I've been working at Chili's headquarters for 19 years and I just want to say that the 2018 menu they have planned for...

I've been working at Chili's headquarters for 19 years and I just want to say that the 2018 menu they have planned for this year is going to cement their place in food history. Chili's is working hard to spearhead into the fast casual market and get the millenial demographic and projections show that they will succeed, absolutely, in Quarter 2.

Other urls found in this thread:


Chili's still exists?

Chili's is the fastest growing fast-casual food chain in America.

So are you going to tell us what's on the new menu or are you just here to shill?

Thank you for your interest in the new Chili's menu. chilis.com/menu

Thanks for the tip, I just shorted chili's stock!

Wow, yummy. I didn't know Chili's had a Southern Smokehouse Burger with bacon, cheddar, pickles, panko onion rings, lettuce, tomato, Signature sauce. Served with a side of original BBQ sauce. Or a Guacamole burger made with guacamole, provolone, jalapeƱos, red & green bell peppers, sauteed onions, jalapeƱo aioli. Or a 6 oz. sirloin with Grilled Avacado seasoned & topped with spicy citrus-chile sauce, grilled avocado slices, garlic roasted tomatoes, cilantro. Served with fresco salad.This sounds delicious, I guess me and the gang are going to Chili's after work today! TGIF!

just got my tickets to fly to the nearest chilis

I like to take an Uber. Not because I don't have a car but because it's better for the environment and I like to talk to the simple common folk about Chili's while I'm on the road.

What did he mean by this?

Am I the only one that hates when they overload a burger with too much shit? I must be.

Absolutely not, burgers like any sandwich (or indeed any dish) are about balance in not only flavor, but moisture content as well. Too many wet ingredients can ruin a burger as easily as dry beef can

>cement their place in food history
That was done years ago OP... kinda the way the mafia might cement an informant.

The fact youre using words like spearhead demographic and projections clearly indicates your business is incredibly out of touch with the millenials.

Maybe you guys should partner with Olive Garden.

Is this one of those sarcastic threads or is OP actually shilling this lame-ass menu as something to be takle seriously?

That kind of restaurant is going the way of the print magazine. Following a trail blazed first by AM radio followed by FM. And cable TV.

I have to ignore the haters. Chili's a family friendly restaurant so we don't want a bunch of childless losers eating alone at Chili's anyways.
Let's keep this forum positive, here's a picture of me and my fiancee before we got engaged.

no thats the wrong chain

You both make a beautiful couple. Please bring back the sizzlin' entrees and the appeteasers.


It stands for thank God it's Friday. I forgot that restaurant still exists LOL!

I don't real think shills can be this bad at their job.

Believe it

Not him but that isn't true. Chili's is more popular now more than ever before in human history.

>black woman
Pretty sure shes not allowed in Chili's

man anthony bourdaine really cleaned up

No. Chili's is advertising now more than ever. Yes there will be a temporary resurgence of customers because of the new campaign but it will not be the people Chili's needs. They will attract 40-55 year old rubes who still watch television and eat at casual chains. For a few years this will bring in millenials still eating attached to their parents purse strings but in a few years the parents will be eating at K&W and the kids will refuse to eat at Chilies because its some crappy chain their parents took them to.
Chili's and similar chains are doomed because they are too corporate and slow to keep up with the next generation of diners.

Correct. However, AM has had a revival in deep flyover with the alt-right programming. No hope in sight for FM, satellite, cable tv or shit quality pig trough sit down chain restaurants. No reinvention can ever eliminate the fact they're garbage, millennials know it and have too many better options even if it's a food truck.

The food is frozen, generic, and unappealing, the dishes are overpriced, and your commercials are so bad they remind me to NOT eat at Chili's, instead of the other way around. By the way, what type of restaurant is this? It's like you guys don't even know what you're going for and you're slowly going the way of being a more expensive--but just as gross--Denny's.

How are you even still in business?

>tfw your girlfriend has the same hairline as me

cnn pls go