I am more intelligent than most everyone. Why?

I am more intelligent than most everyone. Why?

It is because I have renounced status and social standing. This was also forced upon me to some degree by my insistence on ideals that people around me could not understand. So from my desire to communicate to them, coupled with the motivation of exclusion from the circles that I desired to enter, I was forced to develop my ability to communicate. I was forced to look deeper into my thoughts and feelings and the accounts of other people like me and map this all with words.

My thought goes deep where theirs stops short. Why? Is it because they have explored certain matters and found the end of all thought false and useless, as I first assumed when I was naive?
No. It is because they are afraid to proceed even one step in the directions that I am free to go and make up a lie about something they do not know. Asking some one how they know something is one of the easiest ways, without lifting a finger, to make some one very angry. Why do they get angry? Because they don't know how they "know" what they "know". Their thoughts do not have roots in the metaphysical realm, they have roots in the physical. They were forced to "know", so when asked to return to the roots of their knowledge, they become full of Anger, which is the conduit between thought and violence. The violence which instilled their beliefs, and their beliefs that they defend only with violence. Violence meaning force rather than subtly, insistence rather than definition, passion rather than peace, which can take form in the mind as well as the body, and takes form in both when either is subject to violence.

Clearly people have acted like this forever. But with what frequency? Why do they act like this at all?
From knowing the roots of their thoughts it is plain. They act like this in proportion to the violence done to them; strikes of violence that have landed successfully without resistance.
Why don't these people defend themselves as I have done? Why don't they just get used to the pain and fight back? Why don't they take stock of the pain: where it is coming from and why, and avoid it with a proper defence?
Because they don't know where it's coming from and why. Because there is so much coming so fast that their mind and body depress, like a turtle retreating into its shell, blind but protected somewhat.
Where is this violence coming from? How could it be so constant yet people still live their lives in so much pain? Why doesn't anyone say anything about it?

Because the violence done to them seems like pleasure to them. It seems like enjoyment, it seems like the source of life. Work and entertainment become our lives in this place. Work is not enough to please, so something else must be found. There is nothing else to do, so entertainment must be found. Entertainment costs Money, so Work must be found.
Isn't anything good enough just the way it is? Haven't people before now always had a place to live and a place to grow their food and build their shelter and live with their people? Why isn't the work involved in maintaining these simple things enough to satisfy us completely? Didn't it used to satisfy us?

Our instincts are the basis of all of our thoughts. We can't help what we are genetically. Our body has needs and our mind has needs, these are consequences of things hard-coded in our genetic material because of the things we had to do to survive in our past. Our genetics expect from us certain behavior. A million voices inside of us demanding a million different things of various qualities both abstract and concrete. But some voices are stronger than others and might drown out lesser ones. But the lesser ones are there because of a cause, there is something in our history that forced them into existence, that made them vital to survival. But is the greatness of a voice fixed? Can we not adapt and do what needs to be done to survive? What happens when a voice that is genetically configured to be lesser by default is fed to become greater than the voices that are greater by default?

This is where entertainment comes in. It presents to us fragments of reality, of our past, abstractions of the natural world that we know in our instincts only, and feeds these fragments to these little instincts we have. It feeds them fabrications, semblances of reality; fake food. But they grow nonetheless. Bright color, rich sound, delicious food, sweet smells, soft touches. These are produced diversely and fed to our little instincts, a different flavor for each one.
But with each of these little instincts, these little receptors for abstract pleasure, what happens to the bigger instincts, the ones that connect and manage all of these little ones? The parts of the brain that do not just receive sense but make order of it? The rational mind? How can they make sense of this? Where would this happen in nature, where has this happened in the past that forged our genetic material?

Our rational mind is subverted and cannibalized. The small parts of our mind take over the functionality on their own inadequately simple terms. The function of our Mind, that unified and demystified all of our senses and made it clear without a doubt to us what our overall actions should be for success, is destroyed. And so we are lost and afraid with no one to lead us, because we refuse to see well enough to find some one to follow.

nice pasta

The lesser voices have overtaken the stronger voices in our minds as the lesser people have overtaken the stronger people in our societies. This is the root of communism, liberalism, and all the rest: bribing the little voices to drown out the biggest most important voices, and these ideologies seek to promote this terrible dysfunction on all levels: in the mind of the individual, in the collective consciousness, in the form of the economy, in the government, in social lives of all.

It is bribery that has brought death to us. It is wealth wielded by evil people so that nothing else matters but wealth. It is a black hole in the middle of our living planet. We must engineer a defense or everything will die forever.

>It is because I have renounced status and social standing.
Then you wouldn't have felt the need to make this thread.

this is why I'm smarter than you

this is an anonymous image board. Do you know what anonymous means? No identity. No status. No possible connections. No stakes.

You are clearly looking for some kind of validation or you wouldn't have felt the need to post anything

Yet you're still seeking approval from these anonymous people. If you truly believed you were extraordinarily intelligent, you wouldn't have to seek this approval

so any time any one makes something and doesn't hide it away they are guilty of making something only for validation, only to boost their self esteem, and had no other reason for doing it.


how do you know I'm seeking approval? how do you know I'm not seeking rejection? or conversation about a problem I'm trying to solve? why is it necessarily my problem and my problem alone?

uh excuse me, you are challenging my ego, my defense mechanisms will trigger now, goodbye

You are addressing a community with the desire to get them to acknowledge your opinion. Why do you think you have this need? What are you hoping to achieve by posting it?


>Veeky Forums - literature

this is called projection

you aren't explaining how you know the desire of OP, so you are simply filling in his with a copy of your own.

Do you think he did not desire to make a thread expressing his opinion?

le snowflake: the post

wow been loving that rick n morty? LOL dude go back to fuckin REDDIT that's where you belong this is the place for serious philosophy and books

100% of the people here are smarter than you because they know all the subtle ways to get attention that you will never learn because you are so gay. stop trying to get more than your share of the attention. your post is too long and you are talking too much. TL;DR fuck you buddy

If you want to try to be the next Nietzsche, you have to have the actual prose capabilities and rhetorical flourish. Why end your text with four lame apocalyptic cliches? Where's the verve and candor of writing that other better aphorists and writers of this style can present?

Why are you doing this to yourself?

OP here.

Are you retarded? Why do you think people make posts? Does anyone make a post to NOT express their opinion? You are proceeding on the argument that the only reason anyone could express their opinion is for some kind of imaginary self gratification that excludes any benefit from all others.

You were triggered into this assumption because you ate the bait

>entertain me, show me new combinations of my favorite superficialities

what's your point though.

that people's instincts are intricately hooked into by the owners of this society and they are triggered into unthinking flight-or-fight responses that prevent them from realizing this

>It is bribery that has brought death to us. It is wealth wielded by evil people so that nothing else matters but wealth. It is a black hole in the middle of our living planet. We must engineer a defense or everything will die forever.

Those were superficialities and cliches uttered by you though.

Calm down, dear.
Expression is communication. You clearly have a desire to communicate your thoughts. If you genuinely did not care about status, then you would not have desired to express your opinion to a community of strangers. Had you been thoroughly convinced about your own superiority, then you wouldn't feel the need to express it.

>realizing this
What? That you are the smartest? Because you claim to know the truth about jews?

what's your solution then

Have conversations like this, turn our problems over and over, make jokes of our egos that are used to mind control us, and find a way to exterminate the plutocracy by pooling our resources

why is being a cliche bad? How is it superficial when I supported the points? Maybe one of the problems we have in this miserable society is that people do not take cliches seriously.

it's just bait to illustrate the point that we are hijacked through our 'little instincts'. I'm not gonna lie, I typed this out in one go and its not that good, but at least its something

It's not much, I say it's time to retire that bit.

I think moving forward you should consider posting non-bait if you want to get your point across. There's too much bait on this site already.

it's a start, albeit a very paltry one

Except that everything you just wrote, about the merging of instinct and mind, the need to overcome, the "free spirit of thought" that goes beyond the normal boundaries, the importance of suffering, the resentment that suffering causes in weaker wills, the difference between stronger and weaker wills, what constitutes herd mentality - is all regurgitated Nietzsche.

A slight addition comes in the genetic stuff, since Nietzsche didn't live our period, but the rest is all rehashed. In other words your 'support' is rehashed and your cliches become glaring as a result.

but the point is that bait works, and in order to realize that the bait works on you you have to watch yourself being baited

Stop this intellectual masturbation and just contribute worthwhile posts, anons will be pleased.

It's not a very good thread, so I'm not entirely sure it is working. Unless you're just here for (You)s. In that case, I'd urge you to do something better with you time

This would be a good time to listen to Papa Nietzsche, and stop being such a cunt:

"After such a cheerful start, I’d like you to not to miss hearing a serious word: it’s directed at the most serious people. Be careful, you philosophers and friends of knowledge - protect yourself from martyrdom! From suffering "for the sake of the truth"! Even from defending yourselves! That corrupts all the innocence and refined neutrality in your consciences. It makes you stubborn against objections and red rags; it dulls your minds, brutalizes you, and puts you in a daze when, in the struggle with danger, malice, suspicion, expulsion, and even dirtier consequences of your hostility, you finally have to play out your role as the defenders of truth on earth, as though "the truth" were such a harmless and clumsy character as to require defenders! And as for you, you knights with the sorrowful countenances, my good gentlemen, you spiritual loafers and cobweb spinners! Ultimately you yourselves know well enough that it really doesn’t matter if you are the ones who are right. You also know that up to now no philosopher has been right and that a more praiseworthy truthfulness could lie in every small question mark which you set after your favourite words and cherished doctrines (and occasionally after yourselves), than in all the ceremonial gestures and trump cards before prosecutors and courts of justice! Better to stand aside! Run off to some secluded place! And retain your mask and your subtlety, so that people confuse you with someone else - or fear you a little! And for my sake don’t forget the garden, the garden with the golden trellis! And have people around you who are like a garden - or like music over water in the evening, when the day is already becoming a memory. "

"Choose good solitude, the free, high-spirited, easy solitude, which gives you also a right to remain, in some sense or other, still good yourselves! How poisonous, how crafty, how bad every long war makes us, when it does not let us fight with open force! How personal a long fear makes us, a long attention on our enemies, on potential enemies! These social outcasts, these men long persecuted and wickedly hunted down - as well as the compulsory recluses, the Spinozas or Giordano Brunos1 - in the end always become, maybe under a spiritual masquerade and perhaps without realizing it themselves, sophisticated avengers and makers of poisons (just dig into the foundation of Spinoza’s ethics and theology) - to say nothing of the foolishness of moral indignation, which in a philosopher is the unmistakable sign that his philosophical humour has run away from him. The martyrdom of a philosopher, his "sacrifice for the truth," brings forcefully to light how much of the agitator and actor he contains within himself. And if people have looked at him with only an artistic curiosity up to this point, then, in the case of several philosophers, we can naturally understand the dangerous wish to see him also in his degeneration (degenerated into a "martyr," into a brawler on the stage and in tribunals). But with such a wish, people must be clear about what they are going to see in every case - only a satyr play, only a farcical epilogue, only continuing proof that the long, real tragedy is over, assuming that every philosophy in its origin was a long tragedy."

How can things be better? What would the better world look like? What would not exist in the better world, and what would?

don't do that, we can guess

lel lel lel lel

>does or doesn't realize everyone obnoxiously, substancelessly, pettyly, shilly giving him a hard time in this thread are the people he is speaking against

What if I told you OP wrote that response to give his point some momentum?

Yea but at the end of the day dumber people are smashing fucking beauties while you waddle in your puddle of arrogance so whose the real loser

i would call OP an fag and move on with my low intellect and cry myself to sleep because I will never be as smart as him. He makes such valid points and sucks his own dick just a little bit. Just the tip in his mouth.

If you were so smart you wouldn't have made this post about you being smarter. You could have worded it without adding that bit and still get your point across, maybe than people wouldn't be saying you are full of yourself. Which you are.

>I am not smart
>He makes valid points
You're not smart, you got that one right. Let meask you, why would you trust your own opinion if you know you are an imbecile?

Does Man Chase
Big round fat asses and tities?

Such a hard question I cannot answer right now because I am too young.
I like both
Tities are cool
tities are awesome.
but books are cool
and books are awesome

Am I living this life in pursuit of learning as much as possible or feeling the best feelings as possible?

is the learning of new information compare to what man feels when he finally bust that nut?
Could new information reach orgasm level?
does Steven hawking wish he has legs so that he can fuck bitches or is he cool with being a mega genius trapped in a chair?

Life has so many mysteries man.

These threads appears after the neo-nazi ones get shot down with arguments. They're just a defense mechanism.

>as though "the truth" were such a harmless and clumsy character as to require defenders
Neitzsche didn't see the advent of the mass surveillance/media machine coming

I'm sure I'm missing a lot of context here, but he seems obsessed with 'persuasion' rather than proof. Just how far into his mental collapse was he when he wrote what you quoted?

i don't trust my own opinions. I am a sheep just like you!
As much as you like to think that you are in all control of the knowledge you know and you know that you know you can learn anything and critque anyone,
you are not.
you know a mere as much as I do.
It does not matter how smart you are in this life right now.
You know nothing
I know nothing.
You could know 1000000x more than me,
and still know nothing.
Do you know why?
Not because 0x10000000 is 0, nothing that cliche but because there is an infinite amount of knowledge out there and you are a fucking idiot just like me. So sit on your high horse and say "user u dumb XD, user u trust ur own opinon he he, and you can t spell he he"

Just know you and I are both fucking idiots. We are both as dumb as each other in this universe.

Go fuck yourself you pretentious cunt


Don't lower me to your level, angry man. Your ass is so red it's visible from the moon.

Feels bad to see some self-proclaimed genius get called out, and then devolve in this excessive ironic shitposting in an effort to maintain one-upmanship whilst giving himself the verneer of deep paradoxical wisdom although he has none of the precision and poesy that the ancient Chinese Taoists or Zen koanists had.

Wonder why they always fall into this cycle, despite claiming unique insight?

>"obsessed with persuasion rather than proof"
>original post is a bunch of assertions and rhetoric lacking in actual rhetorical skill

Incidentally that came from Beyond Good and Evil, so far from it.

bro i had to google what verneer was you are really smart user and everything you say should be taken how it is written in your own head and that you know everything that is said and stuff.
user send me your address. I want to suck your dick
You have... .Changed my life /// /// with your,,, opinon on the internet.. ..no w what must I do user? TELL ME



Destroyed me

one last time;
do me like this. /// I lvoe you... I have alwyas loved you

>I lvoe you...
you literally can't


i literally can't wat?
Just use tactics of removing thought of what you say so I don't have to think about how you are oh so right and I am oh so wrong so I resort to ignorance?

Fuck off user. Your opinion does not matter nor will it ever matter.

how'd you guess now guess what kind

OP here

it's good advice maybe. There are many more pitfalls today than their were in his time. Maybe it is a good strategy and an accurate account of the dangers. But I don't see anything that definitively applies. What is the harm in experimenting without attachment?

If you are wondering that, take the bait out of your mouth and read the rest of my post. It's a start on figuring out this phenomenon, maybe.

what instincts made by what forces of nature are being triggered here, and what have they been fed and how have they been sculpted to make them grow to this size and shape?

its a difficult answer to come to, but the people who control us have answered it, so we will have to answer better.

Im comfortable in my life and love every moment, it is good for me that your generation, and the ones above and below it, have many ignorant, delusional, semi autonomous, closer to being animals than gods, people in it, because it makes my life and job easier. What is it you want to change exactly?

>Just use tactics of removing thought of what you say
Teach me how, desu.

I literally just saw this posted on another site.

Isn't claiming to be more intelligent than the majority of people a simultaneous claim to a certain social status
in the capacity that being the most intelligent (not the claim of being intelligent itself - though this is debateable
viz a viz Hegel's Master-Slave dialectic) is in reference to corresponding social actors?

your syntax is shit

Yes. OP did not realise this most obvious fact. OP is not humble, not intelligent, and this whole thread is a dorm room for 13 year olds softly masturbating together.

>in reference to corresponding social actors
I don't understand. Do you mean that OP is only saying that he is not a XXX?


This is such great bait for people with superiority complexes. 9/10

What the fuck did you just say to me, you miserable ingrate? While you were busy renouncing social status, like a poof, I was studying the transformative effect of manners on both society and empire and its literary relevance to the inception of empire as British Debauchery joined with Dutch Ballast to produce sublime wonderous conflicts such as Betty Careless or Tom's Coffee House before they transitioned from not supplying beds to Pope to the kind of high end nancy fruit and flowers market you'd probably like. I'd call you a vapid bourgeois cunt, but it's and insult to the coal barons and their footmen who read Sheridan, or, at an ungracious to even the footmen minimum, Freeling. I bet none of your socks are even blue, you filthy parvenu. While you were busy being an asocial gay weirdo, I was busy synthesising a new, validated -something you won't be familiar with -, objective overview of history which removes the ressentiment of Marx's Capital and curtails the vissitudes of Kissinger's Realpolitik and, let me tell you, your sorry gay ass doesn't rate anywhere in the first billion of most intelligent people on earth, and some of the one with basic social conditioning made it in ahead of you. I'm currently contacting my peers to have your shitty state school university affiliation and library access revoked, you nambypamby male arse licker, because you've been accurately assessed to be an intellectual nobody, since not even in the 17th Century could you navigate your way into a London whorehouse, and, there is obviously no cause for your presence to be noted within the academy. Your access code should be invalid by the time Japan wakes up for breakfast, you intellectual nothing; consider yourself obliterated, anonymidas.

>this entire fucking thread

True. OP's point of view is reliant on a status-based concept - intelligence as a heirarchical structure within society.

OP, are you INTJ (I am)?

Why is one or more person talking about status. Since when is it wrong for a person to write an OP looking for interesting conversation? There has been little conversation, only ad hominem, which maybe goes along with part of OPs point.

Is everyone simply knee jerk reacting to the first sentence of the OP and ignoring what follows? Yes maybe he made an error in doing that much of a catchy and touchy and pushy and aggressive and showy advertisement of his OP but certainly that can be ignored and looked past and the meat and potatoes of his writing can be discussed civilly and sensibly

so much samefagging