Why don't normies like philosophy?

Why don't normies like philosophy?

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It is a slower and less efficient way to achieve the things they want

What are they trying to achieve?


the consistent release of endorphins and dopamine

Because all they need to know they’ve learned in kindergarten.

allow me to cringe for a second

I'm an alt-normie and like philosophy. It makes me feel like less of a brainlet and less alone if I see ideas I've had expressed in some form and expanded on in the past.

Gonna hijack this thread and ask where the best place to start with Camus' nonfiction writing is. I've read a ton of his fiction and really enjoy it so I'd like to dive more into his ideology.

>Gonna hijack this thread and ask where the best place to start with Camus' nonfiction writing is.
just don't

What's wrong with it?

how do you guys avoid rambling about transcendental idealism to the girl you took home from the party after getting too high/drunk?

because thinking is hard

i majored in philosophy and i fucking hate it
it's just that it constnantly preoccupies me
it opens new avenues of anxiety while closing off the old familiar ones

I don't

Not an argument.

what do you mean by normies? people with children? most of the people i work with have children and i believe they just don't have the time or inclination to think about things on a "philosophical" capacity. if i had children, i would be too preoccupied supporting them and worrying about their needs than my own

They don't like thinking because it drives them to baby's first existensial crisis, which would make it difficult to funcion in society
>tfw years and years of mental illness make even the most fucked up metaphysical problems tame
Man up you faggot
Unless you are experiencing straight psychosis you are just being a normal fag, gb2r/rickandmorty

Do we REALLY need these types getting into philosophy?

This is how we got Alain Dr Bottom and the school of life

Most people I've talked to who dislike philosophy read one or two of Plato's works, thought they were retarded, and dropped philosophy forever. To be fair, you really do need a high IQ and to read and reread Plato's works to appreciate them.

>rambling about transcendental idealism
I don't take home complete brainlets, so what keeps me from it is the realization that she would leave the instant I'd utter something as retarded and pseudointellectual as this random combination of big boy words.

Not philosophy, you brainlet.

Normal people think a circumstance should conflict with their carnal beliefs, so they do not think about it and react by developing principles from what immediately affects them. Entertaining frozen ideas would interfere with this


Because normies run on incredibly stupid and repetitive heuristics that work mostly only because everyone else uses them, and when you confront them with actual thought, they think you're trying to trick them, they don't see the practical utility, and they see you as pretentious.

I have children, as do two others I know of, and we are all studying philosophy. We are the oldest students here.
Stop making excuses.

this desu, just a quick look at the wisecrack comment section makes me cringe

Why should they? The fact that you think something is interesting and valuable doesn't mean anyone else has to give a fuck about it.


>what do you mean by normies?

literally you

>don't take home complete brainlets
>who is the third most famous philosopher of all time


Just because you dislike something doesn't mean you can redefine it.

I wouldn't consider myself a normie because I'm a loser who posts on Veeky Forums and lives alone with a cat, but I also don't really care about reading non-fiction philosophy.

I took 3 philosophy courses in college (Because I went to a catholic school, and any bachelor's degree required it), and constantly found myself asking "Why does any of this matter?" Kant, for example, because Kant is one of the most memorable for me. Why do I have to go through this autistic equation to figure out whether or not something I did was morally sound? Why do I care whether or not what I do is morally sound? At the end of the day either I feel guilty about something, or I don't. If I feel guilty about an action, it's because somewhere in me I realize I did something that I didn't agree with, and it's usually evident what that something was.

Why do I need to be a moral person? Why does any of that matter? Who the fuck cares, when people are only focused on themselves anyways? More importantly, why does this guy care whether or not I do something moral, enough to write a book about it?

I'm sure there's some philosopher out there that I would agree with, but at the same time, why would I need to read his shit when I know how I feel about it now? To re-affirm something inside of me? Seems like masturbation desu.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Plato. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of presocratics most of the jokes will go over a typical readers head. There's also Plato's theory of forms, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Aeolic literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Plato truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Plato's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Hemlock," which itself is a cryptic reference to Babylons epic Enuma Elish. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the old pederast's genius wit unfolds itself on their e-readers screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Logos tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the young boys' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Whenever I try to read philosophy, the first question that enters my mind is, "Why should I give a fuck about this?"

when a retard like drumpf can be elected leader of the free world, why would anyone not follow his lead and be as dumb as shit?

because they get laid

No, it just isn't philosophy.


One day you'll grow up and stop thinking in these silly caricatures.

When most normal people read philosophy, they see hardly anything of worth. Most philosophy is very abstract and hardly has any real world applications at all.

>grow up
I'm nearly 30.
You're the one thinking in caricatures.

most philosophy is

>philosopher defines abstract terms
>uses these definitions to make a point
>the point is only true because of the definitions he defined

Most people see this as kind of ridiculous.

That's just analytic autism

This is the only one of these pastas that actually gets me

>This is ideology
>Ideology is bad
>you shouldn't like ideology

I'm 31 and it's you


maybe your friends. mine do.

Let's say a normie says to you "Show me one thing from philosophy you've read that is actually useful, or really interesting"

What do you say? Would you even be able to come up with anything?

Just because you keep repeating something doesn't mean it will suddenly become true.

I didn't believe the normie part until this

In regard to pathology philosophy can be used to make clear what one's ambiguous "anxiety/depression/loneliness" really means if you read certain authors. Answering the meaning to life problem, why you're here, what are my values, what do I value, why should I have values, etc. You don't really need to pursue philosophy unless you have questions you can't find answers to.

literally anything by heidegger

but they wouldnt understand it anyways because their dumb and because if the hermaneutic circle

>Socially unrewarded because none of your peers care

>Philosophy is a very complicated conversation carried out over generations of writing, so you can’t halfass your way in; you need to read full summaries and guides before you can even start

>Philosophy is pretty dry stuff, mostly.

The last one’s the hard part. Spend 20 minutes actually trying to read Kant and Heidegger and by the end you’ll need Camus.

Thanks for saving my pasta, gentlesir.

Yeah but often times philosophy only offers possible answers that are just as wrong as everyone else's.

God is real.

>implying normies don't like philosophy

Reading entry level bullshit like Nietzsche or Camus is a great way for normies to elevate themselves above others without putting effort in. Everybody can relate to "dude just do what you want bro" musings

>random combination of big boy words

Please leave

Sure, but when thinking why one is sad, there's more depth to the answer than "I need pills".
When thinking how you should live your life, there's to it than the current mantra of "be chill, do you own thing, you can do whatever you want"
When thinking about God, there's more to it than just half-assed accepting it due to the conscious or unconscious fear of eternally burning in a lake of fire.

Philosophy doesn't guarantee answers but it makes questions seem more relevant. It gives birth to new questions. No one really knows what will make them happy, no one knows what their own happiness looks like. Will asking the right questions lead to it? I think it's possible.

I think it takes a lot of effort to answer some of these hard questions and I think the answers are more than a sentence, or a paragraph of words. The answer is probably living a certain way, having certain habits, defining yourself by actions, it's experiential and because the past vanishes from memory so easily the answers to these hard questions are most likely non-corporeal.

this is the worst


>Wubba Lubba Hemlock

That was Socrates you absolute melt

Do you honestly believe the average person, that thinks they know so much, reading an intro work of Plato would humble themselves down to the level of Socrates and recognize their own ignorance? To understand why the unexamined life is not worth living?

It shouldn't be legal to read Nietzsche at all. Stick to Schopenhauer and if you need a bit more edginess, go with Stirner

What universe do you live in OP? Stoicism is all the rage right now. There are hundreds of podcasts spoon feeding "philosophy" to pleb masses. Same with "mindfulness" and other bastardized eastern practices.

you shouldn't be reading stirner either

>Dude just do what you want bro
Slit your wrists.

Camus is extremely normie and shallow as far as philosophy goes. People tend to read him for the aesthetic more than any deep insight. He's probably not a bad starting point, but definitely try to branch out from there. Just my opinions.

What's wrong with Camus
has Absurdism taking Nihilism's place as babby's first ideology

Camus is kind of absurd but there are more absurd writers out there. Especially from his own era.

Oh okay. That's kind of what I was using him for. I read some Heidegger and Sartre for a class before and while I liked it I only really understood Sartre's writing. I felt like I was just making blind guesses when interpreting Heidegger.

Since Camus was associated with Sartre but had a different school of thought I figured he'd be a good starting point to work from but everyone in this thread is making me feel like I'm doing something incredibly wrong :c

If you like existentialism you should look into Kierkegaard and Nietzsche

When would normies have the time/energy? You try going to work and do the ordinary social things a normie does everyday and then try to read Hegel.

It's the domain of academics/scholastic/the elite who don't have to work

you forgot to add NEET to that list

>also spracha


>I'm an alt-normie and like philosophy. It makes me feel like less of a brainlet and less alone if I see ideas I've had expressed in some form and expanded on in the past.

Don't listen to the rest. Try Sisyphus and The Fall.

>implying Camus isn't alt-normie.

Yeah, who knows more about how to live your life that the people that read books all their lifes, about how or not to live your life.

At least half the people who post here barely read, and that's people who come to a literature board in their spare time and purport to have a heavy interest in the subject.

Heidegger is near impossible to understand even with a lot of knowledge in philosophy

Really most philosophy is difficult to understand, unless you're really committed to learning I'd stick with reading philosophical fiction like Camus and Sartre

Nah man, everybody's just bullshitting their way through. Don't sweat it. You do you. I second the Kierkegaard rec tho.

instant gratification through socialization and consumption

The study of philosophy requires introspection which terrifies people

Most normies are simply too tired. Try waking up at 6 AM every day, driving to work in heavy traffic, working for 8.5 hours, driving home in heavy trafic...That leaves you only 4-5 hours to enjoy anything of your day. By this point you are so mentally drained that you just want to watch TV or play vidya, or even just sleep. And the entire time, the dread of having to wake up tomorrow, and do it all over again the next day, hangs over you the entire evening.

It's hard to be a working person and also enjoy philosophy. Often the mental energy just isn't there.

This. I try to force myself to work on reading and writing in the 4ish hours I have everyday, but it's fucking difficult. I was doing much better when I worked a shitty part time job desu.

There's a reason very few serious philosophers (including myself) had children. Philosophy is a craft which pretty much necessitates childlessness, poverty and celibacy. I don't read non-virgin philosophers, for example.

I would say "you've?" in a patronizing tone and tilt my head and look sideways as though addressing an invisible audience, then say "umm, you're gonna have to define that term sweetie" and then turn 360 degrees and exit the situation.



the struggle is the meaning
inwards, not outwards
power flows, do not try to grasp it, but rather direct it
if you want to be a serious philosopher you have to BTFO hegel at least 3 times/20 pages
we must accelerate the process
niggers are subhuman

if you turned 360 degrees then you'd still be facing her, you fucking moron. This is why I avoid Veeky Forums and prefer movie discussion on reddit, where people actually have half a brain.

Now I know why most socialists are middle/upper class socialites.

>fire is wet
>no it isn't
>just because you can't explain why doesn't mean it isn't
>dude it isn't wet
>just because you keep repeating it doesn't make it true

how many layers of irony is this

i hate this so much

stop talking abt the inner lives of normies it scares me

>Now I know why most socialists are middle/upper class socialites.
how do you know that? got any proof you base that on?

You must have a very high opinion of yourself

Why do people who like philosophy not read it?

That's just bad contemporary philosophy.