What is a man?

What is a man?

A person with a ding-dong between his legs

Not literature

This is the /phi/losophy board, user, did you get lost?

Where did the icon of dracula sitting on a throne with a glass of "wine" come from? It never happens in the actual book

a lump of meat that can be idealized as a cylinder for the purposes of this question.

What has he got?

Featherless biped

beat me to it

Take your clinical scientism back where you came from.

>Take your clinical scientism back where you came from.
What did xie mean by this?

Featherless biped with flat nails


au contraire mon freire, to answer OPs question, a man is literature

a miserable pile of seacrests

Man is one who worships God, those who don't are not yet fully human.


>look up 'chicken pluck and behold a man'
>find this absolute madman
>have a good laugh reading his wiki page
I wish I lived during this period just to be able to observe this god

Better version of that image

if not himself,


A real piece of work.