Why are people so against Hawaiian Pizzas? I'm not the biggest fan in the world, but they're not bad...

Why are people so against Hawaiian Pizzas? I'm not the biggest fan in the world, but they're not bad. Yet this is such a divisive thing for some reason. I don't get it.

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It's a meme really. There are much worse toppings and combinations, yet people pretend that pineapple on a pizza is the end of the world.

Same. I've literally never understood it. I just chock it up to picky eaters, even though it's still a weird thing to be picky about.

I do t like leaf bacon, but, I love pineapple/pepperoni/peppers combo. The 3 P's to a perfect pizza.

To many people, pineapple and other sweet foods do not belong on a pizza, it's as simple as that

I don't mind it if you add jalapenos but I'm not a fan of the classic hawaiian so much

What about Bavarian dessert pizza? Like from Cici's Pizza

>tomatoes don't belong on pizza

Yeah, that's totally a commonly held viewpoint.

I don't know what that is, but if it's entirely sweet it's the same point of nutella pizza. It's not intended as a main course

the perception of what is sweet and what is savory varies, I'd never call a tomato "sweet". Maybe you do, but don't pretend like you find them as sweet as a pineapple.

>'d never call a tomato "sweet".
enjoy your shit tomatoes.

>being as sweet as a pineapple is the benchmark of whether or not a fruit is considered sweet at all

Keep misquoting lad, that's how you win a debate (which this is not)

Why stop at pineapple? Why not put fucking strawberries and oranges on it

It's just dough. The water in American sewers must turn them all autistic

>strawberry, spinach, walnut pizza
>orange, duck, arugula, blue cheese pizza

I see no problem here.

Its a Canadian dish originally you fucking retard. Did you drink toxic sewer water?

canacucks are even worse than usaians.


because pineapple is trash.
why are you putting trash on your food?

It is skub.

The only thing trash here is your taste honestly. Pineapples are based fruit, only tastelets would disagree.

It's a meme to hate it. Sure some people really hate it but most people don't really care either way. The people that cry about pineapple are the same people that eat tide pods. So don't read too much into it.

Oh yeah as a main course, I couldn't do it. Just one slice at most.


It's a meme, they hate it because they've been told it's funny to do so. It's like when people hated the word moist because that was the big hot meme at the time.

>get hawaiian pizza
>pineapple is either really runny, overly cooked, or pineapple juice soaked into the bread far too much

Because layering a watery fruit on top of cheese, red sauce and bread is terrible

I like pizza to be salty and savory. Nothing about Hawaiian pizza works for me. Pineapple doesn't pair well with aromatic herbs, and pizza should have those. For me, the flavor of a pizza should be strong of oregano, garlic and salty tomato. Where does pineapple fit into this? It doesn't. And the final offense is sweet+bread (for me). I like salty, savory things with bread. I don't like donuts, cake, all that shit. While my reasons here are pretty straightforward, they are still in some was specific to a select few, yet MANY hate the pineapple on pizza thing. Lots of people love sweet + bread, salty +sweet. I don't. So I'm not the best person to try to answer the reason for the hate, but at least now you know my answer and it might help the general question you have.

It's not just hawaiian pizza. Any dish that mixes sweet and savory makes me gag. Pizza and pineapple especially so, because pizza is very savory and pineapple is very sweet.

Cici's is a crime against pizza.

People are against it because most toppings on a pizza don't create such a flavor imbalance like pineapple does
You could switch out mushrooms for red peppers, and most people wouldn't bat an eye, but pineapple just overpowers the pizza so no matter what kind of pizza you get, it's mostly pineapple

I don't love pineapple on pizza, I groan when people order it, but I'll eat it

Damn man, I'm sorry you can't enjoy melon wrapped with prosciutto.

It's a sin

I don't mind it on occasion, but it's not great

Hawaiian pizza is only worth eating if the pineapple has been caramelized before putting it on the pizza (or the entire pizza is baked in very high heat). raw white pineapple on pizza is not okay

Blue cheese is worse.

It's an autistic meme spread by millenial americans who can't comprehend why people might enjoy things



My mum used to make oven baked pluma wrapped in bacon when I was a kid, absolutely God tier
>bell pepper isn't sweet
>onion isn't sweet
>bbq and tomato sauces aren't sweet
Yet nobody complains about those. People hating on pineapple pizza are literally just millennial retards who need something to feel superior about. (In this case, their "refined" taste in pizza)

*oven baked plums

why is Hawaiian so popular despite being so hated

Because people don't grasp the simple fact that you can have a tangy pizza.

same thing with hating the prequels, although theres legitimate reasons to criticize thoseto an extent. theyre all plebbit tier memes, almost facebook tier

Umh, all pizza should be baked in very high eat?

Yet bell peppers, onions and tomato are, culinarily speaking, vegetables. You must be a retard if you really to see the point of 99% of the population if you think pineapples and bell peppers are the same category of food.
>bbq on pizza
holy fuck who's the millenial here?