Inevitable ecstasy and bored with conceptualising

I am at a point where I am genuinely bored of philosophy.

Not as a dilettante who got frustrated with "big ideas he couldn't digest", but as a guy stuck in modernia where all these axioms and insights rarely ever apply.

There have been certain incredibly necessary and helpful corrections to my basic metaphysical assumptions about life, but once my operated system was upgraded the rest have just been not-very-necessary minor updates.

A time for action, and not thought, eventually occurs it seems.

"The goal of life is contemplation." Cool, Aristotle. And what is your body going to do with all that wonderful contemplation, in the end?
"The unexamined life is not worth living." Sick, Plato. Now that we've examined and deconstructed our meaningless existences to hell and back, where shall we apply our physical and mental energies?

May I offer up my own immortal aphorism to the cosmos:

"Everything aspires towards the inevitable good. The only real path is become completely tired of each and every inaccurate permutation."

like Blake's "The fool who persists in his folly shall eventually become wise"

imagine fucking this slampig

I had a good day in virtual reality guys. (You)?

OP you are unwilling to accept the answer that life is a process not a quest. You're stuck trying to assign traits and values to something that is indescribable.

thats a slab too much girth for my taste

Isn't a quest simply a process with a proclivity?

What is a proclivity but an unhealthy desire?

I'm not saying you need to be Jesus. Prince Myshkin proved that doesn't work on this planet. Just read some Ligotti and wait for death.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this my friend, but you're low test.

>but once my operated system was upgraded the rest have just been not-very-necessary minor updates.
well, you obviously need to quote-unquote 'update your system' again because you sem to think that human minds can receive OS upgrades. that's a false metaphysical assumption.
>"Everything aspires towards the inevitable good. The only real path is become completely tired of each and every inaccurate permutation."
4/10 you had me going

I don't renounce value itself, that's an absurdity. A process is fine, a quest is more human. I am fine with the more human of things.

Myshkin was certainly a kind martyr (albeit fictional), but the past needn't be projected into the infinite future. That is a sad mistake which bars the way for inquiry into our underlying value assumptions (which are the cause for repeated injustices). Generalizations about "Human Nature" which ignore historical conditions.
"Human Nature is Thus" ...(given these historical conditions). They never append it that way though. The conditions are constantly morphing, and human nature may be revealed to be much more than our current conditions allow to admit.

Obviously human beings aren't totally encompassed in the idea of a "bio-computer", it's just a convenient analogy.

>past is not prologue, and shouldnt be
>generalizations about human nature which ignore historical conditions
>underlying assumptions about us lead to justice

You're right about our flaws OP, but wrong about a bright future. Justice does not come free; it always costs someone. If justice came to man on behalf of the world, we'd all be gassed. This inability to perceive our own monstrousness ensures we will never be just ourselves.

it's not a very good one
areyou autistic?

>"big ideas he couldn't digest",

>is a big thinker
>too smart for philosophy
>doesn't know the comma goes inside the quote

If you ask me, the progress of technology is primarily to serve our metaphors, comfort and all that else is secondary.

Though that's just a pet theory of mine.

It is a natural defense of a given person's personality to discredit the idea that progress on the level of "society" or general human well being is nothing more than a pipe dream. Given that that dream has been repeatedly defiled in the course of history, it seems the better side of wisdom is to adapt to a kind of hopeless feeling concerning the future. The future may be fucked, but at least in knowing it we are on the slightly better side of the fucked fence because of our foresight.

This seems to be how most people operate, whether intentionally or not.

I am saying that there are perspectives, "modes of consciousness" if you want to get fancy about it, that individual human beings can inhabit which dissolve the defense mechanisms of cynicism and reveal whatever spontaneously replaces it. Which, according to many wise folk excluding myself, is naturally good.

The conditions seem to be headed toward societal collapse. This will explicitly appear as tragedy, but it will pave the way for something implicitly and genuinely new. All our past conceptions about future will become obsolete in the face of desolate yet exciting new reality.

My guess.

>hopeless feeling concerning the future
It's not a feeling, user. It's documented fact. Fucking each other over is the one thing we can count on our species to do. It's a result of natural law, like gravity or sunrise.

What is good? What pleases the gods? What pleases the individual? No. What pleases the mob is good. I tell you, there's no hope for us.

I came here thinking I was going to put on my thinky-cap but got sidetracked by my penis.

Got a name on that?

I like people who think like you do, even though I disagree at a deeper level. More honest than the average stranger.

Hope is actually not very helpful. There are plenty of folk who have blind hope which closes their minds towards possible calamities, which can act as a kind of cult of happiness. This is almost always even more treacherous than pessimists or alarmists.

Faith is a better word. Faith meaning precisely this: trust in existence (and thereby life)

I don't know how to elaborate on that feeling though.. other than your being alive is a "good" thing, on the deepest possible level
What happens is that deeper levels become obscured, for reasons established prior to our knowing..
There are a lot of games we play, you know..

Your loyalty to greater purpose in man will bring you pain, proportional to the degree you lend yourself to it. It puts you at odds with reality. And when loyalty has not betrayed one, it has betrayed the other.

Nice talking to you fratre. See you on the other side.

I recommend reading the Enneads by Plotinus!

I began reading it.. I should continue reading it, the language is cumbersome to follow but I sense that if I persist it will have value.. thanks

oh. my. FUCKING. GOD!!!


>"Everything aspires towards the inevitable good. The only real path is become completely tired of each and every inaccurate permutation."

>like Blake's "The fool who persists in his folly shall eventually become wise"

This resonates with me.

>once my operated system was upgraded the rest have just been not-very-necessary minor updates
Sounds like you're ready to jump to next level.

Wow, really deep. You are a clever guy, aren't you.