Where did this "podcast intellectual" subculture come on? I seriously would never have heard of Jordan Peterson...

Where did this "podcast intellectual" subculture come on? I seriously would never have heard of Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, or Joe Rogan if not for Veeky Forums or /pol/.

I think it's because there's a group of people who are bored with the low-tier entertainment on TV and most of the internet, or at least want to act like they are, but aren't as motivated or intelligent to read and ponder about whatever subject they're interested in on their own. That's why they often attach themselves to speakers who address topical political issues because it's at their "level".
It's also no wonder that the people who address these topical issues are also heavily interested in very generalist subjects like (non-biological) psychology, (meme) political science, and (non-theological) spirituality.

liberals love to care about their opinions and love the idea of enlightening the masses, because they love to think that people who do not share their views lack ''education''

plus liberals love to receive entertainment and they try to mix this with ''being educated''

Here's an example of what meme political science is.

>they love to think that people who do not share their views lack ''education''
i thought we were talking about liberals and not anti-semites for a second

It's a just a new and novel form of communication taken advantage of by everyone from comedians to academics. Not much to explain.

Pop intellectuals have always been a thing. Even Plato talks about them

Plato would know, being one of them

You're half right. The incorrect assumption is that by replacing low-brow TV kardashian bullshit with peterson et al., these people also abandon "high-brow" lit and other activities. JP is something for down time, doesn't mean I don't have up time.

No chill

One can be at least somewhat aware of the JQ merely from observation. There are plenty of comments out there by non-Jews/goyim in the music industry which have been called "anti-semitic".

I think he means the tendency of certain liberals to look down on "rednecks", because they lack a meme brainwashing degree.

Non-educated people are objectively dumber.

Jordy B Memerson is a pretty good psychologist and actually very good at helping people improve their lives.

He's sub-par as a philosopher, however. His Arguments are just "Jung said nietzsche said this, and that's just SO DAMN SMART"

It was though. You can tell he's a uni teacher because 90% of that job is basically trying to get the students to fucking read the texts.

As a group no doubt, but there are ways of becoming educated outside of university as it is understood in the West today.

And let's face it, the typical person with a degree isn't going to be a genius either. They will just tend to have enough knowledge geared towards a specific role, and whatever propaganda they were indoctrinated with.

That's why peterson in OP is so disgusted with state of humanities, because those degrees were meant to be about getting people up to date at a deep level with the breadth of human culture. Now they are becoming horribly niche. I think he does falsely attribute a lot of that to ideological battles as opposed to the exponential difficulty of staying up to date across the board.

>his critics say he's a priveliged trans- phobic bigot who must be stopped

Kek leave the poor professor alone

>JP is something for down time, doesn't mean I don't have up time.
yes it does

>podcast intellectual
>Joe Rogan

Literal delusion. But oh well, seems like you need it.

>Jordy B Memerson is a pretty good psychologist and actually very good at helping people improve their lives.
there's no such thing as a good psychotherapist, Peterson fanboys are a case in point of why it's a failed enterprise

>those degrees were meant to be about getting people up to date at a deep level with the breadth of human culture
whatever the formal meaning is claimed it doesn't matter because its historically always boiled down to elites smelling their own farts to impress others :^)

>people like him so he's stupid
>nothing good has ever come from humanities education
Fucking hell, I can smell the sweaty bitterness from here, user.

Before he started his podcast Sam Harris was already a best-selling philosopher and neuroscientist.

That image is laughable. They make it sound like his life was threatened or something and he's some kind of martyr for free speech. All that happened was that the university sent him a letter after he refused to use someone's preferred pronouns. They didn't even fire him.

>'Torturing people is a-okay in my book' -Sam Harris

His liberty was threatened. A fate worse than death. Don't treat on me. Okay with fire... You're goanna get burned.

I don't know if Joe Rogan fits in. He is keenly aware of his own ignorance. Listening to his podcast is like smoking weed and shooting the breeze with your college roommate

At some point the one-on-one, conversational style became the default way to podcast. It makes sense if you're a comedian or somebody with an impressive enough network as one good guest can triple your numbers over night. Consistently get famous guests and subscriptions will skyrocket. I'm hoping a sea-change will occur soon, Cum Town's interesting as it's one of the few podcasts out there that relies on the personalities on the hosts rather than a high-profile get. Hoping we see more diversity as what essentially is radio can do more than interviews.

I discovered them through Youtube, and regularly watch Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux videos. The first Peterson video I'd seen was, predictably, the one during the free speech protest at the University of Toronto. The one where Smuggly Puff came to light. A very short-lived meme that didn't have quite as much impact as Triggly Puff.

i actually figured it out. it's church. the dude is running an internet church but is too much of a pussy to come out and say it. His most popular lectures are literally on the bible and how his interpretation is the "right" one, which is why he hates postmodernism-- it's jeopardizes his religion.


Joe knows he's not an intellectual, he'll even say so when a topic is going right over his head. I respect him because of that, and also because he tries his hardest to understand and talk about the things that interest him. His podcast is as you described, pretty much just him and whoever he invites on shooting the shit for a few hours and talking about random stuff.

>someone's preferred pronouns
i just want to be free from those blue haired PC freaks and their 7 sets of made up pronouns that change according to their whims.

Yes that's clearly the most important world issue user, clearly Peterson is literally the modern day Socrates who displayed his bravery by saying SJWs are dumb.

What a joke. He was not oppressed, just mildly annoyed. There are people who died and suffered for their beliefs, and for ideals that went beyond gender pronouns, yet we have Peterson here greatly profiting off it simply because it's the newest, hottest internet trend. Saying "no" when someone asks you to use pronouns is not brave or even noteworthy.

this is Catman. pronouns Cat/Cats/Catself. this is the future leftists want for our children.

Nice strawman. Thank you for contributing nothing.

this is some /pol/-tier debating

t. the last men of the west standing by while their society is literally debased out of existence by postmodern leftoids

Milquetoast middlebrow mental chewtoys

>Saying "no" when someone asks you to use pronouns is not brave or even noteworthy.
It is in a society where the most powerful organizations demand it. I now you're capable of only viewing social relations in terms of officially sanctioned "systems of oppression", but try to think for yourself for just a little bit.


>There are people who died and suffered for their beliefs, and for ideals that went beyond gender pronouns

Why do liberals have this tiresome obsession with martyrdom? Why don't you go join a church where you properly belong?

Progress is their religion. It's even brought them to see history as some sort of secular afterlife.


Hey user what book will explore this further with me?

It's just an observation, and it's not meant to be particularly deep. I'm just tired of hearing "history will not be kind to you" as if it were some sort of meaningful threat.


>Saying "no" when someone asks you to use pronouns is not brave or even noteworthy.
Wow, it's like you have very little idea what you're talking about.
He never refused to use someones pronouns, he has refused to use words that are backed by legislation. There is a difference between things you cannot say, and things you have to say. And things you have to say according to law is compelled speech and a violation of our rights

No, it isn't. Peterson was never under the threat of being fired. Peterson was never imprisoned. Peterson never had his life threatened. Peterson was never censored. All that happened was that he was sent a letter, then he whined on it on the internet and received sympathybux because whining about SJWs is the cool, hip thing for teenagers to do now.

Why do the retards who worship Peterson donate massive amounts of money to him simply because he whined about a letter? He is not a martyr for free speech, he just hopped on a bandwagon and profited off it.

>He never refused to use someones pronouns, he has refused to use words that are backed by legislation

Complete and utter horsehit. Peterson was never arrested or fined. He wasn't even fired. He just whined on the internet about receiving a letter, and you autists ate it all up.

top kek, if you had an "up time" and read "high-brow lit" you couldn't stomach bullshitters like JP.

Someone who is well-read has an easier time stomaching some TV shit because you turn your mind off in that situation. Whereas with pseuds like JP who actually pretend to say something you remain engaged and so you're just left irritated at his unironic lack of knowledge and banal ways of thinking.

>"social justice and id politics aren't even a thing in the real world, leave the house and stop reading tumblr dumb dumb"
>"wow this one moron on youtube is wrong, he's not an intellectual, why are so many people reading him on Veeky Forums, this is an attack on intellectualism itself"

The state of the left wing mind.

here's your (You)

>I invented a strawman in my head
>Here's me attacking that strawman

The state of Jordan Peterson cocksuckers

>Hey user what book will explore this further with me?

John Gray or Michael Burleigh's books explore progressive and liberal millennialism.

The Oxford Handbook of Millennialism has a chapter as well titled "Progressive Millennialism" by Ashcraft (google it, Veeky Forums isn't allowing me to post the link).

It isn't a strawman. Strawman's are creating weaker version of arguments and knocking them down. There is no argument present, hence no strawman. The greentext is a description of the state of affairs along with the mindset of soyboys that post to Veeky Forums. Descriptions aren't arguments. It's also an accurate description. Pretty much every thread on social justice or id-politics has a bunch of skinny-necked urban soyboys (like yourself) saying something to the effect that identity politics isn't really a thing in real life, and that it is an internet phenomenon. Yet it seems the same ideologically motivated bugmen come into the same threads about some nobody-academic on youtube podcasts, and then act in the same way as their evil /pol/ nemesis.

>their whims
It's whers, bigot.

oh lord there's going to be so many qt traps for me to fugg in ten years

>if you were like me you'd be the REAL intellectual
Kek, you fucking pseud. Just admit you prefer Family Guy to wind down rather than some comfy sermons backed by contemporary neuroscience. Its OK. You're not the most well read person on Veeky Forums and people who don't like you are not that way because they're ignorant. It's because you're annoying and put others down to make yourself feel better. Hopefully you'll get over it one day.

>Cum Town
Great. Another podcast I can't recommend to people in real life.

I don't know what to make of peterson anymore, fucker is shilling his paid personality programs while making mad money from patreon, RETAINING his tenure. He's got a real cult going on and he seems to really think he's helping these anime goons. He must tear himself up at night.

>Plato would know, being one of them
Smarter than Plato
Posting on Veeky Forums

You're projecting, but you do have a point: the usual TV is way too disgusting as well.

Personally I usually read newspaper "stories" about some cultural phenomenon or whatever to wind down. That's where I can manage to ignore the usual media propaganda - *if* the meat of the article is the story itself. Obviously finding such articles worth reading requires some effort and is part of the wind down.

But with people like Peterson there's nothing but the usual bullshit, there's no meat. Because that's the whole point of him, innit? He's not a journalist, he's a "thinker". So there's nothing but his own boring thoughts - which you're already bombarded with elsewhere.

kys u fuckin pseud

Only if that pseud Peterson kills himself first :)

>All that happened was that he was sent a letter, then he whined on it on the internet and received sympathybux because whining about SJWs is the cool, hip thing for teenagers to do now.
He is under the risk of being fired because he's crossed a group of people who have made it their mission to render their political opposition unemployable. Anyone who does the same deserves to have money dumped on them, even if they're a hack like Peterson.

>Literally the single most famous philosopher of all time.
>Not a pop-intellectual.

>Oh b..but he is smarter then yuuu!
Anti-Peterson posters are fucking pathetic.

So many sad, boring fools, deadening this language, living alone inside their graves, even hoping to never see the undertaker. Here's your shovelful of earth!

'Most ingenious Theuth, one man has the ability to beget arts, but the ability to judge of their usefulness or harmfulness to their users belongs to another; and now you who are the father of letters, have been led by your affection to ascribe to them a power the opposite of that which they really possess. For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise.' (140)

That's not what "pop" means you retarded mongoloid


>plato is a pop-philosopher
>newton is a pop-scientist
>bach is a pop-musician

You can't be pop if you're not fucking alive.

>muh mysticism = meaning analysis.
>muh sophists in the agora = post-modernists in academia.
>muh platonists = rabbid cult following.
Yeah plato was the plebian version of JBP.


Michael Jackson is still the king of pop.

7.5/10 almost made me reply seriously

Thanks for the (you) anyway. It wasn't the Michael Jackson bit was it?

I unironically believe 'trans' means a democrat SJW with blue hair

academic/layman divide

Let's take Tyson/Nye for example (I can put those together for the purposes of discussion here). They're gonna tell you that having people believe in "science shit" etc is important, and it is. "So important," they'll say,"that we can skip over philosophical nuance and Cartesian doubt for the greater good, and just say it's 'correct' just 'because'." The problem is that throwing it out as a dogma ends up letting things like religion compete, thus making the shortcut backfire completely. Same goes for social and ethical issues. The reason why "laymen" look dumb is because they've been underestimated. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, just bite the bullet and let people be pretentious.

Also, just use people's pronouns. People call inanimate dick-and-vagainaless objects "he" and "she" in plenty of other languages all the time; gender is a more or less empty concept. Not worth making a stink about. has it right.

Now I have to finally claim that pro-Peterson posters are engaged in parody. Anyone is welcome to prove me otherwise.


>Also, just use people's pronouns


Then they'll just move on and say nah to employing you I guess.

>employed anywhere important

Good joke

>I'm gonna complain about facing consequences for using different pronouns, because I think that's an issue
>but it's also not an issue

>modern muslims


>modern muslims

>issues sweeping threats of impoverishment and deprivation over refusing to kowtow to thinks he's the good guy

Veeky Forums doesn't give a single shit about any of those names.

This is funny because I work in construction and my boss would actually not bother employing you if you were a tranny enabler lol.
>Dat Make America Great Again bumper sticker on the back of the work truck
Not that it matters to the job but if we're going to politicize everything then my hunch is that the guys chopping their dicks off aren't a big percentage of job creators.

>implying people would starve rather than change one letter in a sentence every so often
its their own problem really

I don't think anyone is going to worry too much about those jobs for long

Read Moldbug. No, seriously, drop everything and read Moldbug.

>I don't think anyone is going to worry too much about those jobs for long
yeah because who needs anything built that would be like absurd or something

We won't need human labour for those jobs for much longer.

I'm sympathetic to ditch diggers but come on user, you're just ignoring things on purpose now

the notion that progress is only a meme is really common in 20th century philosophy, most of those "evil french postmodernists" (who people like to confuse with centrist liberal progressives) deny the idea of progress for example

Thanks user! Looks interesting.

I think the data far outweighs the silly notion that progress doesn't exist. Though I am interested in the danger of transmuting it into an idol and the negative implications that might have for society.

The logos is the spark of divinity that can render order from chaos and elicit a renewed state of chaos from pathological order.

Marduk, the Mesopotamian king of gods, had eyes around his head and spoke magic words. He defeated Tiamat, the god of chaos, and split up her body to form the pieces of the world.

Marduk is an embodiment of the logos and is rightly placed at the top of the mythological hierarchy.

On a very different note, the notion of the technological singularity can be conceived one of two ways: technology becomes as intelligent as humans, or humans become as limited as technology.

The smarter the tool, the less that is required on the user's behalf.

I believe both of these topics can shed light on what Socrates is saying.

If you actually think retards like peterson or harris are better than joe rogan in any meaningful way you're part of the problem.

Trannies are more likely to be autist computer whiz hackers than the general population. Those trucks are getting automated soon, so maybe it's time to ingratiate yourself to your new overlords.

>its their own problem really
People might prefer to starve rather than affirm delusions and abject falsehoods.

He's not wrong though, modern liberals love to smell their farts. I know this because I'm a liberal.