What is the essential normie element? Is it the vacuousness? The low attention span...

What is the essential normie element? Is it the vacuousness? The low attention span? I feel like it's a combination of those two which seals it. Plus maybe the inability to question norns

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Dumb frog, studying normies.

I think it's usually just a low IQ combined with pretentiousness.


the Dunning-Kruger effect

There you go. Didn't know there was a word for it but that's what I was trying to say above.

>the inability to question norns
Well they do control destiny

The lack of the ability for critical thought/independent thought.
You know its bad when 'woke' is becoming a popular term, even though 'woke' just means common sense

>'woke' is becoming a popular term
This is my least favorite normie meme. Yes, you are truly an enlightened being because you realize drinking water is important for hydration or sleeping will make you less tired. Please broadcast your ascended state in the most annoying way you can devise.

I'm not sure who you're referring to.
When I think of "woke", I just think of the bare minimum Chomskyan narrative suspicion.
Like Immortal Technique -tier, "they lying to us senpai", "Iraq was for oil and you know it" types.

I always knew Veeky Forums was a normie website

the essential element is your own narcissism

Only newfags say "normie"

Praise of pseudo values such as freedom, equality or pleasure.

You know what I hate?

When people say shit like this guy is totally woke as fuck or watch X absolutely destroy Y or this A will blow your mind!

It's advertising over actual content and dumb as fuck.

What the fuck is happening to this board. It's for fucking literature. Take this dumb frog whining to /r9k/

You need not a low attention span to simply behave like a personification of the zeitgeist. In fact, all you need are either the desire to be normal or normal desires.

Proper socialization.

I would say these are ideas and not values but yes normalfags are obsessed with them.



The need to be like by others and being properly reared as a child.

I am a normie by lit standards.

Is socialisation inversely correlated with introspection?

they´re interested more talking about social relationships, so pathetic


furthermore, the discussion of """normies""" is little more than a flawed attempt to pigeonhole all the people disliked or envied by outcasts and deviants into a single pejorative category

too many losers suffer from the video-game-stat fallacy: the belief that positive traits are mutually exclusive, and if somebody excels in one aspect of life they must fail in another, e.g. attractive people must be unintelligent, or socially active people must be inarticulate.

the fact is that some people are simply better than others. very few intelligent people are hermits; cognitive intelligence is usually accompanied by social intelligence.

Shhhhhh user, you'll break the circlejerk

only by exiting the cave and seeing the world in the light of heaven can one hope to become a philosopher

You're commiting the exact same fallacy, only in reverse


I was the socialization guy, and I think you’re retarded. It’s nothing to do with intelligence, it’s all to do with socialization as a young child. They’re not related.

Not exactly, he is using the fallacy for universals.

P1. Attractive People are unintelligent people
P2. X person is an attractive person
C. Therefore, X is an unintelligent person

His statement is saying that those universals are mutually exclusive. His statements after are clearly particulars and show that there could be room for "attractive people" to be "intelligent"

Social intelligence has nothing to do with lifestyle choices, brainlet.


Normies are people who can hold their own in a social situation. Non-normies are those that can't, so they either resign themselves to that or come up with rationalisations to save themselves from having to admit that they're a loser.

I'm not a normie because I'm pathologically obsessed with being different from others, hence all the obscure books and music I enjoy. I just have resentment built up in me from early childhood. I just can't shake this feeling that the world hurt me, even though I know that it didn't, who I am is merely an accident.

I'm trying to resign myself to this life, and I'm reasonably happy as it is. But there are those moments that I realise that everything that I am is merely an attempt to hide from myself the fact that I will never be normal, and that my entire identity is nothing but a toxic cocktail of fear, hatred, and guilt.

In short, the only difference between normies and non-normies is that for normies, self-deception is a means to social acceptance, whereas for non-normies, it is a means to self-destruction. Non-normies have to resign themselves either to being on the absolute bottom rung of society, or to a life of bitter, resentful loneliness.

it's going outaide and not defining oneself by ridiculous dichotomies drawn about whether you are or aren't a regular on a greek circlejerking forum.

>reading the post
>pretty good
>get to the last line
you completely dropped the ball my man

There are a couple of different ways people use the word normie. Sometimes it's just a word for anyone who's remotely successful. Other times it's a word you use to make fun of consumerist marvel-movie fanboy types who don't really have taste. The reason why you aren't going to nail the term down is just because lots of people use it for different purposes, some better than others.

I assure you the vast majority of the oldfags have moved on from saying "normalfags" to just saying normie.

Great bread Redditiers.


Comic fandom is now Normie tier? Good, it will die soon, since Trendy Normans will just catch the next wave of popularitus. Make Comics Geek Again.