/ceekay/ is this actually any good or just a disgusting meme like everything scottish.?

/ceekay/ is this actually any good or just a disgusting meme like everything scottish.?

i had it once at a wedding in scotland it was great, i imagine it was above average haggis though

Try it and find out.

It's a giant sausage. Of course it's good

haggis is 100% worth it. it's so hearty and meaty, it tastes exactly as it looks.

>eating bits of lung

>it tastes exactly as it looks
Like a slop o' shit?

>it tastes exactly as it looks.

Theres no way I'd touch haggis because i don't eat organ meat but it's more or less just a giant sausage. It'll taste about what you would expect from an organ meat sausage.


I don't eat organ meat

Sausage doesn't contain lung though. That's the only thing that is really off-putting for me, otherwise I would try it. I eat menudo so the fact that it's boiled in sheep stomach doesn't phase me.

everyone i've ever met who was squeamish about haggis and ended up trying it had a visible reaction of eye-widening and a smile spreading across their face.

it is peppery and grassy and goes extremely well with buttery neeps. i would highly recommend trying it.

honestly nips and tits are fantastic


Not the worst but I'd generally avoid it unless you're drunk or with an irish girl

I liked it. It was basically ground beef with spices

It's fucking delicious. You wouldn't know there was lung in it unless someone told you. Doesn't really have that much of an offal taste at all

Is that supposed to gross me out?

It looks like buckwheat in a sausage casing you memers.

it’s illegal here so it must be the worst thing ever

It's great. Just spicy ground meat really.

if youd eat a hot dog you have no right to turn yer nose up at a haggis

very down with haggis here, specialy with some neeps and tatties, very cozy meal

It tastes great. Make some buttery neeps and tatties, a whisky sauce, amazing. Organ meat is great.

Tried it for the first time a few months ago and I hate to say it's not good but it's not good. It's not bad, it's just not good. Like an overly greasy and bland mince, you bite into it expecting more flavors or something but it tastes like plain oatmeal with flavorless beef mixed in. Maybe if I go to Scotland and have it there it will be better, I don't know.


Scottish primary school children have to draw pictures of her in class.

Why not?

English primary school children never have to draw pictures of her in class, because it's haram!



>Sausage doesn't contain lung though

the penis is an organ

it's incredible. if you've never had it, it's like nothing you've tasted. don't know if its the seasoning more than the meat, but yeah, it's great.

Isn't haggis sctottish tho?

>Sausage doesn't contain lung

why the fuck is haggis banned where you live? you seem to have a bad case of authoritarians, friend.

Irish girls have a thing for thick Scottish meat

How do I make this? Should I just go to the butcher and ask him to hook me up? Sheep offal is not available at my supermarket

Reminder that America is the only country where eating organs is taboo.

I would be surprised if no one in town could at least order it for you. Worst case, you have to pay for shipping or like a service charge or whatever.
Just ask around town bro.

I like it, it's not awesome though but it should be cheap

I'd miss not eating lamb heart.

I can't find something that looks more aesthetic than whole hearts cooked on a BBQ. Looks like it should be from a food hall in valhalla

what's wrong with eating lung? As long as the sheep didn't smoke lung meat must be cleaner than intestine or other offal.

just tasted like meatloaf to me

it's obviously shit

as good as it looks

Tastes offal.

tastes like hamburger with onion

scottish sheep smoke

it's one of the only really tasty bong foods.

>this disgusts the manchild

modern plebs are too scared of offal to dare try it

Lung is illegal here in Trudopeland.

Had it in Scotland as part of a Scottish breakfast at a posh hotel. I thought it was delicious. But I grew up with scrapple (which it reminded me of), and I also like white pudding and goetta. Probably not for everyone.

Looks like a tumor.

Haggis is meme food.

Fags are afraid of the stomach lining casing.
All that matters, is whats inside it.

It isn't a meme, and nobody eats haggis because they like it. It's made by dirt-fuck farmers and peasants who can't afford to routinely eat the good parts of their animals.

>It's made by dirt-fuck farmers and peasants who can't afford to routinely eat the good parts of their animals.
That's a pretty stupid thing to say. A lot of the best dishes we have come from the ingenuity of people working to transform what seems like less desirable ingredients into something delicious. The burger was just trying to make a steak out of ground up meat that wasn't good enough for steak. Sausages were ways to turn scraps and fat into very delicious things. Pate is a way to turn less desirable liver into a luxury product. Cheese is how to turn surplus, highly perishable milk into something valuable. Vinegar is a use for spoiled wine. Some examples are better than others, but many of the best foods we've come up with are ways to transform second tier ingredients into top tier foods.

>That's a pretty stupid thing to say
Yeah, lots of underage posters think that true things are stupid.

Because of the mad cow disease scare

I'd try it if I ever had a chance to. It looks disgusting but a lot of disgusting looking foods are tasty. Maybe I should just get someone to blindfold me first.

topkek. I'm about to turn 50, dude.

>the Scottish aren’t British

How can the Scottish be British people when they're not people

Same reason we have British beef, Welsh lamb etc.
Animals can have nationalities
Also pet passports

>still on 4chins
uh.. what went so wrong with your life?

I have never once eaten or made a sausage with lung. Obviously you could make a sausage with lung but I certainly have never seen it.

>Everything I don't like is a meme

>is this actually any good
If it is a good one, yes. Poorly made ones aren't really worthwhile, but that's like a lot of food.

>this disgust the soyboy
try looking up how they make meat for steamed hams

Should I order?

Holy shit it's cheap

Anom, you have no idea how much bullshit they put into sausages.
Somelungs should be least of your worries.

Haymarket in Edinburgh m8.

Soyboys don't eat steamed hams tho

those are starters, so they're small