely BTFO

if they quit before the fries this sandwich would be good

why did he light it on fire


>mixing meat, onions, cheese, and hot fudge.

it was out of bounce


those chives being so goddamned long always triggers me more than anything else.

Coreans are disgusting.

I can't tell whether this is supposed to be satisfying or uncomfortable

it's got ja/ck/ webms spliced in


>Lasagna casserole vs pizza

Kind of like apples and oranges.

>no pasta
>not made in a casserole dish
explain yourself.

slob goblin

Damnit, I was hoping that spiders would come out.


>dripping with fat
disgusting, really.

>that feel when all those cuties will be instantly incinerated by a North Korean nuke sometime in the next few months

for a second I thought he was going to shovel that directly in his mouth when he scooped it up at the end

he's like an even fatter Bam Mangera


One of my more favorite webms I've made.

>[Sighs in Korean]
should we have some Americans rank the pizza in the OP vs some japanese mayo corn 'za?


this is for (you)

[Coughs in Korean]

>I envy Americans
Kim Jong-un really needs to hurry up and get a grip on the rest of his island and straighten out those decadent subhumans before it's too late.

that should answer your question, dipshit

[LOLs in Korean]

Korean women love American food so much

And really, who da hell don't?



I'd stop at the point they put it in a bun and toast it, but that's me.

They're 56% plastic

>coughs in Korean

She is small time.

Is this supposed to look appetizing? Looks like goo inside of a belted basketball. 0/10 would not eat.

I hate this country.


What the fuck what the fuck

i found this on /n/ and it's still technically food

Do Americans really do this?

thank you user, I had a giggle

I sincerely hate this fat obnoxious faggot

Actually, swallowing live goldfish was a bit of a fad in Harvard for a while. So we kind of do, but only the smartest of us.

Is this the pain train?

I'm so fucking attracted to korean girls oh my god holy shit I want to fuck all of them so bad


me on the right, that bean vegan-queso pizza was garbage btw.


What country is this from Italy or uk?


Is that just plain ground beef?
Where are the tomatoes? Why bother putting that green shit on after the slabs of cheese - for health reasons?


Lets get water wasted

Do cross sections of rolls and wraps ever look good? Even if the toppings seem like a good combination, slicing it in half at the end and showing it to the camera always seems to produce a revolting mess akin to showing off a mouthful of chewed food.



Never shat in a bag and put it at somebody's doorstep? It supposed to be on fire.


that's some out of the matrix shit, man


I have done this but with my balls. Not good times.

500 dorra stupid gaijin

why were you rubbing your balls on a little girls face you sicko fuck

>Vomits all over perfectly good sushi


i like how at the end the moms like "oh. right. shit"




I got habanero in my eyes once, and knowing how that feels makes it so much funnier

It's just a fucking grilled cheese.


waste of meat

>Wow, that's really awful!

I hate everything about this



>tfw mexico starts building a wall to keep the fleeing yanks out

Jesus Christ, Kenji.

>America pays for it


You made me think of the Jocks in that all time classic movie 'Revenge of the Nerds'. So tonight I'm gonna head over to nostalgia street and watch it. Thanx, user.

bottle is only half full


fudge or bbq sauce?

>people said this guy was a talented chef

I don't remember anybody saying that
