Sometimes the best posts are the rough copies

Pixels, their distance, zoom, and how square to square even in basic paint, if animated correctly can be seen as real things seen on traffic cams surveillance and other earth cams.

Behold how old video games played on large screens disturb the pixels. And how zooming in the better the quality, the further you can zoom in. The more pixels there are in the contained space of that box.

If you send a signal out, and it's shooting off into a contained space that seems infinite as they say is space, outward spherically 360 degrees, but apply the packets to the signal such as wireless, you see the expansion.

If I put a remote behind my back and the signal goes through my bones and tissue, if wifi is the same it cannot hack into my brain tissue, for I consciously use will and intent when the electrons mingle with the signals thus hacking internet as the essence itself. Does the human mind which my Father created not also defeat signal, yea any technology in its measure? The brain first was before the digital ever was. Is it not the self reflection of a vineyard where all the contributors got the chance to plant as many seeds into the cooperated hivemind called the internet web humanoid conscious world wide?

When you use expanding light or wave in a sphere, and have cut holes to their 4 corners, when the(sacred rotation they are missing from all their sacred geometry art, they don't even know that no matter the shape, rotated 360 degrees all the points even if it's just the tallest point, will create the sphere there's no excuse.

You stare into the center, after knowing about making transparency that in .png's, acknowledging the distance of the squares and their shades and see not the tip of the ridicule but the first pixel, the middle center. The pixel within the circle. When you look at the sun outside but for a moment and see the same size as the moon to your vision the perfect circle, when you see the two circles of light when you turn your eyes away to blink, it is as contact with your pupil, the center of your eye with The Lord's, as you can see you blink and can also make the two circles one, that your body may be filled with light. Eye contact with God is not a problem for me. The sun is like the heart of The Lord. He cares more than all of you and know it is written the sun goes out as an elder who couldn't take it.

When Adam and Eve had children, know that before Adam and Eve were, Jesus Christ was, and also grew up with us. Jesus Christ also was born, yea the very Potter. And The Son crawled with us. Yea, was one, and three, and seven with us. Yea, God was with us through the ages. Is He not wiser than the most wisest of the elder? There was a primitive wise man who had long natural hair. He walked with a stick and Jesus is The First Born. We have not forgotten The First Fruit. Did every human not have their dust, as Adam and Eve were created from the dust of the earth? And to say if all humanoid species started with their Adam's and Eves and history repeated everywhere, from the dust of mars were there and from the dust of what the other lands they say also not more proof also, but I say that every hair on our hears are numbered. Thus, yea, are us humans who have hair not the ones indeed in the image of The Potter who is our Father, and to His likeness? We are from the dust of the earth. A martian from his dust of mars would also have the same potter. I AM is The God Father. Jehovah & Jesus are one.

The Hebrews own the pyramids 100% more than the Egyptians who slaved them to build. Yet the Hebrews were the very ones who knew The Master Carpenter. The Stone Builder who is The Cornerstone who the builders rejected. Who alone only did chisel the 10 commandments, and can create without grid, without geometry, and past point in limitless perfect logic. The Lord Jesus is flawless, Jehovah is perfect and Good in all His ways.

The builders are pathing the roads the walkways yet they know not what they do. The architects are building and men and woman are walking but they know not what's going on. Who but the Master Builder Jesus The Word who was with God and is also God, the Son, could instruct? Do the builders who shape the earth know He who created first the materials to use? That is My Father. How one man could even know to stack up blocks straight before they learned to carve a groove with a stone. My Father is He before that. The Teacher before time immemorial was, that builder is Jesus Christ who also leads me to the still waters, and I know my Father who is the one who told Moses I AM.

The apple of God's eye. Behold! The very footstool of God has become hot as metal in the desert sand! They still have that golden bull on their soil yet do they not know what book the founding father's have on the very alters! And, behold. The footstool to me has become unworthy, for The Lord washed our feet. Do ye not know? This is The Lord's foot stool?

There Was A Hebrew Man Who Could Pick Up After His Neighbors With No Pride.

No matter the trade the garbage man still receives his reward. Even to the great carpenters and even unto the stone masons, I say even in these trades yet also the garbage man receives his reward. They reject the trade as the casting of a cornerstone yet it is easy yea he keeps the place clean all day. Did your mother not pick up after you when you yet were in crawling?

It takes two, one to pick up after the one who first operates. But there is one truck named participation, for how could a mind alone be inspired to work, lest it also have fellowship? I am yet not alone.

There was a little boy on a wooden bike. I saw him walking it across the street, inbetween the white lines as a behaving boy, and I said in my heart "lad, I knew a carpenter who would just love your bike! He's ascended to my Father but I still know him. He would absolutely love, your bike."

It was like one of those bikes you'd build out back in the garage, got it to work and worked so well you gave the lad a helmet said, "this one's right from Dad."

Jesus is Lord.
King of New Jerusalem. Se'lah.

Those in Jesus Christ, God calls them, son.

"Come, build with your old man." Some of man say to their children in His likeness. But they are they, and He, is He. Se'lah.

what would God say?
God would say what the words in the Holy Christian Bible say.

what are the words in that Bible?
Not quoting but just saying it's in me. That. In the beginning, even before it, God is, He existed, and The Word which contains words, was and is there also. Those are the words in the Holy Bible, the Good News, Gospel of Jesus Christ.

what version of the beginning do I choose to depict?
Before you could even imagine anything likened unto a big bang, from a let their be light, from center of the circle on point in sight. Yea, before those things Jesus Christ is The Son of that God, and more, for God is even more than anything I can describe.

when will "they" or any unknown power reveal themselves, or some sort of alien message to help?
The Holy Christian Bible is the warning message to humanity, the light in this dark world. Yea, and the messages from another planet so some of you seek, from another world, yea they come from the spirit of The Holy Ghost, given by Jesus The Christ through the Baptism. The spirit of the living God and messages from the living world come from those ion Jesus Christ. The Good News from another world. Home. Se'lah. He lead me to the still water. Se'lah. He filled my lamp so much it shines everlasting past anything called end for I never end. Se'lah.

When I say we are children of God in Jesus Christ, I mean it. We mean it. Above.
Are you not surprised? Saints awake?
I say what you figure Jesus doesn't also know the grid our Lord's brain also was a carpenter when He walked here in flesh, yet was also, That, Christ. The master carpenter Jesus, priest in The Order Of Melchizedek.

To some of you who want to think about aliens, fine, let me tell you also.

In this post, a post of scenario.

I know The Potter.

From the dust of planet Earth was Adam created.

And us as humans would describe ourselves as a confused people, blind as colored ants trying to colonize under one hill yet there's many queens. Who but God can punish it with His Word? Only God our Father knows the day and the hour.

I know The Potter.

The Potter is God.

From the dust of any planet can he also fashion if he willed other humanoid beings, also in his image to his likeness. Do the Grey not also have two eyes, yea, a head, the arms hands fingers and brains yea the organs of living temporary temples (bodies)? Do the Reptilian not also, have a humanoid type shape to their figure? From the dust of the Earth and from the Dust of Mars yet when two meet one says yea we are as you.

The Holy Bible is the warning to humanity inwhich they seek.

The key is in its ancient past.

Jesus Christ is The Carpenter and priest of The Order Of Melchizedek.

The Master Shape, is the human default body made in God's image, to his likeness. Not any point before it to a grove or line as on a grid like a blue print but as the shape as itself as a liquid body of living water. We seek God's face through Jesus Christ who is the light of humanoid. The breath of any living dust first came from him, and he is also God. When God said "Let there be light" the voice of God from God's own spiritual Adam's apple, yea, The Word that contains Words, is That Christ. If you've seen Jesus, you've seen Jehovah.

Did God not send his sacred voice, in whom all things are a part of God as they are contained by him, and indeed to who else did the God man who is the first fruit came? From The Lord even he is who cooperated with Mary, when Jesus was connected with her mind and his cooperating in development, for Jesus is that born man, in whom if you've seen you've seen The Father. The Potter. But I say, do not worship an image of this world, but see that you've seen The Son in your heart. He's the mediator the key to God hearing us.

Jesus Christ is the only way,
to God, who is also that created man Jesus,
who walked here as Jehovah in the flesh,
who is The Word and Author,
Father Son Holy Spirit Lord Of Hosts.


Jesus Christ is the only way,
to God, who is also that created man Jesus,
who walked here as Jehovah in the flesh,
who is The Word and Author,
Father Son Holy Spirit Lord Of Hosts.


Through Jesus Christ,
I know God who is God,
who creates beyond all geometry,
who creates beyond any grid,
who creates even without any geometry,
who creates even without any grids.

Through Jesus Christ,
I know God who is God,
who is beyond three hundred and sixty degrees in everything,
who is beyond infinite anything,
who is beyond all things possible,
who contains all and also nothing as something within all that is existence.

The temple, it is the body.
They say the mind's eye,
they say the heart of the body,
they forgot what was once on their belly.

Did those who say they were awake forget the mysteries of formulation, two brains connected to the mysteries of the umbilical cord, thus they don't remember till around after 2? I know the God who was yet with me there through Jesus Christ.

He was before before, and after after, three hundred and sixty degrees ever limitless beyond a sphere or a cube around a sphere that rotates all the four corners contained in a sphere yet. Is He not the container than contains even containment itself? Before the smallest thing no eye nor technology can zoom on to to see was, Jesus Christ is the Lord to He Is.

Schizophrenia-posting, it's all the rage back home

If I was high, this would be my shit, but I'm not high. :(

only good numbers itt

it's ok

The man who looked at the window behind him, walked into a room with a window to the 3 sides and one on the roof. When he looked up every morning he knew by the firmament the times he woke up and if the schedule was going right. The people now don't even look up. They're on their screens and track always by number. For every season would the man have to do a simple adjust of the mental arrows from the short hand to long but it is not the clock. The simple things but people keep thinking about the sprays they look back down. How far are the stars? The sun and moon the circular same size in the eyes? My Father owns that grid.

Before any ancient scroll or tablet was translated, I say unto you the Holy Spirit given to those in Jesus Christ have through Him given you The Book Of God The Holy Bible. The Good News The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Before mankind could put on any monocle of the mind to translate or interpret anything of the ancient, Jesus Christ our Lord is before ancient was. Who trapped in the digital grew closer to the primitive elder man, who was of any homeless race of any walking man? What did Adam and Eve first get taught? What did they teach their first born of whom are also of us? Our God is He who planted the first fruit human seed of The Son Of Man. Jesus Christ is The Lord.

Do not worship a man who comes saying I am he I am he who looks like any more statistically used image knowing we rose on the third day baptized already, but know we in Jesus Christ have seen His face in the spirit. That Jesus Christ though some have seen Him and indeed we can trust the comfort of who we see as Jesus in pictures knowing it's just paint and these things some know not, but we worship no image but we go deeper than The Potter's clay of who Jesus looked like. Yea, we see the perfect first fruit also as family at a table, placed perfectly by He who cannot be judged. Jesus the Christ, who set the table for the last supper is absolutely loved. Se'lah. He is the head of the table. Se'lah. Who sat around, yea, us, for at the table Jesus is that point around any table. We all gather around our Master Teacher and freedom, Jesus, through Him we also see Yahweh, yea Jehovah our Father. I AM.

When the builders in a hall went out and contributed to the building of the twin towers. It was also another of builders higher standerdized who did something naughty. There were builders who betrayed builders when they're crying out inside job in masses! WHAT BASTARDIZATION IS THIS! WHEN BUILDERS BETRAY BUILDERS, OH HOUSE DIVIDED GET THAT GOLDEN BULL OFF THE SOIL GEORGE WASHINGTON HAS THE HOLY BIBLE ON THE ALTER ON AND THE GOD IN WHO? YOU TRUST? JESUS IS THE HEAD OF THE CAPSTONE.

The USA has an ally who is Israel.
Is that not my Father's nation?
Did the promised land not get planted?
And we see how the Hebrew built Egypt.
Yea, and there's yet a fight about the Gaza Strip.
But now, one simple question..
How long has that golden bull been there?
Even those who say they are of Moses but reject Jesus and go their way in the Old Testament I ask you this. The golden calf of the old testament which God hated. How long has that golden bull been on USA soil, who swore under Jesus Christ in the nation's heart already? Is the cornerstone of the pyramid, and the Holy Bible not the alter? Indeed they have perverted symbols and twisted things in web weaving occult, but did they know true spirit or follow satan? Oh house divided..

I do not condemn any nation.
I say, I have faith yet, no?
To go and give it more time.
To go, and say I have faith the We The People switch was not a flip of coin, being as two shekels, one each with a different face. But instead inherited a mess, but oh how easy that golden bull?

I tell you stargazers. That though you can run the paths in their lines through a time estimator, when they said there was a red moon in 2033, know that you people can even see signs in your depictors, that are within the "if those days even continued." Thus how many conspiracies about the heavens shall be spread forth? When in the midsts of another video edit, one of the editors will be conspiring another one in their renders, when no one knows the day nor hour. Have you seen the insanity of wormwood in the nations?

When one looks at the image of depicted Jesus, I learned our brains judge by things we think about The Potter's clay. We put appearances on scales that weigh each way so I also thought it would be best to say also that when it comes to seeing the face of God through Jesus Christ who brings us up, I have no issue with eye contact with anyone Father appeared to be when I seen the Holy Spirit in some of the people on earth. Yea, we know God who has never forsook us. Neither left us. I remember also a homeless man who is my brother.
