Im no vegetarian or anything, you can eat your own leg if you want...

im no vegetarian or anything, you can eat your own leg if you want, but do people really think our 'canine' teeth are proof of our being meat eaters? every time i see someone giving that as an argument with a straight face i just feel sad about humanity in general.

first read a fucking book learn the difference between a carnivore and an omnivore, second fucking blow me

I don't know shit about teeth but I would more believe that canines are proof of how we get out food and not how we eat. Canine's are for like hooking and puncturing. Two things really necessary if you're talking about catching your food and fighting other shit that will put up a fight. Also the opposite it would make your job eating almost harder if you had those things and you had to fight to eat plants because you can't grasp a bunch of it at once you're just poking holes in leaves and shit.

Canines are to bite and dig in to meat, while molars are for chewing. You know why? That's because we're omnivores, while you're just comparing an omnivore's teeth with a carnivore's

To compare, a herbivore's teeth are all flat, just like our molars, because they're made to chew

Canines were trained and bred for centuries to help humans capture meat.

best of both worlds!

underage poster

this but unironically, humanities ability to process all types of food is a contributor to why it was so successful as a species

how was that ironic...

Are teeth don’t need to be as sharp because we have hands. Dogs and stuff have to tear up meat with just their mouths

hush now little one, your time will come.


You have to assume that everything is ironic on Veeky Forums or you'll go mad very fast.

If anything, this simply shows canine teeth are a vestigial organ of little to no function in modern humans. It's a piss-poor argument made by pseuds who are threatened by vegetarians, for whatever reason. Pointing to your canine teeth and thinking you are an apex predator superior to vegetarians, despite being an urbanized, overweight, fast food-consuming, manlet with a sedentary lifestyle, poor muscle tone, and an underdeveloped jaw due to a diet consisting of processed foods, who has never hunted let alone cleaned a carcass, is pretty funny.

We are clearly omnivores but are fortunate enough to live in a time when many people can actually choose their diet.

Our success as a species is due to survival and sexual reproduction. I'm pretty sure all the hardcore fast food meat eaters on Veeky Forums aren't going to show much success in the latter category. Burgers might satisfy your meat cravings, but they aren't going to do much for attracting a mate.

The fact that we eat and enjoy meat without any real problems is proof enough that we're omnivores that can eat meat. We're so good at eating meat we even evolved the ability to drink milk.

bowel:body ratio

many herbivores can eat meat without problems. the shit only starts to hit the fan when you feed them their own species.

Canines are vestigial in humans because we use hunting tools and cook our meat, fucking dumbass. Looking at literally any other monkey or ape and you'll find massive fucking canines despite being more herbivorous than we are.

>fighting to eat plants

Many herbivores DO eat meat, cows have been known to raid the chicken coop and eat baby chicks

>muh appeal to nature
I don’t give a flying fuck whatever “nature” wanted humans to eat. We’re goddamned thinking animals and we can do whatever the fuck we want because we have the capacity to deny our own natures. If you’re so obsessed with being natural, whether you eat meat or don’t, go live in a fucking cave and defend yourself from predators with sharp rocks and pointy sticks. Spoiler alert: there’s a reason we don’t live in it any more, and it’s because nature fucking sucks.

>Different species have different teeth
Our teeth are still perfectly able to chew meat. So what's your point? Just because we have different teeth than a dog, means we shouldn't eat meat?!

means nothing

Go eat some poison ivy or some poisonous mushrooms then. Most plants are poisonous to humans, while 99,9% of the worlds animals meat is safe for us to eat.

What's your point?

Except it being one of the most reliable measurements of an animals long term diet.

...what? Half the fruits and veges you eat will straight up kill your dog. Humans have amazing livers.

herbivore skull

What a coincidence that they'd have died long ago if humans didn't think they were adorable.

>ITT: No one understands evolution

Gonna have to say that last sentence one more time, bud, with a little explanation.

Like the teeth matter when we cook our food soft regardless.

It should all be about the digestion and nutrient uptake.