How come nihilists are so eager to talk about nihilism?

How come nihilists are so eager to talk about nihilism?

Because theyre nihilists only for attention.

They're hedonists.

Maybe their purpose in life is talking about nihilism.

Because they want to be absolutely sure you aren't misconstruing their aesthetic for stupidity

Perhaps because they believe that nihilism is the end of the road in regards to intelligence? Perhaps they want to justify their pursuit of pleasure without understanding the importance of self control? Maybe they just see nihilism as the easy way out of spiritual and moral discussion?

One of my few friends became an outspoken nihilist about a week before killing himself. Somehow I respect that, but in other ways I feel he was a bit of a dipshit.

From an Epicurean standpoint reckless pursuit of pleasure often results in greater suffering, as seen with junkies. Self control ends up maximizing long term pleasure by taking a more sustainable approach to happiness.

same reason Green Day fans are so eager to talk about punk. they're completely wrong, but you have to admire their enthusiasm just before you punch them in the face.

It's good to have something to believe in and share with others.

What else is there to talk about, senpai? Saviors in the guise of persons or personal subsets like 'reason' or 'science'? Please....

because they like it, probably.

there's no nihilist commandment against liking things.

Great point. These little missives we convey via curves and dots and lines through nervous light-conveying media? (That's alot of media!)
Sweet nothings.

To need a constant reminder that they don't believe in anything.

When language, like everything else, is meaningless the only use of it is to talk about that meaninglessness. That's why nihilists only do things that state the nihilism of the world, anything else is redundant.

Nihilistically this.

The strange thing is that nihilism is a distant cousin of christianity.

wee beleev in nozing

clearly kissing
What is it God created the world out of again?

by this point, 'Nihilism' is just another debased buzzword. means nothing except 'look at me i'm edgy Rick and Morty XD'.

Correct. But what I think (you) meme to say is that it 'means' pretty much nothing.. ... ....

A Christian in his darkest hour is a nihilist.

How to spot a nihilist, a vegan and a marine at a party? Don't worry they will let you know

in our world, nihilism is default.

There are different types of nihilists.

They need a purpose

>yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil..
The opposite's the case, in fact.
--But I understand. The crisis to which (you) allude is 'spiritual,' 'that white sustenance, despair.' Correct?

Some of them are asking for help.

No reason

'Default' is a techno-legal metaphor, senpai. Nil is the maitenence of an open mind, and the realization that NO decision need be made where NONE is necessary. Why espouse what I find either distasteful or indifferent? Could I even do so honestly? No.
Honesty. That's a value. What is it worth? Nothing. Do I let it go by the way? No. Why? Because it is important to me.

theyve got nothing else

they're sad and want a hug!

why do they care?

I'm a nihilist, but i wouldn't really recommend it to anybody. I also hate calling myself a nihilist, and probably would never do so face to face with somebody, because even claiming to be one implies that I found nihilism to be a valuable, or useful philosophy in life. I don't.

It's more the typical mental state of a bitter, damaged, hopeless person, rather than a philosophy.


Define nihilist/nihilism.

nihilism is to meaning as atheism is to deities

If we go by that definition, then I can't vouch for the accuracy of OP's claim. I've never met anyone who was eager to talk about their disbelief in meaning, unless you include the exhausted everyday "what the fuck is it all for?" sort of dialogue.

Pro-tip: teenagers who've just read a nietzsche quote and suddenly claim to be nihilists usually aren't actual nihilists. If you want a decent account of what nihilism would entail, read Marquis de Sade

that's clearly hedonism which is not nihilism since it sees value in pleasure

Have you read Justine?

No I'm unironically too sensitive to read anything more than summaries of his works

This 'this' is crap. 'Nihilism' isn't Despair, which is precisely the state of mind the P of the definition (you) 'like' describes. The P however is correct when he suggests that someone who espouses 'nothing' or no 'public opinion' is content with a term convenient for OTHERS who DO stand behind a set of nominal beliefs, political principles, or whatever else. I think a true 'nihilist' suspects that most if not all question the viability of their own stances, or of their own beliefs, and are actually 'nihilists' themselves for much if not most of their lives EXCEPT when they feel compelled, or feel a need, to open their mouths. What opposes a 'nihilist,' then, in his or her own want of belief, is a Liar: someone who CLAIMS to know what he or she in fact does not.

De Sade's works are actual as anti-hedonistic as you can get, and pretty much center around demonstrating the folly of the hedonistic treadmill in spectacular fashion, over and over again.

Granted, the moral to the story does get kinda lost in the "sex sells" aspect. So I don't blame you for being deceived.

I'll play ball. Different user, but I've read Justine. The girl makes it through, principles (if little else) intact, optimistic even, but then gets sundered by a thunderbolt, which not only blasphemously suggests that God too wants his piece of the action, but further that God IS NOT, is not at all what mortals deem him be, i.e. mortal Himself OR the very expression of what [man] says he is, and NOTHING more.
What Justine is is a Candide who maintains her optimism, and pays for it with a stroke of authorial whim. This whim is in a sense ingenius, because a parody of the divine can't help but suggest that there IS a divine to be parodied.

Wow, dude. We caught similar brainwaves at the very same 'real time.' If we meet we die. Hope youre in NZ or something....

Misery loves company

Man cannot be a nihilist.

Ask him: did he throw he's dollars away after learning that they have no intrinsic value?

It's a phase, a defense mechanism towards the dreadful truth, soon he'll learn thst meaning is still there, even if only inside his head.

it's just a porn book in disguise
come on man

Why is nihilism the first place people go after leaving christianity behind?

>commits suicide
At least he rid the world of his presence, so good on him. Cheers!


Really shallow of you to say. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean someone cannot legitimately "be" one.

I am talking of experience.
You really think it is that hard to grasp? Nihilism is a simple concept, point is: you cannot become a nihilist, for you to be a human you always give value to things. You can believe in nihilism, but by definition you cannot be a nihilist. Some day you will grow up son

That is most certainly not what user meant by a Christian's darkest hour - state of mind is very different from circumstance, you're talking about the latter.

Because coming to that kind of conclusion is usually their motive for leaving it. I mean, it's quite a bit easier to imagine a christian thinking "Dear god! My life has been a complete lie, everything is meaningless!" before leaving their religion than it is to imagine them instead thinking "Oh gee! I don't think I'm a Christian anymore because I've bent my belief in purpose and fulfillment in an incredibly philosophically nuanced fashion!".

People who're more in line with the latter don't actually leave their religions, they just become gay-transexual-not-quite-Christian-whatever hobbyist Christians who spout nonsense about believing in yourself because they never had serious existential crises. If you don't have a huge change in perspective, you're just going to rewrite the bible you already have instead of throwing it out for a new one. Noone changes from black to dark-grey; you go from black to white and then to dark-grey. If they were to move from black to dark grey, they'd just call it "light black" or something.

Also, Thready reminder that Camus's works have the philosophical depth of the nike shoe slogan

Circumstance to begin, state of mind to conclude. If faith is a state of mind, then despair is. I began to answer circumstantially, but then switched it up to ask if he perhaps meant a state of mind. No answer received.
In a way, faith and despair are the overriding conditional poles of every Christian mind.

They want everyone to know they don't care about their shit lives so don't make fun of me please because I don't even care and even if you do it won't hurt my feelings because I don't care about anything.

Might not be deep, but is it wrong? Ad hominem is worse than silence

'Nihilists' do value things, theyre just not in the habit of universalizing what they value. What it approximates is individualism with the codicil So the fuck what? It is NOT a position of power yet remains on the margins of everything except art and litetature where its occupation is central in the shape (so far as Veeky Forums is concerned) of Shakespeare, of Montaigne, of Cervantes, of Pushkin, of Goethe, of Dickinson.
How ironic that the most individual authors become the most universal. One recalls that Christ's weakness was his stregth.

That's relativism, nihilism is radical pessimism. To be a nihilist is to have no goal, no purpose, no care. One that keeps forcing his view cannot be a nihilist by definition.

>nihilism is radical pessimism
>To be a nihilist is to have no goal, no purpose, no care.
pick one. the condition for pessimism is certainly "to care" (from the notions you've mentioned).
if you want meme-tier descriptions then it makes more sense to say that "nihilism is radical apathy". but I'm sure somebody could make a sensible argument that a nihilist doesn't necessarily need to abandon passion.

I'll admit on the apathy part, but one can give "a sensible argument" about nearly anything, with it still being bullshit.
If you won't (or even more correctly: can't) abandon passion, you give it value with your act. You might say and deceive yourself to think that money has no value, but if you work to get dem greens...
Acts before words.

Non nihilists are much more eager to talk about it, so it becomes necessary for Nihilists to educate them.

>doesn't need to abandon passion
Here's the argument: can't abandon passion, or reason, or any other human capacity INCLUDING valuation. All a nihilist 'knows' is that he or she is nothing. And this helps in MANY instances given the right attitude.
What's not understood is that it's THE VALUE given NOTHING that makes the 'nihlist,' --happy or sad, hopeful or despairing.
Consider for instance the many threads on this board that begin something like 'why do you waste your time reading fiction?' or 'don't you faggots know that poetry is dead?'-- well? why do (you) waste your time on such things?
Science offers knowledge and know-how, social literature endeavours to help people in oh so many ways, political literature to designate social ills and speculate how the business of government can be either run or modified or changed absolutely to further the real interests of the people (that matter) at large, etc. And then there's art and literature, 'cultural stuff,' 'entertainment'-- what function does it really serve? The only real answer other than west and wewaxation with respect to all these other literatures (and nomenclatures) is that it serves NO purpose whatsoever, yet nonetheless along with pop music and games keeps somehow at the very center of most [our] lives. Obviously THIS phase of nothing the 'nihilist' values very highly JUST BECAUSE. But tell me, why do (YOU) waste your time on such things? Or, why are interpretive propogandas felt or thought to be of the utmost importance?

If you think nihilism equals pessimism you're not nihilistic enough to understand nihilism.

You're like a mother who says 'having no kids is radical unhappiness because it implies the absence of children and I love my kids and can't imagine life without them'.

Depends what kind of nihilist you are.

Classical nihilism is pretty mediocre, while modern nihilism more or less takes a page out of Buddhism's book and tries to minimise suffering, starting with your own and then trying to be less of an asshole and helping others.

There's a rather large misunderstanding, at least with modern nihilism is that it equates to hedonism. There's doing what you want for the sake of pleasure, even when it could be/is doing harm to others and then there is pursuing what you believe to be just because you ultimately realise that there is no inherent meaning in your actions, so you do so for yourself.

That's absolutely retarded and incorrect. Nihilism is the abandonment of hubris (concepts like god, societal and cultural expectation) and doing things for oneself, because there's no cosmic reward nor grand plan, or intrinsic meaning in anything.

Fullstop. The whole pessimism thing is literally made up. There's nothing that says being a nihilist means being negative or having no goals/purpose. It means that you accept that there is no macro purpose to anything that happens in the cosmos.

>Might not be deep, but is it wrong? Ad hominem is worse than silence
Camus makes it rather clear isn't wrong or right. Same goes for the nike slogan.

This marks the very problem of this thread. Non-nihilists (!) ultimately battle their own surprisingly rigid interpretations of what is in fact an expansive position.