Nazi core:

Nazi core:
Martin Luther
Arthur Schopenhauer
Friedrich Nietzsche
Martin Heidegger
Oswald Sprengler
Adolf Hitler

What other authors are important to add to this list?
Before 1945 please.

Other urls found in this thread:

St. Thomas Aquinas

You think so? I don't see it.

You seemed to pick non Nazis, so I thought I'd contribute

Cassius Dio

All those authors are huge importance to the environment that produced the National Socialist movement and zeitgeist at the time.
I can't imagine Nazis reading Plato or St Thomas Aquinas.

how is Nietzsche's philosophy compatible with nationalism or socialism or fascism etc.
also just because Heidegger was an actual Nazi doesn't make his writing Nazicore. Existentialism practically the opposite of Nazism

I agree that Heidegger's philosophy necessarily isn't Nazi-tier. But he wasn't an existentialist

>Arthur Schopenhauer
I'm sure he would love the Nazi emphasis on vitality and vitalistic irrationalism
>Friedrich Nietzsche
I'm sure he would love the mass indoctrination of individuals and their resentment against Jews
>Martin Luther
Yep, as we all know Nazis love Christianity.

Take the redpill, retard. They were all proto-Nazis

Christian Nazis liked Luther a lot especially his books On the Jews and Their Lies and Table Talk.

It's part of the German identity.

How is Tacitus Nazi core when the entire point of the annals is to point out the end of Roman liberty during the Empire?


Nietzsche hated German nationalism and pretended he was Polish.

How people think he's connected to Nazism in this day and age shows that they've never read Nietzsche.

He would be browsing /pol/ if he were alive today

praise kek

National Socialism was a response to jewish actions that mostly took place after Nietzsche's death.

Charles Darwin

Nietzsche confirmed for Nazi

Only one of those was a Nazi author, dummy.

What you're looking for is For My Legionaries by Codreanu or The Outlaws by Salomon

>jewish actions that mostly took place after Nietzsche's death.

For My Legionaries is Romanian and not part of at the time of the German zeitgeist.

I believe Karl Popper once remarked that totalitarianism had been inspired by Plato's Republic. I believe the comment is in the preface of the Penguin edition.

eh, I used to be gung ho about nat soc but more and more I feel like western culture can only be saved through some sort of traditionalist religious/philosophical revival, not a political one.

We have to get women back in the kitchen

"Nazi" is a jewish word.

how is nat soc not existentialist? It's basically existentialism applied on the societal scale by way of returning a nation to it's authentic state.

we need women to want to get back in the kitchen, that's the point of my post.

Calm down, Goebbels

There's no reason for one to view white nationalism from this one lens when it came by default in western societies from their dawn to just recently. The precedent for what we want goes well beyond that short time period and it's no way forward given the stigma.

How do we do it? We must return to a white society with women as homemakers.
Do we have to get rid of certain 'subversive' elements, if you catch my drift?

The destruction of the working class, the enslavement of the peasant class played out the same in both Germany and Romania, the Legion of the Archangel Michael was what one would imagine Hitlers wet dream would be, Codreanu also lived for a while in Germany.

For My Legionaries is more "nazi" than any of the authors named in the OP save for Hitler.

Western Culture has been dead for a while, it killed itself by following its own premises.

"Concepts" are a Jewish concept, retard.

we don't have to get rid of them physically, we just need to force them to integrate somehow. I know a bunch of jews irl and they're good people for the most part, it's just their collective impact, and grip on the media that's harmful. I think diluting the jewish identity would be a good start, maybe by making it into some sort of fad (jewish is the new hipster?) would be a good start.

National socialist in Germany were not reading For My Legionaries, for the last time it is not part of it's zeitgeist.

You must have little to no grasp of history. That has been tried many times and has never worked. Jews even slaughtered their children in the past when faced with forced integration. Your perception of the jews you know irl doesn't matter, nor is how you think they present representative of how they are. Removal is the only way to deal with them.

Clamp down hard on nepotism and place a 90% inheritance tax
You seem awfully stupid, I'm not saying Codreanu had anything to do with German National Socialism, I am saying he's related to this thread because Romania faced similar post-war problems as Germany did which he discusses in detail. International banking wasn't just a German problem seeing how it was in fact international.

>place a 90% inheritance tax
This kills the economy

>hitler dubs
Anybody who is culturally or religiously Jewish or is a part of "the jewish community" should be deported to Israel because history shows that Judiasm and Traditional Europe is completely opposed to each other and Judiasm as a whole is detrimental to Europe

The purity obsession should be dropped though, there are people who unironically believe that somebody who is %10 Jewish is not white and this will never become accepted among non-autists

>inheritance tax

Only two of those people were nazis. Don't sully the others' names by putting them on such a list.

I honestly can't see how anyone would object to an inheritance tax as long as it exempted land and maybe one house. The whole point is taxing bonds/stocks/trustfunds that not only consitute nepotism, but also generally ruin the child in my experience. Struggle is a part of life that everyone must face if they don't want to be an eternal manchild.

>%10 Jewish
I'm inclined to agree but who is 10% jewish? The only person I know is Anatoly Karlin and even with him, someone who is jew-aware and reads DS, he seems to hold back quite a bit when discussing them. Sometimes I wonder what the extent of that genetic disease is.

>I honestly can't see how anyone would object to an inheritance tax
Gee, I don't know. Maybe it is because one of the fundamental reason that pushes people to work hard is that so they can pass inheritance to their children? Maybe because working your whole life just to have your possessions taken away by the government makes you feel depressed and alienated? Maybe because it is economically retarded? Institute an inheritance tax that high and half of the population would emigrate and the other half would kill itself due to depression.

I also think above all we really need to force transparency with regard to who actually controls wealth. The jews succeed at what they do almost entirely by using financial instruments to obfuscate the chain of power. Amazing how many people think that just because we no longer have kings and queens that suddenly they have no rulers, when in reality they're just hiding behind 5 layers of contact and have no reason to give a shit about their underlings.

Thread is about the German National socialist movement zeitgeist and their core inspiration for the movement.

>taxing bonds/stocks/trustfunds
You realize that only a very small percent of the population has these right? And personally I think building your own legacy is a better motivator than spoiling your kids into NEETdom.

I see you're a thread traditionalist. Times are changing m8. Can't cling to the past.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party not the fucking Iron Guard.

The Nazis were a bunch of fags though, lead by an art school homo and killed themselves at the first sign of failure

>>Nazi core
I can't not give you Heidegger, but still.

Sure, I'm not a nazi just want to know more about the zeitgeist and the culmination of the movement.

Yeah dude just tax the rich lmao, I'm sure that will turn out well. #Bernie2020

>tax the rich
no, but
>confiscate the wealth of those hostile to the nation state

>Sometimes I wonder what the extent of that genetic disease is.
See, normal people will never accept this autistic crap.

Genetically Azshkenazis cluster with Greeks and other southern europeans. The problem with Jews is not an indivudal Jew's higher propensity for subversive activity but their power as a group, a Jew (or partial Jew) who is not working with others is harmless, we must focus on breaking JUDIASM (cultural, economic, religious, jews as a community).

Another problem with this mindset is that there are MUCH more partial Jews than full Jews in the world and many are either not aware of it or do not care, which would make getting rid of them much more difficult.

Even the Nazi Germany only classified people as Jews if they were %50 or more, those under it were forcibly assimilated (could only marry non-Jews)

Nobody outside of /pol/ would support forced DNA tests and deporting people who scored partial Jewish ancenstory

Why the fuck would anybody do anything if they couldnt pass it on to their kids? This is communist tier thinking and contrary to all that is Traditional

As far as muh nepotism goes, an aristocracy is much better than a so-called "meritocracy" for endless reasons

>taxing bonds/stocks/trustfunds
If you want to tax that then tax that,the whole bourgoise/managerial system of economy needs to be destroyed no need for faggy "taxes" that fuck over good people

which you cannot do without understanding the history of Europe

Those hostile to the nation state are the rich. Have fun killing the economy, I guess.

>he seems to hold back quite a bit when discussing them
surely this must be the result of his evil jew genes and not because no one with any regard for their own affairs would talk like a /pol/ack in public

The only people I've met in real life who think like that are brain dead materialists. You live to pass on your values to your children, not physical things. Aristocracy should be defined by a hereditary mantle of social/norm-setting power, not physical wealth.

History of Germany, you know like Tacitus Germania and Martin Luther role in establishing their state religion and his works On the jews and their lies and Table Talk..

I've never read so much dumb shit in my whole life. You're more historically and economically illiterate than a damn commie. Read a book, nigger.

I think the answer to "kill the economy or kill the nation?" is pretty simple

go back to /pol nigger

Except the land that you and your family cultivated, the houses that you built, the items that you collected and the organization that you created are not materialistic at all. There should be NO inheritance tax on any of that.

As far as usury banks, soulless money oriented corporations and stock market bullshit, they should not exist at all.

>The two are not interlinked whatsoever
Mmh... starving the population because of a retarded unatteinable ideal? Sounds familiar...

>starving the population because of a retarded unatteinable ideal? Sounds familiar...
Yes, reminds me of pretty much every non-materialistic civilization that ever existed (minus the retarded/unattainable part and the starving exageration)

So basically you want to revert back to feudalism?

Sounds like the jewish genocide of Ukrainians known as the Holodomor, for those who need it spelled out.

farther back ;-)
btw im not the guy you originally replied too just in case

>no rosenberg

Very nice

Edgy white boys need to go back to their mom's basement

Julius Evola

I think Schopenhauer and Nietzsche would have hated the NazIs.

>Over 70 posts in, and no mention of Hobbes

Evola wasn't a nazi sympathizer.

>I can't imagine Nazis reading
Me neither.

Neither was Martin Luther

Literally how

I can't even think of anything that makes Dio particularly notable among his classical peers, except for the choice/scale of his topic. Even Tacitus is only particularly relevant to the Nazis because he added his own comments to the the long-decried degeneration of Rome, and did so with particular reference to Germany. His ideas weren't new; his touchstone was. Dio had no such comparison that I can think of.

"Germania" was literally an ideological pillar of Teutonic culture/eventual Nazi ideology. As referenced , the degeneration and corruption of Rome is contrasted by Tacitus to the simple fare and brutal but virtuous warrior lifestyle of the "barbarian" Germans. The Nazis, to a further extent than their earlier modern German predecessors, regarded Tacitus' tract as a sort of founding document in noting the "purity" of German culture and ethnicity.

If you'dlike to know more, check out the intro to the oxford classics "Agricola and Germania." There's a 2-4ish page section on Tacitus' influence in modernity, largely focused on defending him against the shadow cast over him by Nazi associations.

Because he wrote about the jewish problem.

Here's a good list

>A thread dedicated to brainlets who couldn't understand Hegel

very nice

Is this board even worth saving at this point?

Why the fuck is Tacitus there?

yes he was, he was very subtle.

Tacitus wrote a lot of important information about the jews.

An attempt at a Rightist intellectual encyclopedia was made by CEDADE in the 70's. For all it's flaws, Thule: La Culture de la Otra Europa is probably still the best work of it's kind. Their list of of the forerunners of 20th century fascism:

Le Bon

If today's Rightists read these men instead of the memeish and pedantic books and articles made now, they would have a better footing, but if they were really serious they would read the classics and literature generally-- They are the victims of a culture of ignorance affecting everyone in the 21st century and lack the general education necessary for deep thinking in the autumn of civilization.

Yes, and what divides the right into weaker and smaller states is the Germanic supremacists.
Just look at the European Union today, it is not Russians that are dividing Europe into smaller nations but it's the Germans pressure with their supremacist mentality.

I've been seeing a lot of anti-German posting in the Hispanosphere recently, I think the anger is misplaced. At any rate, Russia has broken up Georgia and Ukraine in the last decade and would happily do the same to Europe.

All other European nations except maybe for France is anti-German.

>We must return to a white society with women as homemakers.

Sure, just get a job with a 6 digit income. Than you can have your housewife.

Otherwise she'll need to get a job too to pay the rent.

It's pretty fun that in the end it was capitalism that destroyed the family.

>Anybody who is culturally or religiously Jewish or is a part of "the jewish community" should be deported to Israel

So your master plan is to send all the industry masters, the must cunning CEOs and bankers, and all the top scientists to one country.


>I don't want the most powerful economic forces to be in my country

Go to a third world place than. Everyone there is a wholesome non-material farmer.

Is this a joke? Germany has been neutered for decades. And if you're talking about Germany yet again getting stuck holding the ball wrt the EU, that really has nothing to do with them and everything to do with the EUCB running the show out of Frankfurt and Brussels.

The first part of your post must also be a joke. You're talking about parasites who are destroying those nations.

The CEOs and Bankers are the guys that maintain the economy of everything you consume; including the internet connection you are using to shitpost.

Are you a communist or something?

They manipulate the economy in the interests of a global jewish elite and have a much more negative effect on western countries than good because they are outsiders who aren't working in the interests of whites/white nations. If you knew how the economy works you'd have much less reverence for it. It's a ponzi debt scam that needs constant growth or else it implodes in on itself.

>thinks nyetzsche was Nazi
nyetzsche was the least Nazi philosopher I've read. his sister married a Nazi and he was super pissed at that, and write a lengthy letter to her condemning him and his ideologies. steer he became senile, his sister inherited his works, and edited, republished them to give an "intellectual" backing for nazism

>Russia has broken up Georgia and Ukraine in the last decade and would happily do the same to Europe.

last I checked EU backed protestors committed a coup d'état in Ukraine before Russia rolled in the tanks. Also Georgia and Ukraine belong rightfully to Russia. Also how can you break up Europe more than Merkel already has?

>all the irrelevant European nations are angry at the only relevant European nation

Hard to believe.

Supremacist mentality in effect

You're more right than the other guy, but it wasn't the EU that was responsible for the recent coup in Ukraine, it was jewish financial interests like George Soros. The government in Ukraine is literally run by jewish oligarchs now.