Hey Veeky Forums, ever wondered if you have what it takes to be a great writer?

Hey Veeky Forums, ever wondered if you have what it takes to be a great writer?
Or if you're just pleb trash?

Find out once and for all with this site.
Post a sample of your own writing and it analyzes to see which writer you most resemble.

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Here's the link.


(I know that link looks shady as fuck but it's fine. IWL stands for I Write Like)

i got margaret atwood

Apparently I write like Agatha Christie. I've never read anything by her, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Well she's the biggest selling author of all time, so it means you have a writing style that is profitable and appeals to the masses. I wouldn't say that's a bad thing.

I would

Okay, I tried it the first time with a short sample of serious work, and got Agatha Christie. Fine.

Second time, I tried with a longer sample of bad erotica. I got Agatha Christie again.

Uncertain what to make of these results.

I got James Joyce

I got Leo Tolstoy. Do I let this get to my head?

Maybe Agatha Christie is the default result for not knowing what the hell to make of you.

I got Lovecraft

wow, didn't think I'd get Stoker! I fucking love him I'm not gonna complain

That does seem to be the case

i pasted this and god DFW

rodney tine and i think theres something just banal about that. we are all addicted and i think that it is up to all of us to make a decision and choose what we want to bea ddicted torodney tine and i think theres something just banal about that. we are all addicted and i think that it is up to all of us to make a decision and choose what we want to bea ddicted torodney tine and i think theres something just banal about that. we are all addicted and i think that it is up to all of us to make a decision and choose what we want to bea ddicted to

I got Anne Rice... sure

Wtf I got George Orwell, although I did read his guide on writing.

I got H.G. Wells, which is irritating, because I despise his work, as well as most writers of that era.

>Copy out several paragraphs of the Fellowship of the Ring
>Get Charles Dickens.

>Do the same with some copypasta from Zelazny
>Get Arthur Conan Doyle.

I think their program might need a little work.

Edgar Allan Poe

I wrote 'Wardine be cry' 128 times and got DFW

Yh it's bullshit, probably randomly assigns famous writers. You'll always think positively about the outcome.

I got Raymond Chandler and have never read anything by him
Any suggestion?

How does it assess one's writing style?

I entered the rick and morty copypasta and got DFW

"To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid "

I think sentence structure mostly. Like, if you find a sentence to be pleasing written in a certain way, you will match with X author.

Obviously the algorithm is a bit messed up, but it's still fun.


I put in my javascript code and I got James Joyce. this site is garbage lmao

Mary Shelley
b-but I'm a boy :_;

Looking at the source code, the problem is that they use bayes, if they used something like cosine similarity it would probably be more accurate. This is because a bayesian classifier is better when the test object (in this case 'your writing') was created by a member of the data set (the authors they have listed).
Because none of them wrote what you're submitting, it'd be better off working with cosine similarity which compares word choice/usage/tendencies between two groups more accurately.

Pleb triggered that he got JK Rowling detected.

My second sample of Writing got Nabokov.
But, I hate Nabokov.

Got Oscar Wilde by inserting Borges.

Got JK Rowling by inserting Hegel

make a new one. I got Palahniuk.

jokes on you, I got this old homosexual!

oops this was meant for
I would but I don't have the money to host it. I've already made something pretty similar that uses 2000+ texts from the project gutenberg corpus

muh spinning gravity

also the other problem with making my own is that I'd have to get a ton of well formatted texts from relevant authors not just whatever junk is in the open source, which is more than I have time for right now

Boo! You whore...

I'm rather happy with this.

4 different texts submitted:

Lmao that sounds like the biggest scam of the century. Don't give your writing to the site unless you want to see it published under someone else's name.

Navy Seal Copypasta
>Cory Doctorow


I put in the first page of Mein Kampf. . .

>Das Kapital
>George Orwell

I pasted in an entire chapter of Moby-Dick and got Anne Rice. Literal buzzfeed quiz tier.

I pasted in the first page of a short story I’m working on and got Nabokov. Pasted in the second page and got Stephen King. Do I kill myself or no?

Cathedral. He’s good. Like an American Chekhov.

Keep the first page. Edit the second page.

Not anymore

Nabokov, Orwell, Dickens. Got Dickens and Nabokov twice. The last one was too embarrassing to share.

Got Orwell. I'm not even sure if that's a good thing.

maybe I am better suited for Sci-Fi genre trash than "realistic" fiction
when I put in something else I'd written I got Anne Rice, maybe I use too much purple prose and other gay shit

>Get Stephen King
>Check Bank account
>not multi-billionaire

This website's a scam.

it's almost certainly 100% random. props to the anons that now think they are james joyce.
i posted your comment in there and got "cory doctorow", who i also got for a poem of mine.
then i got DFW. then anne rice, arthur clarke, agatha christie. james joyce...
dfw again..

I think the algorithm is based on word frequency. Try to write the following text: carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots
Also, I write like Dan Brown

I won't laugh, user. I promise.

copypasta from a reddit /r/incest post, enter it

get nabokov.
not even joking

Anne Rice

>then i wrote suicide 100 times, got palahniuk
> dumb machine's got a sense of humor

I typed bram stoker 100 times, guess what result did I get?

bram stoker?

Mine came up with Ursula K. Le Guin, which was nice, considering I was reading her at the time of the piece's creation.

"life is incomprehensible to human minds and the universe is fundamentally inimical to the interests of humankind"

so basically absurdism with space monsters

I got Dan Brown. This site is no good

>wrote the 5'9ft user while furiosly typing on his keyboard like a salmon against the current.

I don't use or understand your metric system so I didn't get the joke. But yeah, salmons



I had three excerpts analyzed, each from the same novel I'm working on. First it said I write like David Foster Wallace, then it said Arthur Clarke, and somehow the last time I got Daniel Defoe.

>Robert Louis Stevenson
>Gertrude Stein

ok lmfao

That’s Carver.

I got Agatha Christie, but I intentionally emulate Flaubert, so idk.

I got P. G. Woodhouse.

i got Robert Louis Stevenson,i don't know how to feel about it.

>J.K. Rowling.

Time... to die...

i got james joyce with this:

Screaming frenzy and wicked death, upon the silent apartment penetrated I, naked pain highlighted by the lack of penis to the apartment tenant's sleepened eye. Blood, blood, blood; ghastly. What a disgusting sight.
'Good god,' stereotypical fucking splish-splash, Christ Almighty, 'What happened to you?' Oh really, really now? Tralala, fair is foul fuckery.
'Get eholda yourself, what the fuck happened?' So at great lengths and in meticulous detail explained, I went about the task. She understood, thank good.
''Ur an actual retard, hoyechrist. How could you manage tha'at work?' I wished nothing of her but to comfort me. What degree must one go to, I wondered, to acknowledge the problem before sight. 'Did you run all the way here.' Jag of teeth and flash of eye, a splurt of blood squawked left. My body had been quick to relieve itself. A curse she screamed most pained, animal was her body in its fleshly restraint that now lay slack, spirit vanished. Her face had melted off.
My blood is boiling, no amount of aloof contempt and disdain for society woos, coos and has-at-yous it. I rushed out, screaming bloody rampage.
Door to door had I knocked, screaming upon slap of beheaded shaft sounding upon my thigh. Sprawling, holy god! The occurring blood trail looked straight out of a Chinese Horror B-Movie, though the speckled semen haphazardly scatted about was unseemly in the vein of an underground Japanese horror movie. Avant-cinema was enough to drive its directors crazy.
'Is anyone out there?' Slack-jawed dumwit! Who the fuck screams at this hour for a doctor? Make up your mind!
'Oh hello there-', he noticed, 'oh my-'. Fainted.

I wrote complete gibberish and got Mark Twain

'There I was, spitting into the Mediterranean while sitting on the boardwalk of the boat, my saliva collapsing into a double helix, a strand of DNA, before dissolving into the limpid, sapphire saltwater. Mom whined 'stop it!' and I did immediately - not at all like me. For some reason it is this which stands out among all memories of that day.'

I got H.G. Wells.

Not really a fan of his work or his prose.

I got George Orwell...shit eh. Maybe I should finally getting around to read his work.

Should be noted in the paragraph I posted I was talking about society and using words like herd, animal, chain, slave, master, worker, class etc.

I'm pretty sure this just sorts through arrays of author's most used words and matches them up.

Possibly a slight decompiling of clauses into some functional ranking of syntax.

Either way, not very accurate, but I like the idea


I can visualize anything in my mind, scenes and shit you know. But I "can't" put it into words.

>H.G. Wells
Yeah that's fine. I can work with this.

Prone to fits of a raging sexual anger and greedy lusts shifting bright red and white in the night of his mind like the crazing and fractured coals of an abandoned fire still slowly roasting to black ashes the bones of his last meal, slowly he reached down and grabbed the very small girl around her neck. Lucky for her, she wasn’t real.


>it's almost certainly 100% random. props to the anons that now think they are james joyce.
i posted your comment in there and got "cory doctorow", who i also got for a poem of mine.
then i got DFW. then anne rice, arthur clarke, agatha christie. james joyce...
dfw again..
You write like Stephenie Meyer.
Looks accurate to me.

I posted the same text but removed some sentences, like 30% and still got same result.
Another I could add a whole new paragraph and get same name.
But if you change vocabulary (but same "meaning"), it can change name.

Put some Pac lyrics into it and got Margaret Atwood. No wonder women love black cocks.

Lol this is bullshit I posted two of my poems and an essay and got Nabokov, Gertrude stein and James joyce. This is another one of those websites that nerdy white kids like you fucks use to congratulate each other on being muh patrician



I know for a fact that I write on a 3rd grade level and I got Stephen King.

Is that accurate?

Same for me; I copy pasted Tay Tay's Shake it Off lyrics.

I literally put in something written by an 11 year old with down syndrome and got Chuck Palahniuk

I just sperged out and wrote some edgy shit. Got Arthur Conan Doyle. I haven't really read anything by him although I know what books he has written. Is the lad any good?

Anne Rice and some Science Blogger guy

I got James Joyce. This is what I posted:


