How easy is English as a major? Basically, I just need the highest GPA possible and the easiest major will do...

How easy is English as a major? Basically, I just need the highest GPA possible and the easiest major will do. It's for getting my GPA up for law school acceptance.

Just depends on what you're good at, dumbo.
English is difficult if you suck dick at writing papers and have trouble with heavy reading loads

you probably want something more like geography if that's all you're after
ps. you're a worthless piece of shit and will regret this in a few years

if you find an English degree hard, dont do law school.

How well can you fuck?
That seems to be the question to ask in college doesnt it?

That kind of attitude will not do well for you in law school. Either change your ways, or face the realization in a few years that you've wasted your time after having failed out. Cold hard truth.

Okay, so I was doing mechanical engineering but the math is killing me and killing my GPA. No matter how hard I try I'll only ever be a C grade student in math, and I'll have to go all through Calc and beyond. I realized that I'm just not cut out for engineering and that English and reading and writing is my real strength, and law was always something I wanted to do but never thought seriously about until now.

So, the reason I need the easiest major is to fix my GPA from the engineering stuff that really hurt me, I can do the work, I just need something easy to get a high GPA in.

I'm a junior in mechanical engineering. I got an A in calc 1, 2, and 3 at a prestigious university, but I struggled a lot. I studied probably 15 hours a week for each of those classes, on top of the physics and CS classes. Are you actually doing the work and putting the time in, or are you just lazy?

English is fine for pre law. You might also consider Economics, although I cannot comment on the differences in difficulty between English and Economics.

I'm pretty sure I have dycalculia, but no one takes it seriously the way they do dylexia. It just doesn't click no matter how hard I study, and it only gets harder as the classes go on, which is why I can't get anything better than a C with hard work.

It's just a bad major for me, one that I will only be hurting myself and any future possibilities like grad school by staying in.

think that just means you're stupid senpai
you'll fail English too don't worry

I really suggest suffering through calc 1-2 at an easy community college in your area so you can at least do a business major or something, since STEM is not an option (linear/differentials is imo harder than the calc series). Anything other than business/STEM and you may as well not waste the time/money in school

>get's D's and C's in math classes
>gets A's in all English and writing classes
>never gotten less than a 95% in one before

Yeah, whatever you say.

Don't listen to that troll. Calculus math classes are the easiest classes you can take for an engineering degree, they only get harder (Physics II etc.) I'd say pursue the english degree, you seem to do better in those classes.

whatever you say buddy
print out this post so you can look back on it in 3 years when you're paying 60k a year to go to a rank 50 law school cause you're too dumb to get good grades

there's no such thing as good at English but bad at math user
if you can't get good grades in undergrad stem classes there's no real reason to think you can get good grades in undergrad English classes unless you're a minority

English classes are far easier than STEM classes, though.

t. stemlord who takes English classes so I can fuck off and skip that class and still get an easy A

But... That user just said he got good grades in English classes.

hes extrapolating his high school experience to college

No, I'm referring to the English and other writing classes I've had so far in college. I've taken college English, a required Ethics course and history, all of which were writing and reading intensive. Got no less than a 95 in them all

You make an awful lot of assumptions.

desu, assuming someone who asks Veeky Forums for life advice is retarded is pretty reasonable

When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME.

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?

Life is a constant hell. No wonder I resent women too.

Put down the thesaurus

aha had a hardy chuckle

Just have sex. I'm 27 and have the first girlfriend I've had in my entire life, at 27, and she wants to have sex almost every day. Sometimes multiple times a day

There is still hope for me

If you hurry. There's no going back after you become a wizard

guess it depends on your university. some English programs (mine) are easy as community college level literature programs.

w-was it awkward the first time? I could probably have sex next week but I've never really kissed a girl and I'm afraid of fumbling on some beautiful lass

also smoll dick

Oh, i've already done the deed a couple times, just never had a meaningful relationship

My first time was also the first time I had ever kissed a girl. So I was literally learning to kiss and make out and have sex at the same time.
Ended up not being able to get an erection for a long time and when I finally got hard enough to go in I lasted a few minutes then went soft. After trying again I pulled out and couldn't cum.

First time having sex with probably be a complete shitshow and you're more likely to not get or keep an erection than you are to cum in 5 seconds and have it be over. Chances are you won't cum at all your first time.

the world truly doesnt need another lawyer who doesnt understand math

what the fuck that sounds like a disaster

But that's the first time. It's going to be terrible and you'll look back on it later and laugh. Once you do it a couple times you become more confident about it and you're keeping an erection the entire time, since not getting it up is strictly a mental thing, actual PE in young people is very rare. As for not cumming too soon, that just comes with time and experience.

Next thing you know you'll have your girl bent over on her knees spreading her asshole open while you pound her from behind and pull her hair. You get good really fast after your first time.

Joke's on you, I'm taking the lowest and easiest required math course possible and will never do math again in my entire life.

the modern lawyer is a walking paradox; overworked, yet still a parasite.

Stop being so self conscious

Do philosophy user. It's a joke major.

If he's in the Anglosphere, he might have to do logic. And if he's bad at math, he won't get logic proofs either.

t. failing logic phil major

I'm bad at math and I did fine in logic. Maybe that's just because I find logic interesting.

Logic is a totally different beast than graphing equations and polynomial bullshit.
Logic is about reading comprehension and using your brain.

Depends on how good your analytical skills are, and if you can explain your ideas clearly in writing. Also, it depends on your school.

To the guy who said you can't be shit at math and good at English -- I struggle with basic concepts in math, and I work in the writing lab. Anecdotal maybe, but intelligence is definitely weird.

I'm in law school (Canadian) right now. I did economics/poli sci for my undergrad. Honestly, it doesn't matter what you did before law school as long as you like it. There are some English majors in my classes, and there are also engineers. Just do what you like and go from there.

You also need more than just good grades to get into law school. The LSAT is what I'm noticing that really fucks people over.

I've got some LSAT workbooks and test prep books and there is a really highly rated prep course that does tests under real conditions that I'll be doing all in the times leading up to when I take the LSAT.
I'm putting everything I've got into it because I realize that it can help make up for any GPA issues I might have. I'm taking it very seriously

Good luck, user. Make sure you take it early enough that you can write again if you have to. Also, the questions themselves are not that hard. It's more about getting it all done in time.

I'm not sure how it goes in the States, but when it comes to job recruiting up here, you've got to be more than just a good student. Recruiters ask you to talk about your undergrad and why you chose that major. Make sure you're interesting!

My old dumbass roommate got a comm degree and thought even algebra was difficult. He got into law school last year.

English is easy as long as you can master different writing styles(Like APA) that you will only use in college and if you ever right a research paper.