Why does Veeky Forums despise women? I thought literature exercised one's ability to empathise with other people?

Why does Veeky Forums despise women? I thought literature exercised one's ability to empathise with other people?

Their submissive nature and relative lack of creativity.

Veeky Forums doesnt. Only virgins from r9k do.

>literature exercised one's ability to empathize with other people
>women have written no good literature and can't appreciate good literature
>solid proof that women are inferior at empathy and thus machiavellian monsters

>submissive nature
implying Veeky Forums likes strong women

>Why does Veeky Forums despise women?
Only if by "Veeky Forums" you mean a group of 15 overweight snickering basement trolls whose purpose in life is making b8 threads and samefagging in said b8 threads

problem with men is that we love the idea of the woman too much that the reality makes us angry and resentful

>exercised one's ability to empathise
No, didactist effects of literature are vastly overrated.
Case in point, literature Veeky Forums reads is mainly solipsistic shit or literature that can be abused with their solipsism such as Notes from Underground and Confederacy of Dunces. Then they start threads like this: OMG THAT CHARACTER IS SO ME THAT AUTHOR IS SUCH A JAYNIUS HE PREDICTED ME DECADES NAY CENTURIES AGO OMG WHAT A JAYNIUS ALSO FUCK MODERN WORLD AND ROASTIES REEE. Rinse, repeat.


t. Last men

We dont. They are trolls

>Why does Veeky Forums despise women?
speak for yourself

I like women far too much for my own good.

There's just a few grumpy muppets who spend their time shitposting instead of actually reading.

Don't buy into the empathy meme. Women have no empathy for men:


>Why does Veeky Forums despise women?

their inferior

Women read more than men.

They have far too much empathy for men, everybody has too much empathy these days.

Is it wrong that I almost want to watch interracial porn of her more than I want to fuck her?

Nothing will make you despise other people like empathizing with them.

Abolutely not. I'm going to be straight with you. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.


Errr I wouldn't go that far mate. I just like porn.

>Women read more than men.
Source: Youtube channels

>Implying Veeky Forums reads