Whenever my parents make something like soup or stew or whatever...

Whenever my parents make something like soup or stew or whatever, they always just put whole black pepper grains in there and I have to pick them out of my mouth. They've been doing this forever.

When I ask why they don't just use ground pepper, they say that'd be too spicy. When I ask why not just put less of it, they say the taste would be weaker. Supposedly when you boil whole pepper grains in the soup you get more of the "peppery" taste with less spiciness/bitterness, or something.

Does anyone else do this or is my family fucking retarded?

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They need to strain the stock before building the rest of the soup/stew

If black pepper is too spicy for your family you should consider disowning them. They're right about the merits of using whole peppercorns over ground, but they're also pussies if they do it every time.

Yeah they make really bland food. My mom even has an allergy for chilli peppers, or something.

On the other hand, she also prepares her own mustard sauce and horseradish, and really enjoys them even though they both burn like hell. Go figure.

Different kinds of heat.

>allergy for chilli peppers
i'm pretty sure that's not a thing

You can be allergic to capsaicin.


my mom does that too and i do think it makes her stews taste better for some reason

most of the people i've encountered that were 'allergic to hot peppers' actually just didnt like it and made up that excuse. But yeah, take my experience with a grain of salt, you obviously can get allergic to all kinds of things.


>all these people taking the bait
Good work OP this is some top quality bait.

I mean I can't prove that it's true, but it's true.

i've seen people do plenty retarded shit in the kitchen, why exactly would this scenario be impossible?

White people lol

Black people lol

My mom always puts whole cardamom pods and huge pieces of ginger in the food.
It's really hard to stay in a good mood when your mouth gets assaulted with this shit every time you take a bite.

just chew them and enjoy the few peppercorns you get.

take smaller bites.

Relatively speaking a huge piece of ginger is still kinda small.
I'd rather not pick the food apart for ten minutes like a toddler.

Why the fuck is this so surprising to you? My mom does the same thing, although not for everything. I've never asked why she does it though.

present them a tea infuser and ask them kindly to use it

anyway that taste/spiciness thing IS a thing or at least I've heard of it. Supposedly it's because black pepper is way spicier on the inside than the outside.

well then you are a pussy.