What's the best poem you've read this year, Veeky Forums?

what's the best poem you've read this year, Veeky Forums?

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I'm not really a fan of poems...
You could say I'm a poetry hater.
I'm not too sure how to end this now...
Oh well, I can finish it later.

Pic related. Another white male down the drain.

woke as fuck

shittiest thing I've read

Recently reverted back to Christianity after decades of agnostic seeking, read this and felt too many feels.

Reading Gaol, never had read that one before for some reason.

How many decades?


Can't say only one. This is one of the best.
Para final esta actitud alerta
Alerta alerta alerta
Estoy despierto o hermoso Soy el sol o la respuesta
Soy esta tierra alegre que no regatea su reflejo
Cuando nace el día se oyen pregones o júbilos
Insensato el abismo ha insistido toda la noche
Pero esta alegre compañía el aire
esta iluminación de recuerdos que se ha iluminado
como una atmósfera
ha permitido respirar a los bichitos mas miserables
a las mismas moléculas convertidas en luz o en huellas
de las pisadas
A mi paso he cantado porque he dominado el horizonte
Porque por encima de él - más lejos más porque yo soy altísimo -
he visto el mar la mar los mares los no-límites
Soy alto como una juventud que no cesa
¿Adónde va a llegar esa cabeza que ha roto ya tres mil vidrios
esos techos innúmeros que olvidan que fueron carne
para convertirse en sordera?
¿Hacia qué cielos o qué suelos van esos ojos no pisados
que tiene como yemas una fecundidad invisible?
¿Hacia qué lutos o desórdenes se hunden ciegas abajo
esas manos abandonadas?
¿Qué nubes o qué palmas qué besos o siemprevivas
buscan esa frente esos ojos ese sueño
ese crecimiento que acabará como una muerte recién nacida?

I am non-religious and I found this simultaneously beautiful and dark as well as incredibly insightful

a classic but I hadn't read it before

Corregí las faltas ortográficas!

That's very good, user

¿Te refieres a la puntuación? Díselo a Aleixandre.
El "adónde" lo he encontrado así en Internet y en mi edición en papel, si bien esta última presenta algunas erratas propias.





Trips for truth. The thread about this was amazing.

It is a green hollow where a stream gurgles,
Crazily catching silver rags of itself on the grasses;
Where the sun shines from the proud mountain:
It is a little valley bubbling over with light.

A young soldier, open-mouthed, bare-headed,
With the nape of his neck bathed in cool blue cresses,
Sleeps; he is stretched out on the grass, under the sky,
Pale on his green bed where the light falls like rain.

His feet in the yellow flags, he lies sleeping. Smiling as
A sick child might smile, he is having a nap:
Cradle him warmly, Nature: he is cold.

No odour makes his nostrils quiver;
He sleeps in the sun, his hand on his breast
At peace. There are two red holes in his right side.

Arthur Rimbaud

October 1870

That's beautiful

Tbqh I will get roasted for just now reading it probably, but for me it’s John Donne’s “The Sun Rising”

I met a traveller from a popular group of kids
Who said: "an attractive and white man
Stand in the class . . . Near him him, on his feet
Half smile, an attractive visage lies, whose frown,
And testorone body, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these attractive things,
The girls that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Chadimandius, Chad of Chads
Look on my body, ye virgins, and despair!'
Nothing ugly remains. Round the man
Of that colossal tall, white and proud
The ugly and lone girls stretch for miles away


no xenophobe but i like this a lot

Not even a little amusing

Is that Rupi Kaur OP?

what a fucking shit poem

its only a draft, not to fear.


I never thought I'd see the fedora equivalent of a religious text. It's like the opposite of dark and edgy but so far at the other end of the spectrum. Why would you leave the flowers and fields just because? lame and gay.

>it's me or them

Do you guys think God is really this much of an asshole or is it just Man fucking it up.


Oh, rare! 'Tis fine reasoning, Sir, indeed! And most nobly do you aim at truth, when you philosophize about it in your moods and passions.

>It's like the opposite of dark and edgy
so it's full of light and wisdom

We read this in my poetry class a few semesters ago and everyone in it just went,

>Then into His hand went mine;
>and into my heart came He;
>And I walk in a light divine,
>The path I had feared to see,
gay bareback anal sex


>mind in the gutter
your soul is unhealthy

it's all about the he says she says bullshit

I am Strange.
My mind is tendered with the colours of madness.
They fight in silent furore in their effort to possess each other.

I am Strange.
I have approached a degree of love that is so unwise,
In one world that it is wisdom in another.

I am Strange.
I no longer have respect for hate.
I am stronger than hate.
I am contemptuous of both those who hate and those who destroy.
I am not a part of the world which hates and the world which destroys.
I want a better world,
And not only do I want a better world,
I seek to live a better life,
That I might have the right to be a part of the better world.
If I hate and destroy I have no right to speak of Love.
Love is greater than hate,
And I have chosen Love above all else in the world.

I am Strange.
I know a secret: Truth.
I have a secret rendezvous.
The wind touches against my window-pane.
Come with me it says,
Come with me.
I am a force.
You are a force.
We are brothers.
Though I am invisible,
I cover the earth.
When I am wrathful,
No wall can hold me.
Nothing can withstand my will.
What is your thought?
What is your desire?
Come my brother,
You are dear to me.
I cannot come to you in full force,
For you are too weak to contain me.
I might lift you from the ground and frighten you.
In this careless moment I might drop you,
In my joy that you want me to come to you.
I cannot approach you in your weakness,
I am too strong.
Come to me,
As cautious as you will,
I will accept you.
For the spirit of man is more like myself than it is to anything on earth,
All the more so I think that I am the pattern for the spirit of man.
For the spirit of man is strong,
No power on earth is greater,
And no world can contain it.
It will cover the breadth and the width of earth,
For like I,
The wind,
Am aroused the spirit that is greatly to be feared.
What weapons are there to use against the invisible?
Only fools seek to harm the wind.
Only fools seek to harm the breath of the wind.
Come spirit of man,
I will take you to new worlds.
I will take you to unseen worlds,
Greater in splendours than anything earth contains.
If you are fearful,
You will die in your fear.
But if you become as I,
You will be strong and do as I.
I as the wind come and go as I choose,
And none can stop me.
—Sun Ra, I Am Strange (recorded early 1950s)

here, you'll need this

Forgot to link the recitation

It's full of dicks and aids, just like ur mom lol

imagine being a 40 year old man making shitty rap rock songs with lil wayne

how embarrassing

>insult a good poem
>post one in another language
you're a fucking idiot, pasta brains

lolmao imagine having this much of a shit taste

your fedora is obscuring your objectivity.

I'm not an atheist. That poem is rupi kaur tier inane garbage.

dont the fields have flowers

help a brainlet out to understand this poem

hmm? what confuses you about it?

>no flowers but a crown
is this referring to the town or the field? why wont He let I walk in the fields?

sounds like a shitty fucking normiebook rap video created by a 16 y.o. terrible.

the crown is the crown of faith, like the crown of thorns Jesus wore, the speaker must bear his own thorny crown in the town, and be around sin and experience hardship that will purify him and give him lasting spiritual treasure.

The flowers of the fields are earthly treasures which will pass away, and if he goes to the fields his body will be comfortable, he will repose and relax but his soul will not rise to its full potential.

quoted the wrong post? what

ah, i saw flowers as something necessarily good and the crown the opposite


wait so did they fuck or what

Obviously. He accepted God's Will (code:penis) inside of him and God released his load of knowledge (code:semen) and enlightenment (code:sperm) into his soul (code:butthole).

purify your speech, your soul is ill

The Divine Comedy.

Absolutely amazing.

No. It is genuinely amateur rap tier.


God released his load of semen AND sperm into his butthole? Wow that's insane.




desu the poem I started is going really well, aiming for at least three more stanzas, but atm it might top my previous best comp wise, not so much visual wise though

semen and sperm are different, stupid
semen is the pancreatic fluid the sperm swims inside of

>tfw too dumb to understand poetry

I just don't know how to process poetry. Say, for example, your average Rimbaud poem. Is it supposed to be some cheeky riddle that I have to decipher? Should I just sort of get carried on the string of connected images even if I can't make sense out of it? Am I overthinking it?

>dude be a slave lmao

fuck yeah

I remember years ago some Veeky Forums poet posting really good ones. He was writing in a style that reminded me of Kipling, anyone remember him? Did we ever find out his name?

virgin over-educated and socially conditioned adult "poet" VS chad uninhibited small child

by Alexandre Faustino
Grafignés par les matins de bière
nos ébats de spectre se déchaînent
ta bouche achalant mes chairs
tes mains deviennent deux chats cinématographiques

la nuit abyssale te ressemble
a saisi ce qui glisse en toi
parmi ses filets de sève noire

belle comme un conifère en feu

Yes nigger clearly but the inclusion of sperm in the seminal fluid is a necessary condition of semen.

I took the liberty to translate this as best as I could, please don't h8


Clawed by mornings of beer
our spectral frolics unshackled
your mouth harassing my fleshes
your hands becoming two cinematographic cats

the abyssal night akin to you
grasped what slides within you
among its black sap nets

alluring like a conifer ablaze