Do any of you read literature because you aren't compelled or interested by anything else...

Do any of you read literature because you aren't compelled or interested by anything else? I'm apathetic to all political movements and ideologies. It seems like these things serve to give people an opportunity to argue and prove their intellectual and moral superiority rather than initiate change in the world. The study of metaphysics and ethics seems futile and therefore distant from my interests. Literature may not boast of working toward progress like the former two subjects, but it is human and I feel less alone when I read about the struggles of people who feel the same things I feel. I'm not being an edgelord or contrarian, I swear.

>I'm apathetic to all political movements and ideologies
How can you look at how the world is collapsing, the West is crumbling, literally before our eyes, women are having sex with beasts, and degenerates are allowed to exhibit their sick behavior in public, AND NOT feel the urge to join the redpill movement?
Literature is an invention by (((them))) to keep you passive, instead of fighting for white values

Also, I'm not trying to portray myself as superior in any way. It's just that when people talk about Marx or politics, it seems insincere; when people talk about the "sublime" nature of Kant's first critique or use the word "Heideggerian", I cannot connect to that interest in any way. Literature is closest to me, and maybe I'm a brainlet, idk.

Pretty sure I know you.

I definitely feel this OP. I’ve never really been able to explain exactly why I read, but I think you touched on something I highly agree with.

>Jews made books
Dude I'm a full-on /pol/tard too but you're being an idiot. Literature exists to communicate ideas across the ages. (((Entertainment))) is the evil that you're thinking of.

Sort of, but not really. I scavenge literature, whether it be novels, poetry, philosophy or theology, in order to assimilate it's elements and make it my own – to me, it's primary worth lies in personal enrichment, rather than momentarily escapism.

I'm at a point in my life where I've decided to live like a hermit, spending most of my time between reading and working, occasionally playing bass and embarrasing myself in private by trying to draw. I can emphasize a bit with you, in the sense that all I care about is cultivating what St. Blake the Babyface called the Poetic Genius.

I find that people on here, for the most part, either treat literature as something alien, something to be detachedly observed, analyzed and discoursed upon, or something to be enjoyed and discarded in a neverending cycle of entertainment.

It's not so much that
>"This book totally changed my life, dude"

But more in the vein of
>"I find myself in a constant state of flux with a background hum of melancholic despair; these books provides ample material for constructing a solid structure of a conceptual framework, deepens my emphatic horizon and brings about a plethora of internal imagery that makes this desolate life more worthwhile to live and smoother to navigate".

t. Pretentious Pseud

I do agree with you for the most part but I disagree that those things are entirely futile. They sure seem like it sometimes though.

I used to be an obsessive /v/irgin until I came to Veeky Forums about 3 years ago. Once you see how superior books are you can never go back. It helps when you read the real stuff and start to improve your life through what you learn. So I think you're justified in your feelings. Those that waste their time talking about politics are just spending their energy on something that they don't actually fully understand and that will be changed tomorrow. I have more respect for the metaphysics and ethics dudes though because at least they're trying to work through things thoroughly.

I don't think we're brainlets. I think the endless search for knowledge and truth is the best way to live.

Bro. Are you LITERALLY me? Everything you just said is, in one way or another, a thought that bounces around in my head. I'm a little freaked out right now, to be frank.

>redpill movement
>getting your politics from youtube demagogues and Veeky Forums of all places

Please start reading books by reputable and contemporary historians and philosophers rather than buying into this weird anti-semitic reactionary shite

I feel u 100% senpai

>reputable and contemporary historians and philosophers

Translation: postmodernists that agree with me


Yeah dude literature has never been about entertainment dude I studied the GWOTWC (Great Writers Of The Western Civilization for you plebs) and NEVER found a writer who tried to entertain his audience YUP you heard it liberals not - even - once entertainment is totally a modern (and probably {{{Jewish}}} as well) fenomenon

Literature is metaphysical. It is a set of jet streams you impose on your personal world of ideas, your metaphysical world, that molds the ideas you hold. If the literature is good and the field of the mind is fertile, these jet streams push the reader to pursue philosophy with greater intensity. The pursuit of philosophy leads you on the search for truth and goodness. Eventually you understand what they were all talking about and you become God. Today, someone asked me what I've been up to. I said I've been working and reading. The person replied, 'yeah, that's a good way to pass the time'. Fuck that! I wish time would go slower, or stop, when I'm reading so I can read more, learn more, and inform myself. What do other people read for? Plot? Character development? Appetite for amusement? I don't get it

This board is for anons who appreciate literature, btw.


first post, shit post


I hate to have deprecated such a beautiful intelligent lady by turning to her as a last resort... she deserves much better.

you are a slanderer

> the West is crumbling
When was it ever not crumbling? In the cold war era? When we were dying in Vietnam? When we were in the civil war? or in WWI or WWII?

> women are having sex with beasts
Are you that much of a control freak that you cannot allow women that are beyond your reach and those that u will never even meet to have sex with other humans that have a different amount of pigmented melanin in their skin?

> degenerates are allowed to exhibit their sick behavior in public
Again, control freak, live and let live, leave people alone, what they do in public does not affect your personal life

> Literature is an invention by (((them))) to keep you passive
Literature has been since the beginning of times and it is how we pass down information through the ages

> white values
Why do you cling to the color of your skin and the accomplishments of your ancestors? (that by the way are not your accomplishments to bare as you have done nothing to help those in the past)

Is that all you have to provide meaning to your life?

You have been brought up and have immersed yourself in the narrative tradition.
Your head is so filled with literature, essays and novels and published articles that you see the world in a more Jungian, Campellian terms.

Instead of the veracity and visceral experience of reality hitting you in the face forcing you to act. You see it more as a story to be played out in front of your eyes, and you only see yourself as the audience, instead of the participant.
Either because you think "playing your part" is disingenuous, inauthentic, or just plain silly.
So you are content sitting in your armchair, reading your books, and seeing the events of the world unfold in front of your eyes.
Until mortality hits you in the face and you start to wonder where your life went, and what it really means. Then you either kill yourself becuase everything is shit, silly, disingenious,inauthentic, and you aren't made for this world, or you throw yourself into some movement, religion, or hobby.

now let me give you the solution to this and how you can apply your literary skills.
There are a bunch of people who have a hard time making sense of the world, and scream and pull their hair out just to find the answers. If you are well read enough, you can tell them about the significant elements in their "life story" and why it affects them so. A healthy divorce from he "politics and ideologies" of man in everyday life is good for you. Some people don't understand that.
My suggestion to you.
learn to connect with humanity rather than ideology.
Try to see you neighbor without the glasses of ideology period. Just see him as another inhabitant of earth.
Getting over your indifference/fear of the the visceral reality outside your window is probably going to take work though.
