Who here /pica/

who here /pica/

help me Veeky Forums what am i supposed to do

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Lay down face first and take a deep breath.

the cravings just get stronger what do

No one here has your crappy rare disease, but if you want some cooking advice.


s-stop tempting me user. and i'm sure a lot of people here have pica it can't just be me

Go buy some multivitamins, don't eat the receipt the bottle or the cap. Take two. Go to a restaurant like a BBQ place and eat a huge meal of real food. Don't eat the receipt, silverware, or table. Go get a psychiatrist and a doctor. Don't eat the tongue depressors or cottonballs.

crappy fake disease you mean

eat this thread
you know you want to

You know Pica is a really well documented disorder right?

Typically its a symptom of another disease, not a disease in itself.
You know, it could be a sign of mental retardation OP.

I like how that reply took so long I know you had to wiki it.

i went to the doctor and he told me to go to the doctor
n-no! no!
I'm only eating a tiny bit, I still have the judgement to know I'm not supposed to

Don't eat the doctor either.

Pica is usually caused by a vitamin deficit, usually iron if you're a woman, but can be others too. Start taking a good multivitamin and eat a steak with a side of spinach.

The doctor is edible. Technically. So someone with Pica wouldn't want to consume him. Maybe his clothing, stethoscope, pens.

It's almost like the doctor was pointing you towards someone who would be more specialized in treating your condition. Don't fault the doctor for specialization, it's a good thing.

no he didn't refer me to a specialist he told me i should "go see a doctor"

i have the opposite of iron deficiency and also i do eat spinach regularly but i still want to eat raw flour and starch and sometimes raw potatoes or animals

I am suddenly remembering why I love the Onion so much.

That don't sound like Pica homie.

well what do you think it is and what should i do about it? or if i should be worried at all. i don't have any vitamin deficiencies. it wouldn't actually bother me if eating soil and small birds didn't hurt anyone

post pic of yourself eating a small bird

It sounds like you didn't go to a real doctor in the first place.

no! don't tempt me i know i'm not supposed to
you're right everyone tells me i need to see a new one. last time i went he spent like ten minutes telling me about he didn't actually want to become a doctor but his mom made him choose this career. yes he was asian

post a pic of your fave dirt to eat

Seriously user, see a different doctor. Find a family practice thats near you and have one of those doctors look at you. They will either know enough to give you some advice and then point you in the direction of specialist. Also, don't eat raw flour, it's bad for you.

I had to look this up, but I honestly don't see too much of a problem if you were eating ice. Maybe shaved ice so you don't fuck up your teeth. At least it's water. Which is more than most people around here can say.

I knew someone whose primary fetish was stuffing, but with non-food items. If I had their number still, I'd hook you up.

Seriously though, see a psychiatrist, there has to be some kind of mental health facility in your area. They'll probably put you on OCD meds or something. If you say it gives you a lot of anxiety, they might even give you benzos, so that's fun. Look for a place that specializes in mental health, check with your insurance, and make an appointment.

i came back from a psych ward not too long ago actually. they told me to not worry about it and just eat actual food when i get these cravings but it's not helping

isn't craving ice something anemics do? i don't particularly care for it, mister satan trips

Eat a fucking tide pod and die

get OCD meds. Try Luvox. Keep asking doctors until they understand it's a problem

wait... so you want to eat a riverbed...?

I had to google what the fuck this was.

I'm gonna just assume you have down syndrome, stop eating paint user.