Why Trump Deserves Trust, Respect and Admiration Paperback

has any one published an empty book before?


Please take this bait shit to the outrage boards


im waiting to post on /b/, i figured you guys would know sorry

You have to realize that when we call these /pol/ posts "bait," we're being generous to the Anons who post them. We're assuming they're posted sarcastically and ironically to get a rise out of us, to the amusement of the OP.

If they're actually, genuinely earnest, then the posters on /pol/ who come here are among the most fucking stupid people in the world.

...im from /co/ sooo i suppose you guys lump that with those guys.

this is my bait post.

how the hell do you publish an empty book?

Your shallow and automatic disqualification of Trump supporters is the main reason why you lost the election and will probably lose it in 2020 again.
I'm saying this as a non-supporter of Trump, btw.

>he thinks OP doesn't want a circle jerk about how dumb libruls are

But given the catastrophic failure of the Western center, why not Trump? Or anything else?

Smugness can't mask the stink of Father Zosima's corpse any longer.

>pick up his book on Why Communism Works
wtf?!? He just copy pasted from this book into that one? Literally word for word! This is disgusting malpractice, lawsuit now!

hold on you guys just wait the fuck up, this is a book board you guys are suppose to be better then this.

im gona delete this thread if you gona get all pissy.

i had one question thats all


Don't post bait pics. You could've just asked your inane question

I've always thought a Kickstarter for a "Monument to the Victims of White Genocide" would be funny, then just take everyone's cash and install an empty plinth.


Not only funny, it would be genius. I'll bet you could fleece alt righters the way mediocre artists fleece furries.

The problem is you're supposed to provide an accurate listing and visual mockups of the product, so it would be difficult to hide the joke.

Plus even as a work of satire, I wouldn't want my name associated with it.

>cant help but get triggered

Yes, it's an old gag.


fucking newfag

Damn I should have thought of this. Cash in on the liberal butthurt.


The last joke, the real one, will be on you.