This is Molly Fischer the new Queen of Veeky Forums, journalist and writer of the recent hitpiece on Rupi Kaur

This is Molly Fischer the new Queen of Veeky Forums, journalist and writer of the recent hitpiece on Rupi Kaur

Say something nice about her

Other urls found in this thread:

Link of the hit piece

Its written to appear on the surface like a positive profile but when you read closely you notice its actually a razor sharp roasting

wasn't really a hit piece, just sort of a quasi questioning look at the cunt. Included some of the criticism of her, but also did it's best to be nice to her.

Holy shit I assumed it was man. And she's a bit of a qt to

>a quasi questioning look

In the hypertolerant liberally dogmatic culture that qualifies as a hit piece

Really anything written about Kaur is going to come across as sort of critical. Anytime you quote her or praise her it looks parodical or sarcastic.

It's kind of like how an uncle would say something critical of a niece.

"Like uh...she gets all As, you know. But uh....i know..."

We had a queen once...

>those shoes
hmmmm imagine the stench of her feet

I would never have heard of rupi kaur if it wasn't for Veeky Forums

I don't give a fuck

She's literally the current best selling author of adult writing

She is just jealous

>see girl in leather shoes
>imagine how sweaty they must be

people like you and me were meant to be exposed to the elements at birth

we are the quasimodo of the sexual world

>adult writing

I'd say you're more like the Iago.

Not the shakespeare character, but the parrot from aladin. Just really shrill and annoying, and we just want you to go away.

ahahahaha man this is wonderful and horrible at the same time

>“This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer. “The dream is to have him design my next book.”


still follow katie on youtube

The enemy of your enemy isn't your friend

Guessing this is a jewess. She on the list?

I'm confused. Why are there so many Jews? Is this fake? Aren't Jews like a few % of the population?

That goes without saying

2% yeah. Jews are nepotistic middle easterners, when they're let into an institution they only hire their own. I posted the wrong pic anyway.

Queen status confirmed and solidified.

Not gonna stop me broski.

She looks like a stupid bitch and I best her taste is. She isn't attractive enough to distract from her """job""", and she doesn't make enough money to compensate for her ugliness.

She will make some orbiter very confused.

>When did his fans start making women roll their eyes?
I would have an idea:

Figured with a name like (((Fischer))) but still worth pointing out for newbies unaware of the jewish problem.

hate this board so much

If it makes you feel any better a bunch of people here bought books for her. She also brought her channel back.

>betas being cucks
This makes it worse