Why dont people just drink these instead of going through the hassle of shopping preparing and cooking...

Why dont people just drink these instead of going through the hassle of shopping preparing and cooking? Cheaper than takeout too.

Food tastes good and is satiating.

Some people enjoy a nice, solid bowel movement.

Don't reply to bait threads

Its a question, not bait you paranoid faggot

Lick my hairy asshole

The only people who drink this shit is people who need to.
Its great if you have some sort of fucking up digestion disorder or some such other disease.
My sister drinks it because her body is out to kill her.

But for normal people it simply is not useful unless you are a trucker or some other shit where you need to get nutrition without stopping out.

Its good if you live a hectic lifestyle with a demanding job

Believe it or not, but some people actually enjoy the process of preparing a meal, sitting down with friends and/or family, and savoring the smells and flavors they've created over pleasant conversation, and it's driven human society and evolution for several thousand years.

>Board about cooking
>Why do you cook???
Shit thread, weak bait, kill yourselves

>cheaper than takeout
And infinitely less fulfilling, I'm not paying $5 for a fucking Slim-Fast.
Also, they were forced to rescind the claims that you can ONLY drink Soylent and nothing else, all their products now say "Soylent can be substituted for any meal, but not every meal."

Its something you would do for like 5 days a week than eat normal on the weekend

Yeah, idk man.
Like I said I view it more as a last resort kind of thing.
If you have a job where you go home every night, then it makes more sense just to cook and freeze meals you can bring with you.
If I was a miner, I would probably use it.
But most offices and shit have microwaves and employee break rooms.

Being a naturally curious individual, I ordered a variety 12 pack of these off of Amazon.

I work from home, but am extremely busy during the work day, and they seemed like a good option for when I'm bogged down.

First problem, they are completely unsatisfying, but do keep my energy level up.

Second issue. Only the Chai flavor is worth consuming. The others taste like complete ass.

3rd issue They are far pricier than they need to be. When I am done with this 12 pack, I will go back to simple protein powder and water in a shaker bottle when I'm rushed, and just have an extra cup of coffee for the energy boost.

I've had no digestive issues with them. They do seem to produce less gas than whey protein. I assume this indicates some mild lactose intolerance. I can live with that.

so they dont fill you up at all?

Is existentialism frowned upon here?

They do not.

I can have the same calories and more protein from 2 scoops of protein powder, and it is far more filling. The few vitamin additions added to Soylent can be obtained with a multivitamin or through the rest of your meals for the day.

It's only 20% of 2000 calorie DRMs for the dozen or so they do fortify it with.


That seems like a pretty relevant topic the Food & Cooking board

>20% daily nutrition

Fucking lol. You have to sip a jug of bull-semen and it can't even crack 1/3rd of daily nutrition. I thought these were supposed to be for people too busy to cook. This is like having to eat 5 times a day.

And I'm pretty sure slim-fast has better macros.

They are planned to be 5 meals a day. It's 400 caloried and 20% of the daily values. Pretty simple math m80.

But yeah. They're a complete meme. There have been better meal replacements for decades now.

The company that produces Soylent doesn't recommend it as a replacement for eating real solid food. It is marketed as a meal-replacement drink meant to fill in for occassional missed meals.

That is their current stance. When the guy who invented it made his first few press releases, he was touting it as a complete replacement to food.